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How come Souls community is adamant at telling you to "Git Gud" but won't dare go near a fighting game?


Gold Member
How would my enjoyment of the souls games relate in any way to a completely different genre with almost none of the elements I like about the souls games?.

Even beyond that your argument would only work if souls players were demanding that fighting games add features and game modes to appeal to them. Instead it seems like most of them just take the reasonable approach of "Oh, this doesn't appeal to me, I guess instead of demanding they change it I'll just go play one of the multiple games that DO appeal to me"
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The main differences of going to a pvp orientated fighting game is lack of ganks, animation cancelling, quality of netcode, and balancing of overpowered mechanics with no counterplay like parrying.


Are you comparing primarily single player games vs games that are insiders lu more funny not fighting the CPU? If so there's a reason for you.


In my experience, hardcore fighting game players are only good at that genre. My friend used to love em but didn’t like shooters cuz he said it was unfair to be shot from the back sometimes since he couldn’t see the other player on the screen. They lack a fundamental sense of situational awareness due to having a rudimentary player v player viewpoint at at all times.
To be fair, a lot of old school fps fans complain about this as well. Now you get games with a lot of high lethality and maps that reward seeing and shooting first to an extreme degree. An arena game like Quake was much less lethal and more about map control and having a good idea where the one other player was at all time and when the pickups would respawn.
How much emotional damage souls games did to you ????

Holy Ris dude...

You got ass claped by the games and then decided come to GAF cry to state that if you "know" how to press some buttons and do motion inputs they are "good enough to" play other games on easy mode...


What time is it?
They might be the most. Or the moose’t toxic.

Codes 208

Why stop at just fighting games?

“You kicked my ass in ds3, and now think youre hot shit? 1v1 me in splatoon 3, bro! You wont!”


The Moose Life community are saintly.
Toxic fanbase units

750,000–1,500,000 X-Files fandom
350,000–750,000 K-Pop, Star Wars, RTS gamers (average level of toxicity of twitter)
100,000–350,000 Undertale, Frog Fractions, MMO gamers (average level of toxicity of reddit)
50,000–100,000 Souls Games, FGC, Metalheads, Trekkies (average level of toxicity of internet forums)
25,000–50,000 Furries, Minecraft fans
10,000–25,000 FPS gamers, RPG gamers
2,500–10,000 Sim gamers
1,000–2,500 Twin Peaks fandom
500–1,000 Jazz heads
0–500 Llamasoft fans
0 People who rate different flavours of bottled water


Kinda different genres.

To git gud at FG you need to know the moveset of every character. Their hitboxes; also regarding match ups and your moveset has to be second nature. The mental game as well.

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Toxic fanbase units

750,000–1,500,000 X-Files fandom
350,000–750,000 K-Pop, Star Wars, RTS gamers (average level of toxicity of twitter)
100,000–350,000 Undertale, Frog Fractions, MMO gamers (average level of toxicity of reddit)
50,000–100,000 Souls Games, FGC, Metalheads, Trekkies (average level of toxicity of internet forums)
25,000–50,000 Furries, Minecraft fans
10,000–25,000 FPS gamers, RPG gamers
2,500–10,000 Sim gamers
1,000–2,500 Twin Peaks fandom
500–1,000 Jazz heads
0–500 Llamasoft fans
0 People who rate different flavours of bottled water
Then theres Sonic...


Reverse groomer.
Only touhou fighting games are acceptable.

Also those peculiar titles where female clothes get torn off in mysterious ways

:pie_lcry: you were the chosen one!!!! to be the most based person on GAF!!!!

Also touhou fighting games don't have melee attacks. the bullet thing doesnt work in a 1v1 as well as it does in a bullet hell


Because...the phrase is game specific...not for all video games.

I don't have the time or patience to "Git Gud" at fighting games, so I don't play them...nor do I somehow say the game should change to make it easy on me. Same for Souls....come on bro...this is just stupid.


Controversial opinion: Dark Souls / Demon's Sould are games with bad design and controls where you've been told it's part of the design and difficulty. From is laughing to the bank because they've fooled people their horrible games are difficult by design.


