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I bought Dragon's Dogma for PS4. What do you think of the game?

I loved it. Bought it on PS3 and again on PS4. Couldn't deal with Bitterblack Isle either time, though. The difficulty spike, often times from one room to the next is absurd.


Neighbours from Hell
Well, it took me a year, but I started it this week, and I’m enjoying it so far, but I’ve only been able to play it in about 2 hour spurts, because there’s one aspect of the game that is preventing me from being able to fully dive in and going from liking it to loving it.

The way travel is structured in the game. I get that fast travel is limited for a reason. They want you to explore and find things. And I’d be fine with that.... if the stamina system didn’t affect your ability to run. I fucking loathe how when you want to travel to an area waaaaay across the damn map and have to go by foot at the moment(I know I get more portcrystals later) I have to run, stop, run, stop, run, stop.

It’s made traveling and exploring super tedious. Especially since there are enemies around every corner of the environment and they just keep coming. I want to keep playing but every time I get a mission or sidequest where it’s like you gotta go here and it’s far off on the map I’m like ugh... don’t feel like trekking all the way there right now, I’m gonna turn it off and play again tomorrow, because it’s gonna take me 20 minutes just to make it there.

I assume this will get better as I amass portcrystals, but for now it’s the one thing impeding my ability to get hooked on this game. If they’d have found a happy medium to allow me to travel on foot much faster without fast travel, or implemented a more friendly fast travel system I’d definitely be totally hooked on this right now, because I like everything else about it a lot.


Gold Member
Well, it took me a year, but I started it this week, and I’m enjoying it so far, but I’ve only been able to play it in about 2 hour spurts, because there’s one aspect of the game that is preventing me from being able to fully dive in and going from liking it to loving it.

The way travel is structured in the game. I get that fast travel is limited for a reason. They want you to explore and find things. And I’d be fine with that.... if the stamina system didn’t affect your ability to run. I fucking loathe how when you want to travel to an area waaaaay across the damn map and have to go by foot at the moment(I know I get more portcrystals later) I have to run, stop, run, stop, run, stop.

It’s made traveling and exploring super tedious. Especially since there are enemies around every corner of the environment and they just keep coming. I want to keep playing but every time I get a mission or sidequest where it’s like you gotta go here and it’s far off on the map I’m like ugh... don’t feel like trekking all the way there right now, I’m gonna turn it off and play again tomorrow, because it’s gonna take me 20 minutes just to make it there.

I assume this will get better as I amass portcrystals, but for now it’s the one thing impeding my ability to get hooked on this game. If they’d have found a happy medium to allow me to travel on foot much faster without fast travel, or implemented a more friendly fast travel system I’d definitely be totally hooked on this right now, because I like everything else about it a lot.

Yeah the backtracking and traveling is a bit annoying early on. Eventually you will have plenty of portcrystals to cover most main areas of the map. You should have seen how it was in the original though. So much worse.


Really cool game with a bunch of weird ass quirks. If you dig them you'll have a great time. Definitely a favorite of mine.


People that think The Witcher's combat is good are funny.

It's sad to realize that after two generations, only Capcom managed to make good ARPGs, which are Dragon's Dogma and Monster Hunter.
While our boy Geralt indeed is bad at combat, your 2nd statement is hyperbolic.
KH3 ReMind, Bloodborne, Nier Automata, Nioh are effectively ARPGs.


Read my statement again, I wrote "good ARPGs". I never claimed these weren't ARPGs.



Tried to play it for the first time a few weeks back on the PC, but gave up after a couple of hours. Probably was a good game when originally released on 2012, but now, gameplay, graphics, animation are just outdated.


It's incredible man.

Found it unplayable on PS3 due to awful FPS, but maaaan is that combat the shit. So much better on XB1/PC - and presumably PS4.

You're gonna have a blast if you're into WRPGs with soulsborne kinda combat. Pawn system is fun too. I was fucking bitches up.
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I loved it. It can be a little discouraging at first if you die, but keep at it. It's worth being persistent.

