It´s sold out at - crazy.
It was sold out on Amazon UK too (I say was, possibly still is, can't check), I think GG have a really big hit on their hands and it's truly well deserved if so.
It´s sold out at - crazy.
people with ps4 pro on a 1080p tv- are you using 4k mode or performance mode?
It was sold out on Amazon UK too (I say was, possibly still is, can't check), I think GG have a really big hit on their hands and it's truly well deserved if so.
I just got to the second area with the first longneck. I bought the maps from the merchant and there's a big cup symbol saying 'ancient vessel' in some ruins by the long neck. I scoured this area for 20 mins and couldn't find anything aside from an old watch and necklace. Am I missing something here? What should I be looking for and is it worth it?
Has there been any early word on the sales? This game deserves to be the top-selling tier.
Okay so hunting trials. How do I remove canisters from bellowbacks?
How do you beat the stealth Hunting Ground? I tried doing the trials but the stealth kill watcher trial and the crab loot trial are impossible in the time they give you T_T
Any tips?
Look for Ancient Debris with your focus it'll be in one of them. I think the one you're looking for is by the nearby river.
Lately they haven't been all that interesting and i tend to lose interest but alas my ocd getting the better of me. Was just asking to see how others felt. You don't need to get it lolI listen to everything. why would that bring the experience down? its an rpg after all, and you could, you know, just go straight to the end the convo. I don't get it.
Thanks, I genuinely don't know how I could have missed it, nothing is showing up on the focus. Is the debris pile similar to the one where I found the other junk?
Thanks, I genuinely don't know how I could have missed it, nothing is showing up on the focus. Is the debris pile similar to the one where I found the other junk?
I know which one you're talking about - it's the one a little past the building the icon appears on in your map, across the river. It gave me trouble too.![]()
Don't know about you guys but I cannot stop thinking about this game, it's unbelievable good. I'm here sitting at work just reading the thread and thinking about new combat strategies to try once I get back home lol
I just got to the second area with the first longneck. I bought the maps from the merchant and there's a big cup symbol saying 'ancient vessel' in some ruins by the long neck. I scoured this area for 20 mins and couldn't find anything aside from an old watch and necklace. Am I missing something here? What should I be looking for and is it worth it?
I need to see this in video form
Is this real? Where does that come from?
Took me ages to find that one (my first one) - its right on the edge of the search area on the other side of the river. Ancient debris pile with a little purple loot icon above it.
Also took me ages to figure out how to get up to the Vantage point in that area too. I was in the right building but couldn't see the little yellow grab ledge. Pro tip, run and jump to grab it, don't just jump.
What mods should I combine with rope caster in order for them to stick faster?
You can see your % in your notebook. I think it's under stats.I don't spend enough time in the save menu screen, just quickly check how long I've played for.
Does it tell you how much % you have completed, is there anywhere to see this stat?
37 hours to platinum this game, pretty fun. Hope there are witcher-like expansions coming out.
You can add ranged and melee defense via mods to any armor with slots.I don't like that there's only one type of armor that offers physical protection. Every type of armor should have had offer at least some physical protection since every single machines in the game have physical attacks.
To me the best things bout this game by far are the combat and robots.
I want combat driven DLC like Dark Souls for it tbh.
More awesome and tough robots and maybe new weapons.
It's fake though.
New patch, we got patch notes anywhere?
Details?1.03 out!
You can add ranged and melee defense via mods to any armor with slots.
Can I get tips on resource management? I am constantly entering menus to drop things and I feel weird about not know which I should dispose and which to keep...
I have no further upgrades to my satchel...
Yeah I'd agree, especially playing on Very Hard where it is easy to get one or two shot. It would be nice to have a base level of melee defense across all heavy armors.I know. I meant that they should offer base physical resistance.
Can I get tips on resource management? I am constantly entering menus to drop things and I feel weird about not know which I should dispose and which to keep...
I have no further upgrades to my satchel...
Anything that says it's only useful for selling for shards and trade, you can safely sell.
Any ancient relics can be sold as well.
Any tips I should know going in ( 5 hours >_>) now that peeps have been playing it for awhile? Im not one to mind spoilers so I welcome the tips.
I know some things are intended just to sell to traders for shards but again, i am at a point where i have to get rid actual crafting things and i dont know what crafts what so i am never sure i have to dispose things that I will later regret doing so...