I think I've played about 20 hours of the game so far.
It is really one of the best games I have played.
Quick thoughts:
I Like:
I feel like a bad ass when I play, but know I can die easily if I fuck up. Right from the get go I felt like a capable hunter. Feeling of power is awesome; respecting the power of the machine enemies is awesome.
Controls are tight as hell. Fighting multiple enemies is great. This game does a great job of allowing you to avoid attacks and manage fights even if enemies are off screen. Ratchet and Clank on PS4 also does a great job of this and I felt it was one of the strongest points of that game.
I LOVE the juxtaposition of the tribal culture and the extinct "modern" culture. GG did a great job of phrasing the game. I love that items are listed and talked about as the tribe understands them. I love that as a player, I feel like I have inside information that the tribes don't have about the modern aspects of the game. It's fun.
I am ENGAGED in the world. I keep thinking how awesome it is that the modern culture has been wiped out by the machines despite having modern weaponry available and that here I am with sticks and stones taking them out. They weren't built for those tactics and I love it.
Crafting is fast and resources available. QOL stuff. It's great. Considering crafting on the fly is a thing, they did a good job of it.
Things that I don't like (that are far from game breaking) and may be specific to me being tarded:
Some of the quest dialogue is disjointed. I'm not going to type out a long example here, but there are some awkward things about the dialogue system.
Items and power rating is vague. I used the carja bow I pretty much started with up until I was level 20s or so....just switching out upgrades. Maybe speaks to skill in combat focus rather than itemization focus, which is fine, but the game is not clear on some of this stuff.
Some pretty dumb AI that you can cheese if you're patient. This isn't necessarily a problem for me, but some people might find it annoying. I play largely stealth, so I'm not sure sometime is I am cheesing the game or using a legit strategy. Example is in the couldrons. The big enemies are easily cheesable if you find the little triangular wall thing in there.
AI attack zones. You can easily kite ai to the edge of an attack zone and lure them back and forth and whittle them down. Helpful if you are low level and want to tak out bigger enemies for resources.
Human AI is fucking balls straight up. Even though I love sneaking through entire bandit camps and canoing enemies with arrows, it gets a bit easy.
That is it. One of the best games this gen and ranks up there with games like The Last Of Us as far as games that feel really fresh to me (been gaming for the better part of 30 years, so I'm not easily impressed anymore).
I fucking love it/10