Great atmosphere and soundtrack, even if your minions repeat the same shit over and over.
I loved it but haven't finished it yet, I do wish the magic based characters did a little more melee damage and that the bigger spells didn't take as long to cast but at least they have some awesome big spells lol. I'd love a sequel where the world is bigger and includes mounts (not just horses but flying mounts as well) and provide more options for exploration.


Neighbours from Hell
Ugh, never have I so been torn by a game. I really really want to like this game, but the traversing is absolutely killing it for me. I have to be honest, I'm very close to quitting it and moving on. It's not the game necessarily, although I think it harbors some blame, but it's mainly me. Even with the portcrystals, I just don't have the patience to walk so often in this game. Especially when I have zero patience and have gotten used to traveling on horseback over the years in gaming.

If sprinting didn't spend stamina, I swear this would be an entirely different experience for me. But since portcrystals are limited and you still have to walk the far majority of the time, it makes travel in this game quite possibly the worst I've ever experienced in any game.

I've had some good outcomes sticking with games that annoyed me in the past like Breath of the Wild most recently, so I think I'm gonna give this a few more hours, but I'm telling you every single time I start to get sucked in, the travel totally kills it. Blue balls to the extreme. It's just so up and down like that for me I don't know if I'll ever get hooked to where I just can't put it down.

I have to psych myself up into playing it knowing that half my play session every night is going to be running... stopping... running... stopping, and I don't like gaming when you have to psych yourself up to play, I wanna be itching to pop that game in and keep playing and that's never happened to me yet with this.

It's a shame because I really do think the game does a lot well. For one, I appreciate that you can jump and climb in a game like this which so few RPGs do anymore. Everything is fucking on rails lately.
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Grrr wrong game sorry had to edit but either way I love action rpg games but for some reason couldn't get into this one.
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I enjoyed it enough to beat it but it definitely had some rough edges you have to look past.

And yes I can still hear “wolves hunt in packs” and a “even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still!” in my head to this day.
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What time is it?
I probably got about 10 hours in and looked in my quest log to notice a bunch of quests marked as failed. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention but this annoyed me to no end. I'll restart at some point.
Man I bought it on steam, started it, but never did much past the first 3 or 4 hours so i need to get into it too. Im finishing up some Switch games so it and Mortal Shell will be the next full SP experiences I play until Mafia remake and Tony hawk drops I suppose


Ugh, never have I so been torn by a game. I really really want to like this game, but the traversing is absolutely killing it for me. I have to be honest, I'm very close to quitting it and moving on. It's not the game necessarily, although I think it harbors some blame, but it's mainly me. Even with the portcrystals, I just don't have the patience to walk so often in this game. Especially when I have zero patience and have gotten used to traveling on horseback over the years in gaming.

If sprinting didn't spend stamina, I swear this would be an entirely different experience for me. But since portcrystals are limited and you still have to walk the far majority of the time, it makes travel in this game quite possibly the worst I've ever experienced in any game.

I've had some good outcomes sticking with games that annoyed me in the past like Breath of the Wild most recently, so I think I'm gonna give this a few more hours, but I'm telling you every single time I start to get sucked in, the travel totally kills it. Blue balls to the extreme. It's just so up and down like that for me I don't know if I'll ever get hooked to where I just can't put it down.

I have to psych myself up into playing it knowing that half my play session every night is going to be running... stopping... running... stopping, and I don't like gaming when you have to psych yourself up to play, I wanna be itching to pop that game in and keep playing and that's never happened to me yet with this.

It's a shame because I really do think the game does a lot well. For one, I appreciate that you can jump and climb in a game like this which so few RPGs do anymore. Everything is fucking on rails lately.
Are you playing on PC? i highly recommend Mods to fix the sprint-stamina stuff, and if that's not enough, speedhack from cheat engine should help.
That's why i love the DLC more than the base game, it's just combat and hard bosses with great loot afterwards.


Neighbours from Hell
Are you playing on PC? i highly recommend Mods to fix the sprint-stamina stuff, and if that's not enough, speedhack from cheat engine should help.
That's why i love the DLC more than the base game, it's just combat and hard bosses with great loot afterwards.
Unfortunately no, PS4 🙁
Amazing game, fantastic customisation and awesome combat, controls can be jank on keyboard but it's very accomplished. Defo worth a play if you haven't before. Also eternal ferry stone ftw, just make sure you place the crystals in the right place


Neighbours from Hell
I’m gonna try to get through it since I’m already like a bunch of hours in. I’ll see how it goes. I may just have to play it 2 hours at a time and spend like couple months on it and just do it that way.


