While it had its good moments, I found it largely sort of unremarkable? It's not bad or anything, but I liked Demon's and Dark 1 a lot more (still need to play Dark 3 and Bloodborne).
Quick Question though: did anyone else accidentally end up at the Throne of Want after getting the King's Ring? I wasn't following a guide or anything, so I just went the to first place I could think of to try out the ring. As I had no idea what I was doing, I headed down the pathway and encountered Throne Watcher and Throne Defender, who I somehow managed to beat on my first try (100% luck, I am by no means a good souls player..... at all).
I just find it weird that to me the most memorable thing about the game was the shear sense of confusion I felt when, after finally taking down those guys (I play a very slow and defensive character, so it took a long time, especially as they can heal each other), the game just did not acknowledge it in the slightest. There was no cutscene, there was no item drop, there was no 'primal bonfire', there was no explanation.I felt that for what seemed like a 'big climatic area' with such a long pathway to it, there was just *nothing*. Did From Software just not think that anyone would head down that way?