do you have to do the cauldrons in sequence? I found one that was locked
do you have to do the cauldrons in sequence? I found one that was locked
The one you are talking about has a side entrance that is you have to do the cauldrons in sequence? I found one that was locked
The one you are talking about has a side entrance that is hidden.
on the left side I think
Do them in any order you want to. Some are a little trickier to get in. Just look a bit around the area.![]()
You probably have to find another way in. I don't think you have to do them in any particular order.
I have a decent PC .. but I really wanna get a Pro just to play Horizon and Persona 5 .. still on the fence if it's worth it..
do you have a 4k tv?
do it
I have a decent PC .. but I really wanna get a Pro just to play Horizon and Persona 5 .. still on the fence if it's worth it..
You just fumbled yourself into greatness.Been wanting the game since first reveal but hadnt purvhased. I was reading this thread and decided to watch some videos of it on PSN.I dropped and fumbled my controller and accidentally purchased the game. Lol it was fate. I'm glad to join the fun will give some impressions after it downloads.
Blasted the armor off the heart of a Thunderjaw, froze it, tied it down, lobbed a few sticky bombs into its exposed heart, turned around and walked away slowly as it went from 75% health to dead in a second.
Okay, there are still 1 errand and 3 sidequests for me to do, according to the number I have read before in this thread. Now to find them... I suppose there isnt an easy way to do it? Internet?
Sounds like you missed a settlement. Cross reference all the major locations with places you've visited. The Oseram village? The Carja prison?
Platimum am get!
Only my 2nd plat after Driveclub. Magnificent...100% my best game this gen dethroning UC4.
Fun fact, Aloy's gameplay animations are solely keyframed.
That explains the unnatural feeling run cycle that bugs me and the over animated aspects of somethings like the stealth takedowns.
Its shock bolts work pretty well against stalkers and long legs too. Nice weapon to go guns and blazing against human enemies as wellThe rattler doesn't seem to get a love but damn, stick some higher base damage mods on it, freeze your big bad dinobot of choice with a triple frost arrow and then melt it in seconds with a barrage of metal bolts. Bye bye stealth...
Listening to City on the Mesa while reading this thread is a warm fuzzy feeling!
about halfway thru can feel the love and excitement the team had making this amazing game the story is so awesome! Weeks stats : Death by Tallnecks:>400K Stalkers:>3M Thunderjaws:>5M Logtraps..:348. Total:>95.500.000 #FridayFact #HorizonZeroDawn
That looks like a painting.Saw it on reddit , Tallneck at some unplayable area.
Perfect OT2 Title and poster.
Jawbreaker you rock man
These are always fun.
A couple of those deaths are mine.
You can tell the environment artists had such fun with that one.I've heard criticisms of the cauldrons but man 3 down and I'm loving them. Despite hating, I liked the lore in the 3rd.human AI