:pie_lcry: you were the chosen one!!!! to be the most based person on GAF!!!!

Also touhou fighting games don't have melee attacks. the bullet thing doesnt work in a 1v1 as well as it does in a bullet hell
I DID use to play them as a kid/teen. Classic Mortal combat titles and some Dragon Ball fighting games, quite a bit in fact. However my interest in them has all but died out. Ocasionally i may try some funny title, but i don't see myself buying or playing anything major.
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Levelling up is a requirement in souls games, you won’t ‘git gud’ without it.
I would imagine you are in the minority in this view point. The saying is self explanatory and also is reinforced by the prestige players receive when playing the game purposefully underequipped. In these cases, the player "got gud".


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Souls' games are a journey.
Along the way the only way to get past certain obstacles is to "git gud", and that matters because its about the journey.

Fighting games are far more purely about the process of mastering a certain character or move-set and expressing that through combat.

The reward to the player is entirely different.


I literally just found the bell for the first time, and this is my third playthrough. Had no idea it existed till 2 days ago.

Also, I think git gud is pretty much a joke at this point, as someone else pointed out above. Everybody who actually has played the souls games knows the difficult is present but not insurmountable and basically serves to make the power fantasy more satisfying. The few people who say git gud unironically are just trolls and nobody should really care what they have to say if they are not providing useful info alongside git gud.

I view this as a byproduct of froms terrible marketing decisions regarding the souls games post ds1 launch and during ds2s launch. "Prepare to die edition" etc.

Final edit: this also seems like a bait thread the likes of which one would find on /v/.
From's early marketing with Dark Souls 1 and 2 was half the reason the games got as popular as it did lol

Git gud might be a joke at this time, but back then it represented the gamer's sentiment of not wanting games to hold their hands, and that was the main appeal of the Souls games early on. So the marketing relying hard on that was only natural.

Nowadays hard games aren't scarce nor rare, and everyone knows how a From Software game plays, so the Git Gud meme became more of a joke rather than a sentiment.


Probably using cheats, like the guy that claimed he could beat the final Elden Ring boss without getting hurt but in the video you see he gets hit and his health doesn’t move down.

someone played through all Souls games without getting hit, without cheats... and believe me cheating these days isn't easy when the speedrunning community has an eye on you, they will literally produce a scientific paper on your speedruns to prove you're a cheater.

it's not that crazy.

also the final boss in Elden Ring is fucking easy as hell, I beat that thing second try, and it wasn't first try because I was way to greedy during the first try.
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someone played through all Souls games without getting hit, without cheats... and believe me cheating these days isn't easy when the speedrunning community has an eye on you, they will literally produce a scientific paper on your speedruns to prove you're a cheater.

it's not that crazy.

also the final boss in Elden Ring is fucking easy as hell, I beat that thing second try, and it wasn't first try because I was way to greedy during the first try.
Speed runners use glitches (which is still cheating) to get to the end fast.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Probably using cheats, like the guy that claimed he could beat the final Elden Ring boss without getting hurt but in the video you see he gets hit and his health doesn’t move down.
Or not, as there are others claiming doing a lvl1 run too.

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Speed runners use glitches (which is still cheating) to get to the end fast.

Some, absolutely not all. You're using selective examples to counter a broad statement. The Speedrun community holds different sections of itself to different standards and will absolutely police itself if someone is cheating within their segment.

For example, tool assisted speedruns are fine if you are in the tool assisted Speedrun category. If you use tools in a non tool assisted Speedrun, people will likely notice and call you out.
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Some, absolutely not all. You're using selective examples to counter a broad statement. The Speedrun community holds different sections of itself to different standards and will absolutely police itself if someone is cheating within their segment.

For example, tool assisted speedruns are fine if you are in the tool assisted Speedrun category. If you use tools in a non tool assisted Speedrun, people will likely notice and call you out.
Tools is just another word for cheats. Obviously the ones not cheating would have less impressive times, and even get hit and die in their games too.


There’s a serious difference between fighting games and souls games.
Not really.
Bloodborne was my first souls like game.
When I first started playing, I couldn't get past the first area to save my life.
But then I applied fighting game logic to bloodborne and it just clicked with me.

