House Intelligence Committee open hearing into Russia links 'cancelled'

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I don't think that it is likely Trump would summon Comey just to fire him.

Remember he couldn't even bother to ask for Yates' resignation. He sent her a letter that she was fired.
Until Comey starts recommending indictments, I'll always think of him as the person who got us into this mess. The mental image of Trump blowing a kiss to him while he stumbles over to shake hands is permanently etched into my brain.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It seems really wrong that the administration being investigated can cancel the investigation hearing of itself.

Even as much of a farce as it was, hillary stood at the podium for hours over much less. This just makes everything look even more suspicious.

Nixon did the same thing. He tried very hard to get Archibald Cox fired until he outright fired him for investigating Watergate. It didn't work out for Nixon.
I have said it before but any actual breakthrough RE: Russia meddling is up to the international intelligence community because the US system is already compromised and a huge part of why we got here in the first place.


I don't think he's going to fire Comey. That is about the stupidest possible thing he could do right now.

It would say to me and tons of others that he is indeed 100% guilty.


Junior Member
He had the opportunity during transition to not keep him on if I remember correctly but he chose to let him stay. I think it's too late to touch him now.

It would be about the worst thing he could do politically, but he could still theoretically fire him. If he let him go right after taking office it would have still been a big deal, but he could have gotten away with because the left was still pretty pissed at Comey over the Clinton stuff. It's too late now.

Clinton did fire an FBI director but that was because of a bunch of ethics violations. This would be pretty clearly a political move to quash an active investigation. It would be nuts but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility with trump.


lacks enthusiasm.
He had the opportunity during transition to not keep him on if I remember correctly but he chose to let him stay. I think it's too late to touch him now.
The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President, there is nothing I've seen that says he only can use that power during the transition. Bill Clinton fired the acting FBI Director shortly after taking office in 1993 (the first time that was done I believe).

He won't fire Comey, though. Not unless he wants to pour gas on this investigation and drop a match.


Unconfirmed Member
The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President, there is nothing I've seen that says he only can use that power during the transition. Bill Clinton fired the acting FBI Director shortly after taking office in 1993.

He won't fire Comey, though. Not unless he wants to pour gas on this investigation and drop a match.

Why would it be dropping a match on gasoline, though? If he fired Comey and appointed a new director to squash the investigation, I'd expect the republicans to cancel their investigations and sit back and relax. It's not like what we already know doesn't implicate Trump enough. Why would he give a shit if it makes him look worse? No one would do shit to him.


Junior Member
The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President, there is nothing I've seen that says he only can use that power during the transition. Bill Clinton fired the acting FBI Director shortly after taking office in 1993 (the first time that was done I believe).

He won't fire Comey, though. Not unless he wants to pour gas on this investigation and drop a match.

Right, it would scream, hey everyone, I have everything to hide! Nothing to see here though promise.


lacks enthusiasm.
Why would it be dropping a match on gasoline, though? If he fired Comey and appointed a new director to squash the investigation, I'd expect the republicans to cancel their investigations and sit back and relax. It's not like what we already know doesn't implicate Trump enough. Why would he give a shit if it makes him look worse? No one would do shit to him.
Because it would look suspect as hell to just about anyone except his brainwashed followers? Ask Nixon how well it goes when you fire investigators. The investigation doesn't just roll over and die if Comey is fired, either.


That Twitter reply...

Why would you host a a meeting of inter offices on a Friday around 3pm. Which is announced. I'm getting shadytree vibes.


Unconfirmed Member
Because it would look suspect as hell to just about anyone except his brainwashed followers? Ask Nixon how well it goes when you fire investigators. The investigation doesn't just roll over and die if Comey is fired, either.

That's my point. He doesn't care what it will make him look like because he already looks like a suspect to anyone with a brain.

My point is that he is better off firing him because no one is going to do shit to him, not even his party.
To me, this screams that they know Trump is guilty of working with the Russians and want to sweep it under the rug.

If this shit gets out anyhow, hopefully this obfuscation campaign comes back to haunt the Republicans.
There is no reason for Comey to be at the White House after announcing to the world that he is investigating the matter with Russia and current toddler president. Now this is cancelled, some fucked up shit is going on.


lacks enthusiasm.
That's my point. He doesn't care what it will make him look like because he already looks like a suspect to anyone with a brain.

My point is that he is better off firing him because no one is going to do shit to him, not even his party.
I think you're overestimating the amount of people (especially in DC) with a brain that are firm believers Trump himself is explicitly involved in this stuff. We all pretty much do here, but there's a lot of people on the fence still. Firing Comey after what came out of that hearing Monday would certainly change that.

It would be a disastrous move and I'm surprised you think it's in any way a good idea.


Unconfirmed Member
I think you're overestimating the amount of people (especially in DC) with a brain that are firm believers Trump himself is explicitly involved in this stuff. We all pretty much do here, but there's a lot of people on the fence still. Firing Comey after what came out of that hearing Monday would certainly change that.

It would be a disastrous move and I'm surprised you think that's in any way a smart move.

You're not understanding what I am saying. I am not talking about people who believe that Trump is implicated in this mess. I am talking about there being anyone left after Comey is fired who would be able to do anything to Trump. If a new director is appointed and squashes the investigation, WHO is going to hold Trump accountable?

We agree that such a move would make him look worse than he already does, which is awful. What else would it do besides that? Who's going to continue investigating and begin pressing charges?
There is zero hope that anything can or will be done at this point. Reminds me of the recent Oj series, all the facts in the world can't compete with a poor presentation and an opposition that doesn't play by the rules. Also, everytime I hear someone say, "They won't do that, it would look bad" I question if you have even been paying attention.


There is zero hope that anything can or will be done at this point. Reminds me of the recent Oj series, all the facts in the world can't compete with a poor presentation and an opposition that doesn't play by the rules. Also, everytime I hear someone say, "They won't do that, it would look bad" I question if you have even been paying attention.

I'm still somewhat optimistic, but Comey's surprise visit to the White House, Manafort, Page and Stone suddenly being super excited to testify, plus whatever the fuck Nunes is up to, all have me feeling pretty queasy.


If Trump thinks the FBI is on to something, he'll take firing Comey and believing he can spin it as neccesary I'd think.


I can't believe Nunes can just cancel this meeting on his own authority. He has no credibility anymore and needs to be removed, yet he's still there. Such a clear obstruction of justice. This man needs to go down for this.



Wow, indeed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Senate Intelligence Committee told them specifically to retain all that stuff.

I just saw on CNN that Stone and Paige want the closed door treatment that Manafort is getting. I wonder if they are all ready to sequel in exchange for immunity, or Nunes helped them get their stories together and go for the cover up.

This is nuts.


Trump called Comey.

"I need you to come to the White House...... oh... bring your stuff"

You know, end of the day on a Friday and all that.
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