double post 
I call fake. I've seen similar stuff but they take like four hours to export to a mesh that can be run in VR, and you often have to manually clean them up so they don't look horrible.Live action volumetric VR video captured with fourteen 6K Red Dragons.
The capture method for photogrammetry is stupidly inefficient.I call fake. I've seen similar stuff but they take like four hours to export to a mesh that can be run in VR, and you often have to manually clean them up so they don't look horrible.
A Microsoft store by me has a Vive demo and actually has the headset in stock. The demo was pretty impressive, and I'm super tempted to pick one up
Oh wait, I thought they were filming live, too.The capture method for photogrammetry is stupidly inefficient.
This is using LIDAR to record a new depth map every 50ms
This system feels really similar to what MediaMolecule are doing with Dreams for PS4.
Nah, I just meant live action as in not 100% computer generated.Oh wait, I thought they were filming live, too.
TIL the Vive uses OLED screens.
If the screens are OLED, why do the black levels suck so much?
They artificially raise the black levels to minimise certain visual artifacts, iirc.
They artificially raise the black levels to minimise certain visual artifacts, iirc.
It's awful, at least on the gear vr. Shadows stay in place while you rotate/move your head and it just feels bad/weird.Huh. Would really like to at least try it with the screen's actual black levels.
So my Vive comes in tomorrow, but my PC doesn't meet the minimum specs.
i5 2500k
GTX 760
I read that this is acceptable for Job Simulator, but what about other games?
So my Vive comes in tomorrow, but my PC doesn't meet the minimum specs.
i5 2500k
GTX 760
I read that this is acceptable for Job Simulator, but what about other games?
Ok I went ahead and got a 1070![]()
After our discussion last week I decided to buy one of these:
It's shipping from nearby, so I should have it in a couple days. Really curious to see how it works. Any particular games y'all want me to try it with?
Try it out with Onward if you have the game.
Where and for how much did you buy it?
You could also try it out in The Nest and The Last Sniper VR.
**Version 2 will have some cosmetic updates and will be available to order Thursday 9/8. Please wait till then to place order. If order is placed now, current version will be sent.**
Haven't used my vive in about a month. Any new must try games? Did they ever announce the release date for budget cuts?
I haven't played either of those, I'll look into it.
A guy sells them on eBay and his Esty store. I don't have it yet so I can't vouch for the quality. The parts are 3D printed.
[EDIT] Hah, I ordered last night and this morning he updated the eBay listing with this message:
I messaged him in hopes of getting his updated design.
[EDIT2] He cancelled the order for me so I can re-order the new design. Should still get it this week, I imagine. I'll post pictures and impressions once I try it out a bit.
You reload using the other hand (not clipped in). May become bit awkward if you put the rifle away and grab a syringe or pistol, but not too crazy I'd imagine.I don't know a whole lot about Onward yet (I plan on clearing some space out and buying it this weekend) -- But how do you do things like reload, grab medkits (or whatever) if your vive controllers are mounted in the rifle skeleton?
For sitting/standing experience (without 360 movement) even one base station should be enough.
Also, you can use DVI-HDMI cable.
So my Vive got delivered yesterday and so after work I went to install and......realised my graphics card only has one HDMI and I don't have any displayport cables. Doh!
Ordered one to be delivered today but I have a question - I mainly got it for Elite and so will be sitting down playing mostly. Would I be able to just put the Base Stations say on the edges of my TV stand (I'm playing in the living room) and have them point at me or do they absolutely have to be mounted up high at diagonal ends of the room? My TV stand is quite wide (have a 55in tv and there is about half a foot space beyond it on the stand at each side) So I could have them able to see each other and me sitting down.
Any thoughts? Otherwise I'm thinking of getting some of those builder support poles to attach the stations to as drilling holes in my flat isn't really the best option.
After reading about dodgy displayport cables and having experienced a couple of them myself i went and bought "Accell UltraAV Version 1.2 Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort Cable" as it was mentioned on the "VESA Display Port site" and the Reddit thread i was reading. Unfortunately i haven't used it yet as i've been lazy and just used HDMI for the moment.