Understanding start-up timing.
Punishing enemy whiffs, what type of attack is safe and what is negative.
I-frames, etc.
Just general shit you use in any fighting game works wonders in souls games.
You can apply FG logic in to just about any game really, but seems to work exceedingly well with soul style games due to its nature.


Speed runners use glitches (which is still cheating) to get to the end fast.

first off it's not cheating because it's agreed upon in the rules of the category.

secondly, I'm pretry sure the guy I'm talking about killed all bosses as well, meaning most of these glitches wouldn't apply.
also, I didn't specify this before, but he played through all of them back to back without getting hit. if he got hit he didn't restart that one game, he started over again with all games.

so he played through all of them back to back, not 1 hit taken
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The Souls games are all about mastering the combat mechanics and learning the bosses. The bosses, while notoriously difficult, follow a pattern that can be learned in order to defeat them. Therefore, the people who complain about the difficulty in these games just show a lack of determination and are quite rightly presented with the response "git gud". These bosses are challenges that can be overcome with a bit of hard work and ultimately are not "that big of a deal" to defeat.

Fighting games are different. Doesn't matter how much effort you put in, there's always going to be people online that will wreck you. There's no learning set patterns online. This makes it legitimately hard to be good in fighting games and so "git gud" is not trivial here.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Right. However I can’t even play a fighting game for ten minutes before I get bored.

People have different tastes, and fighting games has nothing to do with souls games.
In the consensus of PvP they can be quite similar when comparing tactics in how to dispatch a player. Especially if you can condition a player to approach in a certain way. Read their inputs and defeat them in an encounter.

In this sense by using fighting game knowledge you can apply your skillset to gain an advantage that a player that does not play fighting games does not have.

It's why build variety in Elden Ring is good with Weapons and using corresponding Ashes of Wars.

Though you can probably cheese a lot of fights with just Scarlet Rot.


Speed runners use glitches (which is still cheating) to get to the end fast.

In specific categories they utilize glitches/bugs, in others they are not allowed. The strategies used in one category are not indicative of the entire speed running community.
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I take “git good” as “you should level up your character”, not “get better at playing”.

Souls games are all about levelling up.
Like any rpg...yet people act like souls is something different than an rpg despite its leveling elements lol

Abd to the people that have that crazy take that leveling is an "easy mode" I question how mich they understand video games.

In Elden Ring much if the discoveries for new weapons or armor are largely cinnected ti the exploration. Or find those berrings to level up your weapons. You arent just exploring for to just fight shit. Your exploring to discover things that make you stronger, so if you arent searchung for these things, you are insulting the game, simplifying it, and not getting out of it what the devs intended.

I find your average souls fans can't do intricate combos in games like DMC. And thats why this series is beloved, the mechanivs are very western and simple.

Hence why its not as popular in japan as it is in the west...
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I think the whole "git gud" thing is kinda silly, but how is "bet you can't beat me at this other game you don't even play" in any way a good comeback?

Buggy Loop

Why would I bother to get good at fighting games though? It’s by far my least favourite genre in gaming. It’s down there, under even walking simulators.


I take “git good” as “you should level up your character”, not “get better at playing”.

Souls games are all about levelling up.
The term is mainly used to say you need to get better at rolling/dodging and parrying. Has nothing to do with leveling up as leveling up in and of itself doesn’t really make the game any easier.


For the exact opposite of the reason you are thinking, OP.

That condescension is not about thinking you have to be a pro to master a "Soul game".
It's because you have to be basically mentally and/or physically impaired to be UNABLE to "git gud" at Souls games.
Even my old mother with enough patience could deal with it.
So of course when someone starts to moan, cry and bitch that these games are "unfair and too hard" the mockery comes: because if pretty much any average moron can deal with it, they should be able as well, if not borderline retarded.

On the contrary it takes a special brand of autism to master a single fighting game to a decent degree.
The investment in man-hours of practice required to be somewhat competitive is almost offensive to a normal person with a life past playing videogames.
Same goes for other punishing online experiences like DOTA or Starcraft.

It's "Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you. Anyone with working arms should be able to git gud".
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