Because DmC was a reboot to reach a bigger audience that was largely rejected by the existing audience, thus selling quite a bit less than the previous entry (DMC4)already in the rejection phase
its not a lol post
is their any legitimate reason why it has not be the equal chance to be that besides other possiblites?
They then brought both games to current gen, with DmC addressing nearly all fan complaints with gameplay, and as far as I'm aware DMC4SE still outsold it by quite a bit
People voted with their wallets but apparently this is a bad thing, fans are petty, etc
It's a shame if you liked DmC and want to see it continue but the constant trolling of the original series fans on here every thread is tiring. (especially when a huge part of the backlash to DmC is fans fearing the series as they knew it wouldn't be continued)
MvC:I is currently getting shat on by fans, now imagine MvC fans saying they want a return to its roots and Infinite fans go in every thread saying "lol I want Infinite 2
I came to DMC super late so I wasn't even there for the initial controversy but as someone drawn to the style of 4, DmC's aesthetic does nothing for me. I wouldn't buy a sequel, regardless of hair color
DMC5 in 2017, believe/etc