Before I keep spending money on pouch upgrades, is there a trophy for maxing out all upgrades?
That would be a great addition. My favorite aspect of the game is dismantling robots, if the crafting system only revolved around blowing off components and not just looting the corpse that'd be way better. I know they do this stuff for like blaze, but it should have been for *all* crafting materials. Only thing left on the body should be like metal scraps and maybe some common materials like wire.
Make it so there's rarer versions of the machines where they have specialized components that you have to tear off to obtain.
Hi guys - just to be perfectly clear, Sony owns the rights for this game, and this will almost certainly remain a PS4 exclusive right?
I'm a PC gamer primarily, been watching some Twitch content of this game and and this might be the game that tips me over to buying a PS4 with all the other great exclusives on the platform.
Hi guys - just to be perfectly clear, Sony owns the rights for this game, and this will almost certainly remain a PS4 exclusive right?
I'm a PC gamer primarily, been watching some Twitch content of this game and and this might be the game that tips me over to buying a PS4 with all the other great exclusives on the platform.
My first encounter with any Rockbreaker was with two infected ones. Even with the end-game super gear I had to retry that fight a few times. Lots of fun. Thunderjaws are breakfast in comparison.
My first encounter with any Rockbreaker was with two infected ones. Even with the end-game super gear I had to retry that fight a few times. Lots of fun. Thunderjaws are breakfast in comparison.
My first encounter with any Rockbreaker was with two infected ones. Even with the end-game super gear I had to retry that fight a few times. Lots of fun. Thunderjaws are breakfast in comparison.
Hi guys - just to be perfectly clear, Sony owns the rights for this game, and this will almost certainly remain a PS4 exclusive right?
I'm a PC gamer primarily, been watching some Twitch content of this game and and this might be the game that tips me over to buying a PS4 with all the other great exclusives on the platform.
Hi guys - just to be perfectly clear, Sony owns the rights for this game, and this will almost certainly remain a PS4 exclusive right?
I'm a PC gamer primarily, been watching some Twitch content of this game and and this might be the game that tips me over to buying a PS4 with all the other great exclusives on the platform.
The rockbreakers are seriously the worst designed monsters I've fought in a long time.
Anyway, beat the two corrupted bastards on very hard without cheat armor.
Fuck i think the All Acquisition machines killed trophy glitched out for me. No plat for now.
I'm going to be an enabler. Buy a Pro.
I have a high end PC and HZD still manages to blow my mind graphically. I don't think I've ever seen a prettier game. Blood and Wine is close, but the foliage still doesn't come close to what Guerrilla has done.
Check the dinos in your notebook, you're probably missing the Rockbreaker. Corrupted ones don't count.
If not, could be the Freeze Bellowback.
Give it a try. I'm a PC gamer myself, but there are some great exclusives for this machine like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, The last of us remastered, HZD, Nioh and God of War 3 remastered (my personal must haves, the rest is rather forgettable imo).
Granted the jump from 60fps on PC to (mostly) 30fps on PS4 is sometimes a bit off putting but there is no other way to play those great games so whatever.
Those are worth a try at the very least, but you also have games which can be enjoyed depending on one's taste (Infamous SS, Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush remastered & 2, Driveclub, The Last Guardian, Yakuza 0).
Give it a try. I'm a PC gamer myself, but there are some great exclusives for this machine like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, The last of us remastered, HZD, Nioh and God of War 3 remastered (my personal must haves, the rest is rather forgettable imo).
Granted the jump from 60fps on PC to (mostly) 30fps on PS4 is sometimes a bit off putting but there is no other way to play those great games so whatever.
why does nobody talk bout Aloy's hair?
if that not the bet hair I've ever seen in a videogame, I dont know what is. It looks amazing.
I feel like the elemental slings are under appreciated from the comments. i find them very useful against most enemies.
I feel like the elemental slings are under appreciated from the comments. i find them very useful against most enemies.
I feel like the elemental slings are under appreciated from the comments. i find them very useful against most enemies.
All it takes is finding a new location and seeing those green exclamation marks. So much for continuing the main quest lol.I'm about 31 hours in and little over 50% done the game... so many distractions lol
Those are worth a try at the very least, but you also have games which can be enjoyed depending on one's taste (Infamous SS, Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush remastered & 2, Driveclub, The Last Guardian, Yakuza 0).
PS4 had a rough first few years by Sony standards, but their exclusive line up is getting bigger by the month.
I'd classify them in three categories:
Masterpiece: Horizon, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne
Great: Until Dawn, Ratchet & Clank, Havent played Nioh but it looks like it belongs here
Good: Uncharted 4, Infamous Second Son, Drive Club. Havent played Gravity Rush 2 and Yakazu games but they are likely in this category.
Knack, The Order and ShadowFail are in the shit tier. TLOU, GoW 3 and Uncharted remasters are a must play for anyone who missed out on the series. The next year or two with Spiderman, God of War, Detroit, Days Gone, TLOU 2 and Death Stranding are going to go back to the glory days of PS3 first party exclusives.
This game is so artistic it looks like one of those artsy indie games at times.
This screen hasnt been photoshopped at all. Did not use any filters or messed with the colors. This is what the game looks like at times.
Kölsch Bloot;231840049 said:I'm still near the very beginning where I have toclear out two corrupted zones in order to get to Meridian
Those are giving me big trouble though. Any advice on weapons? I currently own the standard bow, tripcaster and ropecaster.
Fuck i think the All Acquisition machines killed trophy glitched out for me. No plat for now.
PS4 had a rough first few years by Sony standards, but their exclusive line up is getting bigger by the month.
I'd classify them in three categories:
Masterpiece: Horizon, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne
Great: Until Dawn, Ratchet & Clank, Havent played Nioh but it looks like it belongs here
Good: Uncharted 4, Infamous Second Son, Drive Club. Havent played Gravity Rush 2 and Yakazu games but they are likely in this category.
Knack, The Order and ShadowFail are in the shit tier. TLOU, GoW 3 and Uncharted remasters are a must play for anyone who missed out on the series. The next year or two with Spiderman, God of War, Detroit, Days Gone, TLOU 2 and Death Stranding are going to go back to the glory days of PS3 first party exclusives.
Story spoilersJust almost got offered up to the sun god(lol) on my way to save all mother how much more I got left
The rockbreakers are seriously the worst designed monsters I've fought in a long time.
Anyway, beat the two corrupted bastards on very hard without cheat armor.
I'm going to be an enabler. Buy a Pro.
I have a high end PC and HZD still manages to blow my mind graphically. I don't think I've ever seen a prettier game. Blood and Wine is close, but the foliage still doesn't come close to what Guerrilla has done.
Has anyone run into this weird bug from later in the game? You finish a quest high on a mountain. Right above is a rock cropping with a rope slide that will take you back down. However, there's no way up to it. I can almost jump to it but not enough. There are no hand holds. When I reload, I am placed on top of the rock cropping, but now the rope slide is gone. It's happened both times I've done this quest. It's the very end ofTraitor's Bounty - the area where Uthid and Vanasha are having a chat.
Ya I had the same thing. I think I just fast traveled out of there.