Here is why I love this game:
After completing Cauldron RHO (pro-tip: disable any quest markers to make Cauldrons more interesting and challenging), I decided I would finally make my way to Meridian.
Keep in mind, I'm 20 hours in and haven't upgraded my suit nor have I put any points into stealth. I'm also playing on hard. This particular journey from the cauldron to Meridian took me through some of the most robo-heavy zones I've encountered yet. Snapmaws, Sawtooths, Behemoths, you name it. I'm quite decent at combat, but I love the fact that that doesn't matter if you're swarmed by multiple bots. You're going to die in seconds, and that's how it should be. So, instead of engaging and getting my ass whooped, I was forced to utilize stealth in the most organic and basic way possible to get by so many different types of enemies, and it felt so absolutely rewarding to scuttle past undetected and find a campfire, knowing I was a little bit closer to my destination. My journey took me through desert, through jungle, over hills and rocks and rivers, all painstakingly detailed.
Eventually I stumbled on Meridian, which is a sight to behold of course, but I couldn't find the right entrance, so I sort of went around and then found myself exploring the westernmost portion of the map and being treated to ancient red rock Death Valley-esque landscapes that look unbelievable with the rising and setting sun.
I'm so happy to be playing this.