I am a massive fan of the builder support poles, i have 4 of these and they are ideal for my purpose - "Wolfcraft 4042000 Ceiling Prop" as they have a tiny footprint so they are less likely to be kicked or knocked and i can put them behind sofas etc so they are out of the way. I'm also going to attach my 5.1 speakers to them so i can have proper surround for the first time in years and years![]()
That's good to hear. Thanks. I probably will try out the room scale stuff but its not my main focus for VR.
Goodbye World.
I don't know a whole lot about Onward yet (I plan on clearing some space out and buying it this weekend) -- But how do you do things like reload, grab medkits (or whatever) if your vive controllers are mounted in the rifle skeleton?
You can take the controllers in and out relatively easy. It's a little cumbersome though especially if you take both controllers out. A lot of it would be alleviated if both hands could do everything. For example, only your dominant hand can grab the ipad or the grenade. If that wasn't the case, you'd have little reason to ever need to take the dominant hand out of the gun frame. I assume it has something to do with always having access to the trackpad for movement, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if some tweaks to that happen.
You'll probably change your mind once you do try it.
Edit: Which is not to say that priorities will reverse, but that they'll probably at least balance out.
Exactly what I wanted, a higher shoulder stock so more realistically aligned with the grips.
Update on the gun frame guy, he has two new ones and they both address my primary concerns:
Exactly what I wanted, a higher shoulder stock so more realistically aligned with the grips.
But wait, there's more:
Yes! Dual controller setup in addition to the new shape. I think this is the one I'm getting.
Update on the gun frame guy, he has two new ones and they both address my primary concerns:
Exactly what I wanted, a higher shoulder stock so more realistically aligned with the grips.
But wait, there's more:
Yes! Dual controller setup in addition to the new shape. I think this is the one I'm getting.
The forward section on the two-controller frame is separate piece that connects to the single-controller version, so hopefully you can remove/reattach it easily. I'll report back on that once I get it.
I'll also see if I can modify it to have a more quick release-friendly forward attachment. Shouldn't be too hard.
[EDIT] Confirmed that the forward section cannot be removed on the two-controller version, but obviously you don't have to attach the second controller.
I apologize if someone has asked this already, but does anyone know if this will work in place of an Oculus, particularly with Minecraft Win 10 Edition? It already has Oculus support built in. But the Oculus is probably the last one on my list of the big three. I'd kinda prefer the Vive if I can.
I don't believe ReVive is compatible with the VR edition of Minecraft. But why would you care when there's Vivecraft? Full motion controller / roomscale support.
Not making the front part modular was a mistake IMO when it wouldn't have been hard to make it work. A T-slot interface between the sides, or a bolt through from the back of the curved handle would have sufficed. Making it modular would have made the rear part universal and made selling of the front part separately possible. Then again, this way he can sell two whole units to people. =P
Modification for easy removal of the front controller would be possible, but not necessarily easy. It looks like the wedge holding the front controller interacts directly with the front mount and lacks the means to otherwise stay in place on the controller. You'd probably have to create another wedge on the other side for it to attach to and then have it mate to another custom piece that attaches to the existing mount. This would push the front controller even lower though. You could also cut the mount part in two and rig an interface between them. Keep in mind that 3D printed parts are hollow shells with some percentage of infill in any number of various geometries. You can't cut or drill a 3D printed part and expect it to result in a full solid surface to work with. They're also thermoplastics susceptible to heat buildup from cutting/drilling.
Ok. Here's, really, the dealbreaker question.
I've tried the PSVR and that's it (well, google cardboard if you want to count that). I only had 10 minutes in it and I never bothered fixing the focus or anything, so it might be my fault a little bit, but the word I couldn't get past when I got out was "neat". Damn neat, mind you, but it's still "neat" and not "wow".
I've been leaning towards Vive for a while, but what I really want to know is, how "far away" something can look? I've heard the menu is you in a tower somewhere. Does it really look like you're looking out for miles? or does it look like you're in a magical box twice the size of the room you're playing in? If you look down, can it feel like you're 200 feet up in the air?