House GOP may pass Senate's "skinny repeal" outright. CALL YOUR SENATORS.


I'll happily eat my words, but counting on McCain for anything after he's pulled the football away time and time again. C'mon you Charlie Browns, when are you going to learn not to put any faith/hope in this man doing the right thing?

Not like there's much else we can do.


Because they know they can talk this up as having tried to keep the ACA and it just failing, and their base believing it.

Despite claiming America is a Christian nation (ie a people who take care of their poor), American and their capitalist ideal follow social Darwinism - aka survival of the fittest.


Hope this fails...if there is fuckery goon on now because they don't have the votes then that is fucked. They should have to vote within a 2 minutes window like they gave senators to speak.
Despite claiming America is a Christian nation (ie a people who take care of their poor), American and their capitalist ideal follow social Darwinism - aka survival of the fittest.

Survival of the fittest*

*the group of people who the system is designed to favor above all others
Steven Dennis‏Verified account @StevenTDennis 2m2 minutes ago
Replying to @StevenTDennis
Rule #1 of politics: When you have the votes, you vote. When you don't, you talk.
And there's a whole lot of talking right now.

Steven Dennis‏Verified account @StevenTDennis 1m1 minute ago
Replying to @StevenTDennis
There is no time limit for Senate votes btw. I've seen them left open for hours and hours and hours while waiting for a senator to vote.





Steven Dennis‏Verified account @StevenTDennis 2m2 minutes ago
Replying to @StevenTDennis
Rule #1 of politics: When you have the votes, you vote. When you don't, you talk.
And there's a whole lot of talking right now.

Yep, they just repeated this on CNN.
This entire process seems to be the GOP telling its Senators "just give us a few more hours and we'll magically make the bill whatever you want"

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I mean why wouldn't McCain say no? He's probably dying, Trump made fool out of him and it would be the ultimate mavericky thing to do.

He's gonna vote yes probably sigh...

Dare I hope


I'll kinda, sorta feel bad about telling McCain to drop dead if he actually stops this.

Don't call off the bad vibes yet, it could simply be a horse trade of Murkowski for McCain, but with the way this vote is being held open, I'm becoming cautiously optimistic.


This is the same SCOTUS that gutted the civil rights act, though. They'll probably leave it up to the states.

Possible, but they've been ruling against gerrymandering in states on a consistent basis, so it's not guaranteed either.
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