Here. I just love the way the trees just drop down on the other one.
Wow, so the Vantages reveal that we're. That's really cool. I've been ignoring reading the data texts so maybe it was revealed Colorado
Where do I find her quests?
I just checked amazon for the release date of the guide. It got delayed until the 27th. *sigh* I miss the good ol days when a guide came out the same day as the game. Looking online at items/quests/weapon stats isn't the same.
not gonna lie, im very close to saying fuck it and go Fashionsouls on this and use the frost protection gear because it looks baller
That was fucking epic! Even though I have the platinum already, the gifs and videos in this thread make me want to experiment more.I was inspired by these gifs to try out the Behemoth battle myself and this is what happened. It's crazy how many systems are at play in this 2 minute clip and it all works pretty much perfectly:
She tells SPOILER REDACTED that she kind of likes Varl, so apparently not.
I hope she isn't. Because name one female protagonist in a AAA game who takes lead of a romantic relationship with a guy.
Just fought aIt was quite easy as it didn't even move. I just cheese it out behind the cover. Other machines are harder than thatDeathbringer
I have been using a tripcaster since day one, how does a sling compare? if so which one is recommended?
Both of them, regular sling holds elemental bombs that builds status effect quick and cover a good radius, while blast sling is basically a grenade launcher. If you manage to freeze an enemy, hit them with bombs so you'll do triple damageI have been using a tripcaster since day one, how does a sling compare? if so which one is recommended?
I guess buying the freeze arrows and stuff was pointless. The sling bombs are far more potent and effective, yeah?
Not really since elemental arrows help to detonate elemental canistersI guess buying the freeze arrows and stuff was pointless. The sling bombs are far more potent and effective, yeah?
Triple notched freeze arrows are more precise, have more range, give you more ammo and can do the job just as well against most enemies. The bombs are great against immobile or slower moving robots, though.I guess buying the freeze arrows and stuff was pointless. The sling bombs are far more potent and effective, yeah?
If you play stealth, the arrow versions of the elemental weapons are better.I guess buying the freeze arrows and stuff was pointless. The sling bombs are far more potent and effective, yeah?
Shadow sling all ice mod + Shadow blaster sling all damage mod.
Apply ice status, fire away sticky bomb, 600 and up damage per bomb. Stick 5-6 bomb into frozen Thunderjaw and you can do bad-ass turn her back and walk away on explosion move.
Sticky bomb OP.
How resource heavy is this weapon combo? what other weapons are you pairing with it? assuming you have two extra spots correct?
finished this today. One of my favorite games of all time, absolutely incredible.
I prefer the sling but the freeze arrows have better range and more accuracy.
Not really since elemental arrows help to detonate elemental canisters
Triple notched freeze arrows are more precise, have more range, give you more ammo and can do the job just as well against most enemies. The bombs are great against immobile or slower moving robots, though.
ThanksIf you play stealth, the arrow versions of the elemental weapons are better.
But then again, if you play stealth, you can just wait for guys to come to you and override them.
yeah I've been debating it, but I really do think it is one of my favorites ever
About a month ago I saw a Horizon preview video that showed a snippet of the Vantage view of the Colorado Springs Air Force Academy chapel, which is an incredibly distinctive and awesome building I've never forgotten since I visited it during a family vacation over 30 years ago. I googled to see if it was common knowledge that Horizon takes place in Colorado, and sure enough people had figured it out back when it was unveiled at E3 2015 because the first trailer showed a couple of other landmarks apparently,
Likewise. Top 15 for sure still debating if top 10 ever in my book.
That's what my post was about earlier. I'm back to using the Nora Brave armor with a purple mod in it. The detail is incredible on that one and it fits the character so well. I'm playing on hard and so far it's not that big of a deal making the sacrifice of less mod slots or stats.not gonna lie, im very close to saying fuck it and go Fashionsouls on this and use the frost protection gear because it looks baller
Top 5 for me easily, that's how much I loved this game.
Late game (I believe) question. I am about to go back to. About how much more main quest do I have to go? I'd like to avoid spoilers so I don't want to look at a guide, but I'm trying to wrap this up this week before Andromeda.The starting area, the All-Mother