I knew itNo, I actually just skipped that whole scene and made up an opinion on a scene I didn't watch on multiple playthroughs.
what do you measure your normal on?? nature , numbers , or enforced psychological training??The ultimate proof of homosexuals becoming totally mainstream will be when products with homo romances are laughed at & burned online for being the cringe-fests they are & ridiculed... like heterosexual romances are & have been forever when they're also sh*t.
So for example it's totally normal to laugh at Anakin & Padmé in Star Wars Attack of the Clones... right? but just because Ellies & whomever are lesbians they should get a free pass when their scene sucks beyond imagination? Nope. Welcome to the real world of normies.
Nothing, nothing rivals this
Beware, NSFW
Are you real?Anyone who thinks that scene in TLOU2 is cringe need serious medical attention.
Truth be told "suck my friggin' butt" and "chug my dump truck" are pretty decent one liners.
Are you?Are you real?
Nothing, nothing rivals this
Beware, NSFW
I don't think this can be topped, to be honest..
I just find it odd that someone would be so triggered because other people don't like something he likes. So much so that he thinks we need "serious medical attention".Are you real?
but to push the realities of being gay , on people whom never really cared, really doesn't fix anything that may be wrong , it just puts some off.. which is a shame.
why does it put people off?
why shouldn't it?? being homosexual , is normal.... to a gay person... what would you assume being gay is, to a none gay person???
That’s some delicate masculinity you got there bro, take care of that.Amazing game with a good stock story and loveable characters.
But Cuckmann couldn't help himself and had to bring a sassy black woman to beat the crap of both the male protagonists at the same time because do you know that women are as strong or even stronger than men?
And his desire for feminist & woke fanservice it's becoming bigger and bigger, we went from Nadine to that Tumblr fanfic called The Last Of Us 2.
I wonder what we will see in the next Cuckmann entry. I'm already salivating.
Anyone who thinks that scene in TLOU2 is cringe need serious medical attention. Fucking disappointment this forum.
Whenever a little lesbian girl that dresses like some slob dude tries to act as if she was a horny man, with the same mannerisms and all, then all you can do is cringe.
And let's not forget Dina is there with the baby she got from the dude she cuckolded with Ellie. All so they can form the lesbian fantasy so progressive family with a stock minority baby.
I mean, it's not a documentary, everything there is a play on the woke fantasies of the people who made the game.
Moving on to TLOU2...yeah, that shit is cringey as fuck, they turned a decent portion of the climax of the game into a slice of life episode that most people can't relate to (not because they're gay, but because I'd wager most don't dance around their farmhouse kitchen with their partner to Indie music with their adopted minority baby in tow. Feels like an Old Navy commercial. Ick.)
You do have a point. I also couldn't relate to killing hundreds of humans, dogs and infected either. I sometimes do put myself in other people's perspective and worlds though when I play games.
( It is Dina's child though. It is not adopted and before you ask. No Ellie is not the father ... )
Is this what Boomers who wrote this thought was funny, or is it that kids today consider that to be funny?
TLOU2 is a shitty and cringy game. What now internet warrior?Anyone who thinks that scene in TLOU2 is cringe need serious medical attention. Fucking disappointment this forum.
We are being overrun by Reetards. Kinda sad, NeoGAF was actually better again.That’s some delicate masculinity you got there bro, take care of that.
Fuck this game and Fuck Kojima.
TLoU 2 scene was fine. It is not terribly different from Drake and Elena on UC4. It's a gay couple, they do the same silly stuff that a straight couple does.
It's not cringe because they're gay, you homophobe. It's cringe because it is.
If anyone in the plot makes sense to have tripping balls and attacking neighbors, it's the borderline personality disorder, drug addled guy with the huge sword whose most recent memories are his best friend dying in front of him and his village burning to cinders. Also, it's not too insane to think "a crazy cultist," would have an apartment. In the original, there was a dude who was basically a Sephiroth Clone without a cloak living in a pipe in Sector 5. Townsfolk probably just think he's a drug addict in tattered clothes. Sector 7 in particular doesn't give much of a shit when Barret or Cloud walk around fully armed. These people must see all sorts.
Now here is the real cringeAnyone who thinks that scene in TLOU2 is cringe need serious medical attention. Fucking disappointment this forum.
Nah, it is not cringe, it is fine. A couple dancing and flirting in the kitchen, like normal individuals, not shooting guns and exploding heads. Actually, a great contrast with the scenes that come right after, showing Ellie's PTSD.
You little bitches constantly moan about how gay couples showing affection is cringe, and I'm the cry baby? Grow up little bitch.
stop mansplaining to me please i'm speaking my truth and you need to respect that you homophone
Like most child oriented cartoons nowadays, imo.That artstyle is absolutely motherfucking goddamn hideous.
Yeah but "GuEsS iT'S tImE fOr InTrOdUcTiOnS" sephiroth-shit-eating-grin.jpg "wHaT aRe yOu DoInG tO mArCo?"
Making logical sense is not the criterion for cringe, and if it weren't a moot point I'd say that Cloud is supposed to be able to control himself at this point in the story and preferably try to not slice the neighbor in half in the middle of the night because he groans, so I don't even agree with your justification.
You little bitches constantly moan about how gay couples showing affection is cringe, and I'm the cry baby? Grow up little bitch.
dying laughing here so funny you completely wrecked leftists and
Nobody did that. You are just insecure.You little bitches constantly moan about how gay couples showing affection is cringe, and I'm the cry baby? Grow up little bitch.
Nothing, nothing rivals this
Beware, NSFW
hey some of my best friends are leftists
nah but for real you assume people dislike the scene because it's lesbians when in reality it's just awkward shit
it's 2020 nobody gives a shit about lesbians anymore
Why don't you 2 just play Final Fantasy X, fuck and get it over with already.You can express yourself if you wish, this is a forum, I am here so I can listen to you, mate. If you want to just end it with "that's how I feel about it" then ok.
sure, that is why everyone deemed tlou2 as woke, extreme leftist etc, for "not giving a shit about lesbians" lol
Not even accusing people of "homophobia" - just as extremely averse to anything that is not the normal canon of videogames.
Why don't you 2 just play Final Fantasy X, fuck and get it over with already.