This is such an awesome game. The atmosphere, combat and everything. The story is really dumb, but it doesn't matter. Bitterblack is even better, but the difficulty spike is quite big. Bitterblack is essentially Dark Souls level design with the superior Dogma gameplay.


Nice to see an update, I'm glad you got round to it.

The game is definitely designed with the journey being part of the experience (bigger beast spawns) instead of just A-B, but that does get old. And I get what you mean - it's a big world when it's just running. (Fun fact: your character's height makes a difference when running.)

You'll be able to get 5 Portcrystals as the game progresses, and if you place them at some of the farthest crossroads you can save yourself a lot of time in the long run. They can always be picked up and moved, should you want to. As it's impacting your enjoyment, it may be worth progressing through the main quest as a priority until you start encountering at least one. Be warned though, not finishing Lost and Found before Lure of the Abyss will result in missing a Portcrystal.

How are you finding the class system?


The only good thing was the pawn system and some of the combat, an honest 7/10 game with HUGE margin of improvement.
Emphasis on some combat. Most vocations are dreadfully boring. When I started on Day 1 on PS3 I tried the strider -> assassin vocations and it was a miserable experience, then I switched to magic archer and I had a blast. Now I recently bought it again for PS4 and tried the mage and it is really bad as well, I hope the other vocations (sorcerer, mystic knight) are more fun. I wonder what vocations people played who said they love the combat. But yeah, the game has incredible potential and if it were to be reworked it could be truly amazing.
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I probably got about 10 hours in and looked in my quest log to notice a bunch of quests marked as failed. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention but this annoyed me to no end. I'll restart at some point.
Don't worry about those. Just get them when you do new game plus. Or just don't get them at all - they aren't very interesting.


Emphasis on some combat. Most vocations are dreadfully boring. When I started on Day 1 on PS3 I tried the strider -> assassin vocations and it was a miserable experience, then I switched to magic archer and I had a blast. Now I recently bought it again for PS4 and tried the mage and it is really bad as well, I hope the other vocations (sorcerer, mystic knight) are more fun. I wonder what vocations people played who said they love the combat. But yeah, the game has incredible potential and if it were to be reworked it could be truly amazing.
the mage was a lot of fun and you feel very powerfull.
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Emphasis on some combat. Most vocations are dreadfully boring. When I started on Day 1 on PS3 I tried the strider -> assassin vocations and it was a miserable experience, then I switched to magic archer and I had a blast. Now I recently bought it again for PS4 and tried the mage and it is really bad as well, I hope the other vocations (sorcerer, mystic knight) are more fun. I wonder what vocations people played who said they love the combat. But yeah, the game has incredible potential and if it were to be reworked it could be truly amazing.
I nearly always come back to dagger vocations as I love agile characters, and having access to the roll is great. Instant Reset is even better.

I really like the Sorcerer spells, but I find that they are often too hard to charge up (especially the Bitterblack enhanced versions) when Pawns don't draw enough of the attention. Satisfying when pulled off, though.

I never got much use from Fighter/Warrior, they feel too slow. I don't think I've ever used the Vault skill, because I never trusted AI enough to even try and I don't pay enough attention to AI to use their assist.

End game I'm Magick Archer or Mystic Knight without fail.


Yes, but the spells are very satisfying.
A ball of fire, a little lightning, nothing special so far. Not like the mega explosions of Magicka when a death ray touches a healing ray and half the screen explodes. Me and my friend used this strategy to beat the game on hard, just combining opposite elements to wipe the screen :D I know you got mega spells in Dragon's Dogma later on but that is with sorcerer not mage.
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I've tried to get into it so many times, but I just find it boring. The map is nonsensical and makes finding places a chore.


