I've got a problem

One of my lighthouses isn't working properly.
When it was first setup a couple of days ago, the Vive screen would sometimes go completely grey, then fade back up. I looked it up and it's a tracking issue.
I spent sometime yesterday and today playing around, and it's definitely one of the Lighthouses. It syncs up, but if you stand with you back to the working lighthouse so it's occluded and just use the faulty one, it doesn't track the controllers or headset. Turn around a bit so the working one can see you a bit, and it's fine.
I've gone over everything I can think of. Bluetoooth on / off, firmware is up to date, turned off all wifi and consoles and lights and everything else. I swapped the Lighthouses around with each other to confirm, and yep, it's definitely that one.
Up until this point, I'd been launching games from a monitor and then putting the headset on. It was only when I went to launch while inside the headset that I noticed the faulty Lighthouse is showing in the VR room at being very low to the ground? It's 2m in the air, but it's showing as maybe 50cm high.
Not sure what I can do other than contact HTC support tomorrow and hopefully get a replacement.