I noticed some architecture blink in and out (edge of screen) at Meridian that I hadn't seen before 1.03. PS4 Pro.Is it just me or is the pop in more aggressive since 1.03?
I noticed some architecture blink in and out (edge of screen) at Meridian that I hadn't seen before 1.03. PS4 Pro.Is it just me or is the pop in more aggressive since 1.03?
I'm around level 33 now, 30 hours in, haven't even reached Meridian yet. Just roaming around and doing side quests. I've been mostly having a lot of fun doing just that, but it changed now. I'm low on resources, and this is where I fear the game might begin leaning towards a grind. There are some aspects in the game that slow it down and not in a good way for me. I am constantly, constantly picking up twigs and herbs and killing rabbits because I'm afraid of running out. I also don't use the mounts because I know that I'll need to constantly get off it to pick something up. And it's also becoming a tad difficult just walking around because there seem to be enemies everywhere, all the time. Sometimes I still manage to avoid them, but I feel that their aggro range is a bit too stifling for just leisure traveling in the world.
I think I'll start heading towards Meridian finally under the hope that somehow my ammo problem will solve itself. But I doubt it, and I'm not really sure what to do about it now because I don't want to go out on a task to fight non-stop just to restore my supplies. I'm at a point where I want to avoid big fights for the wrong reasons - they're fun, but right now they'll probably just drink up all my resources and will ultimately not be worth it.
I'm around level 33 now, 30 hours in, haven't even reached Meridian yet. Just roaming around and doing side quests. I've been mostly having a lot of fun doing just that, but it changed now. I'm low on resources, and this is where I fear the game might begin leaning towards a grind. There are some aspects in the game that slow it down and not in a good way for me. I am constantly, constantly picking up twigs and herbs and killing rabbits because I'm afraid of running out. I also don't use the mounts because I know that I'll need to constantly get off it to pick something up. And it's also becoming a tad difficult just walking around because there seem to be enemies everywhere, all the time. Sometimes I still manage to avoid them, but I feel that their aggro range is a bit too stifling for just leisure traveling in the world.
I think I'll start heading towards Meridian finally under the hope that somehow my ammo problem will solve itself. But I doubt it, and I'm not really sure what to do about it now because I don't want to go out on a task to fight non-stop just to restore my supplies. I'm at a point where I want to avoid big fights for the wrong reasons - they're fun, but right now they'll probably just drink up all my resources and will ultimately not be worth it.
Stupid question (?)
I want to platinum this game, but most trophies I´m missing are hidden.
Is it safe to look them up or will I be spoiled?
Stupid question (?)
I want to platinum this game, but most trophies I´m missing are hidden.
Is it safe to look them up or will I be spoiled?
You and me and few guys here. Hope they patch that soon
I can't seem to do theCan anyone help?Death from the skies sidequest atm. It says "quest is paused".
Edit : Nvm I think I figured out what's going on
Is backlight completely turned up? I know it may sound like a silly question, but it is a legit one I assure you.
Maybe adjust your gamma or other options in game?
More like a lot of shards . I'd clear corrupted zones or trials if I want to level up quickly =)man these bandit camps give A LOT of xp huh?
Is it just me or is the pop in more aggressive since 1.03?
More like a lot of shards . I'd clear corrupted zones or trials if I want to level up quickly =)
man these bandit camps give A LOT of xp huh?
Speaking of shards, does this game follow the rule that "merchant items are shit compared to looted/quest reward items" ?
Undecided on splurging on a Nora protector outfit.
Speaking of shards, does this game follow the rule that "merchant items are shit compared to looted/quest reward items" ?
Undecided on splurging on a Nora protector outfit.
Yup I figured that out after reading the quest description. Will be more careful in the future.you've likely have a main mission at the same location. The sidequest will resume after you complete said main mission.
Lol same thing happened to me this morning. Wanted to do a main quest but got roped into trials for an hour or sogoing to a quest area, found a robotic herd, then chased a fox and a goose
30 minutes later, still haven't reached the quest area
I'm never going to finish this game
Gotta reward you well for doing something so unfun
89 meta is great. Wish it would hit 90 though as I really think the folks at Guerrila deserve it.
Gotta reward you well for doing something so unfun
Yea a lot of things are just confusing, I'm around 50 hours now and I still learn new things everyday.
Look at the weapons as just the basic uses/effects (fire, freeze, shock, corruption, tear, damage) + ropecaster as an exception. All weapons center around those but it depends on the amount of impact and the one you like to use, do you like to fire arrow or use slang fire bombs? They are all fire but it depends on your preference. I also use ropecaster mainly to tie big machines. I only use the tripcaster before I engage in a battle, temporarily. During the battle I have the 2 bows the one with tearblast (sharpshot) and the default bow (hunter), ropecaster, and the sling.
Also a pro tip in case some weapons didn't make it clear, if ammo needs blaze that means its fire, if needs chillwater then its freeze, and sparker means shock
Dude spend up those points! So many useful perks to be had, you really can't go wrong.
It's one of the most impressive aspects of the game, for me. All of the perks I've taken have been good, and the rest of them at least look useful, I think. None are obviously weak or pointless or should be avoided.
aw I like them
headshot city![]()
going to a quest area, found a robotic herd, then chased a fox and a goose
30 minutes later, still haven't reached the quest area
I'm never going to finish this game
I currently have all Damage mods in my Hunter bow so that Hardpoint arrows hurt a lot and I maintain the higher Handling -- but I am considering swapping to max Tear for Hunter bow (Hardpoint) and then putting max Damage in the Sharpshot bow.
That should really increase the burst damage of Precision arrows and since I can Triple arrow I can get around the lower Handling.
Does anyone run that load out? I don't know then if the Tearblast (without loading with Tear mods) will be able to one-shot the Disc launchers. Need to experiment!
Wow this released? So now I know what it feels like to be swamped with work.
I'm getting a weird AF vibe from Metacritic, so a yay or nay? I adored Witcher 3, loved Mafia 3 too![]()
man these bandit camps give A LOT of xp huh?
Aloy comes riding in on a strider, not a single NPC so much as bats a fucking eyelid. Not a single person says anything at all about how she did it, what her power is, anything.
For a game with this much love and attention to detail in it, this was really -really- stupid to me.
Stupid bugbear but I wish they would patch out the menu music.
After you learn to override/ mount enemies I was really disappointed that not a single NPC said anything about it. Like it was no big deal, even tho up to that point in the game the machines are made out to be this terrible menace that destroys villages and they need to be respected, ect yadayadaya
Aloy comes riding in on a strider, not a single NPC so much as bats a fucking eyelid. Not a single person says anything at all about how she did it, what her power is, anything.
For a game with this much love and attention to detail in it, this was really -really- stupid to me.
Other than that, it's been a pretty fun action RPG.
Omg, lol.More importantly, the Carja did comment on my fabulous Carja styled outfit, though.
After you learn to override/ mount enemies I was really disappointed that not a single NPC said anything about it... For a game with this much love and attention to detail in it, this was really -really- stupid to me.
Yeah that's another little thing I noticed that seemed a bit weird. The game has a few niggling flaws like that. Nothing that ruins the overall experience though, I'd say.
going to a quest area, found a robotic herd, then chased a fox and a goose
30 minutes later, still haven't reached the quest area
I'm never going to finish this game