- Good fighting system
- Nice diversification of the character classes
- Somehow interesting vaulting system
- The Pawn system is a nice idea

- Horrible plot filled with holes and inconsistencies
- Dull and unoriginal game world with few cities
- Fixed position of every enemy
- Dull crafting
- Not-so-many abilities for each class: leveling-up loses interest very quickly
- The Pawns system is very under-developed
- Repetitive quests

Overall a mediocre open-world game filled with fetch-quests and kept a bit interesting by a good fighting system (which often develops in spamming the same moves over and over...) and a very hard post-game additional quest (the island).


advanced basic bitch
Misread the title of the thread as "Dragons Crown". Eagerly came here to talk about it lol. Yeah, Dragons Dogma from what I played was alright. I need to give it another go.


A ball of fire, a little lightning, nothing special so far. Not like the mega explosions of Magicka when a death ray touches a healing ray and half the screen explodes. Me and my friend used this strategy to beat the game on hard, just combining opposite elements to wipe the screen :D I know you got mega spells in Dragon's Dogma later on but that is with sorcerer not mage.
yeah i was talking about the sorcerer, i remember some advanced spells that looked very good with tornado, meteors, thunder whip etc., for the time it was pretty impressive for an open world game.

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Ugh, never have I so been torn by a game. I really really want to like this game, but the traversing is absolutely killing it for me. I have to be honest, I'm very close to quitting it and moving on. It's not the game necessarily, although I think it harbors some blame, but it's mainly me. Even with the portcrystals, I just don't have the patience to walk so often in this game. Especially when I have zero patience and have gotten used to traveling on horseback over the years in gaming.

If sprinting didn't spend stamina, I swear this would be an entirely different experience for me. But since portcrystals are limited and you still have to walk the far majority of the time, it makes travel in this game quite possibly the worst I've ever experienced in any game.

I've had some good outcomes sticking with games that annoyed me in the past like Breath of the Wild most recently, so I think I'm gonna give this a few more hours, but I'm telling you every single time I start to get sucked in, the travel totally kills it. Blue balls to the extreme. It's just so up and down like that for me I don't know if I'll ever get hooked to where I just can't put it down.

I have to psych myself up into playing it knowing that half my play session every night is going to be running... stopping... running... stopping, and I don't like gaming when you have to psych yourself up to play, I wanna be itching to pop that game in and keep playing and that's never happened to me yet with this.

It's a shame because I really do think the game does a lot well. For one, I appreciate that you can jump and climb in a game like this which so few RPGs do anymore. Everything is fucking on rails lately.
I think you need to change the way you approach this game. You need to experience it as if it's a real world and you're taking it slow like a real adventurer. If you give it a chance the game will reward you with some very beautiful moments that a lot of people who are rushing through it will be missing.

Enjoy the beautiful sunsets or the beautiful dawns,notice how the light passes through the trees or the bleek atmosphere during when the sky is cloudy with the sun rays sometimes passing through. Feel the atmosphere and the world when you are exploring Gransys under the starry night sky (which is actually based on the real night sky and some aspects of the world's lore and areas are placed accordingly to the stars and their symbolism), and sometimes turn off your lanterns and walk with your companions through the forests. There is still enough light in open areas to enjoy the scenery and the serene atmosphere of the night.

Dragon's Dogma was never a technical marvel but to me it's one of the most beautiful open worlds out there and it's the only game (other than The Witcher 3) that gives me a real sense of place. When i realized how "real" the world of Gransys felt the lack of fast travel stopped bothering me. I was actually thankful that the developers "forced" me to take it slow and experience its world in all its glory.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Boring and extremely tedious with walking through pretty baren world everywhere.
yeah i was talking about the sorcerer, i remember some advanced spells that looked very good with tornado, meteors, thunder whip etc., for the time it was pretty impressive for an open world game.

Eh, it drains a lot of stamina to play Mage, easier to play the hybrid class and spam great cannon. Isn't Magick archer like the better version of mage all around? Especially in Bitterblack isle with richochet.


Gold Member
I thought it was pretty good. It felt more like an MMO than an SP RPG. I say that because it lacked fully fleshed out characters and story. The characters seemed cookie-cutter, and the story was very generic. I enjoyed romping around the environments and engaging in combat, though.


The story is trash but the game is otherwise great. You're in for a treat. This thread is a reminder to myself that I still need to play Dark Arisen finally.
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