Biggest Trails Stan
Maybe I’m being too hard on it. But, honestly feels like I’m watching a CW show half the time. People standing opposite each other on soapboxes expressing themselves with the subtlety of a third grader.
“When I became The Flash, I knew this city needed a hero. And I knew I had to find a way to exonerate my wrongfully imprisoned father. That’s why I became The Flash. I know I’ve had to make some hard choices along the way, but I still believe I’m doing the right thing.”
“When I became your girlfriend, The Flash, I believed in the importance of you saving this city and exonerating your wrongfully convicted father. That’s why I became your girlfriend. But now, after the events of the previous episode where you stood me up to save this city, I don’t know if I can still be your girlfriend, even though I will always love you, The Flash.”
CW Audience has always been predominantly women

Reason why I didn't like most of the CW DC Shows
Edit- Thought you were talking about CW shows, but comparing House of The Dragon Season 2 to a CW show is a perfect analogy. I can't believe the quality of the writing has been this bad since the first season it was so good. Even the slow scenes with dialogue was fantastic
I haven't watched this episode yet but I think I'm dropping the show after Season 2 ends
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