I do not slide under robots and stick an arrow in the main cell enough... but when I do, it's very cool!
It's hard to do this against sawtooth and ravager :/
I do not slide under robots and stick an arrow in the main cell enough... but when I do, it's very cool!
really? foxes are seemingly(?) so common
I keep getting worked on thisquest where you have to infiltrate theRobbing the Richbase, any tips?shadow carja
This is true.
Also the menu music, while nice sounding, is starting to become tiresome. the abruptness of it when you first open the menu doesn't really fit very well for how often we are encouraged to check the map, craft an item or look up a machine. I'd appreciate a more subtle sounding menu but that's just my nitpick.
The human AI is honestly pretty dumb. They will see dead bodies without triggering an all-out alert phase. Just snipe them with precision arrows of your sharpshooter bow. Headshots are OHK.I must of been looking in the wrong areas because eventually I found a spot where they were all over the place. Still took me like 12 fox kills in that area to get one.
Quoting for new page.
Is there guide on how to easily fight each robot? I saw a guide on the T Rex on here, but need help with others. There was someuse the tear arrow on the machine gun on it's body and pick it up and shoot it down with itand thebird robot that shoot some kind ice projectiles at me.alligator robot was much more difficult to fight. I just had to keep on using fire arrows like 15-20 times. There's just be an easy way for those
Foxes are very common. Foxes with fox skin are really uncommon.really? foxes are seemingly(?) so common
What setup did you go for btw ? I mean mods ? Guessing the heavy bow or the fast bow ?Got the Tinker skill last night and finally used my best modifications. My bow does like double damage now. I am God.
Idk about him but my fire arrows on the shadow "fast bow" are so damn OP... especially when you notch three at a time. Glinthawks just fucking explode lol.What setup did you go for btw ? I mean mods ? Guessing the heavy bow or the fast bow ?
Finding a fox skin was the hardest thing I've had to do in his game so far.
I went with the Carja Silks Heavy armor, it was the only one that I liked how it looked and it comes with 3 mod slots.
I can't find a damn fish in this game. Lol
What setup did you go for btw ? I mean mods ? Guessing the heavy bow or the fast bow ?
Ah, well maybe it's time to invest in the sharpshot.The human AI is honestly pretty dumb. They will see dead bodies without triggering an all-out alert phase. Just snipe them with precision arrows of your sharpshooter bow. Headshots are OHK.
I haven't used thefeature since it's tutorial. Is there any way to use it tooverride? Also she keeps muttering about trying it on new machines, how do I do that? I tried sneaking up on one but only got a critical hit prompt.turn the machines against each other
i see a few people with a cape on their armor,what kinda armor is that ? is that dlc because i sold those in a shop![]()
Once you've overridden them, they automatically target any other robots nearby. But you can also over ride the ones you have the ability too. (Bad explanation but trying to avoid spoilers)
Basically you'll be able to over ride more later but for now, try sneaking up on a watcher and the prompt should come up to over ride. You hold triangle down for it.
Thanks, so I shouldn't worry about trying it on larger machines right now?
I found freeze arrows not really reliable. Maybe because I've been using corruption mods on my war bow. I guess I should buy another 2 war bows, each specialized for certain element with corresponding mods.
Corruption arrow is so much fun, by the way. A group of machines is a threat no more for me. Maybe a little too OP, in fact.
That's called player's progression, not the character's. In most RPGs, the enemies you faced a dozen hours before wouldn't be a threat anymore for you right now. Because your character has progressed a lot since then. In Horizon, everything is always a threat. And I'm saying all this as a compliment actually.
Got the Tinker skill last night and finally used my best modifications. My bow does like double damage now. I am God.
The human AI is honestly pretty dumb. They will see dead bodies without triggering an all-out alert phase. Just snipe them with precision arrows of your sharpshooter bow. Headshots are OHK.
Got the platinum for this last night, absolutely loved the game.
The writing for me was stand out, loved how much detail they went in to when dealing with accounts of the past. Godlike.
Anyone playing this game and not reading every single paragraph of what they find, is playing it wrong in my book.
Is it possible to just go roaming around and find quests like that?
I'm using the headphone companion app with my PS4 Gold headset but I can't settle on what preset to use. I've been switching between Last of Us, Uncharted 4, and TLG. Anyone else that use the Gold headset care to comment on what they use?
Is it possible to just go roaming around and find quests like that?
Is it possible to just go roaming around and find quests like that?
I could one hit kill all early level enemies with my spear and take a lot more damage and basically they weren't a threat to me at all halfway through the game. Enemies that I met halfway through the game became a non threat by the time I got to endgame. And the enemies I found difficult during endgame became easy for me once I found endgame equipments as absolutely nothing can hurt me right now and I can do so much more damage.
Seems like character progression. It's not done via an obvious way i.e. enemy level numbers and such but it's there.
welp shit sure escalated quickly during the.Proving
is there a way to turn off the quest log on screen but keep the rest of the UI? That shit is super obnoxious especially how it keeps telling me to go into the quest menu after every little step.. no I dont fucking want to go into the quest menu game stop telling me to!
You will find quite a few quest in fact. Finished the story a couple days ago and while roaming and finishing all collectibles I found more and more quests.
*Kinda out of context* : On very hard at the end game, level 35 without the bow that allows you to use corruption, using a misture of blue and purple mods I found it challenging specially since I wanted to kill everything without overriding enemies.
It does become easy though if you do override, use the broken whistle mechanic, use the ancient armor and the purple spear, and use the corruption bow.
I do a lot of walking since I love looking for data logs and fighting so I fast travel sparinglyOut of interest, have people been utilising the fast travel? I've only used it once or twice and that was at the end of long play sessions where I want to set myself in an area for next time, but had to get off the playstation ASAP. In general though, even when it's pure travel with the intent of avoiding enemies etc, I'll ride across the whole expanse I've explored so far, and usually get distracted by something on the way.
Even though they are pretty easy to come by, I do like that they added some sort of barrier to fast travel, those little things plus the HUD control really encourage you in subtle ways to just soak up the world and exist within it oppose to just looking at way points and skipping over areas.