Alright, sort of a cross post, but now that my Vive has shipped I want to do this right.
Other than these games
Job Simulator
Tilt Brush
Fantastic Contraption
The Lab
Surgeon Simulator Meet The Medic
Budget Cuts Demo
Virtual Desktop
Space Pirate Trainer
Elite Dangerous Horizons
what else is a really good VR experience?
I was looking at Subnautica(Just noticed this is OR, Revive?), The Gallery Call of the Starseed, The Legend of Luca, Vanishing of Ethan Carter, etc.
Any advice?
Yee, Subnautica is rift only for now, although vive support is on their list. People have reported some success with revive, but for me it hasn't worked too well...flicking to grey constantly. Ymmv. If you have the game already it's worth trying, but based on my experience I would not recommend buying it for vive...although it's a great game even in 2d.
Legend of Luca is not being well received and Ethan Carter and Elite are supposed to look bad on Vive right now, although I haven't tried any of these personally.
Mincraft is good with the vive mod. Also, you can grab a lot if the free rift stuff, such as Lucky's Tale and Henry and they work great with revive.
The gallery is great, but allegedly short...i haven't played to the end, but it's pricey.
Vanishing realms and hover junkers get a lot of love, but I haven't tried them yet myself.
Final Approach is a lot more fun than it looks.
There's a demo of The Brookhaven Experiment if you are up to it.

Holopoint is also popular around here, but again, I haven't tried it.
Ive not had my vive a week yet, so I've had limited time, but Audioshield and SPT are the ones which are calling me back so far.