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Yes, it's obvious, look at how few good new AAA games are made these days Votes: 100
No, more GigaBowser fear mongering Votes: 80
- Total voters 180
In some of these cases they became popular with great teams who did continue making great games without them, but they didn't continue making great games without these teams.Think about the industry and all the most notable game developers...
Kojima, Itegaki, Miyamoto, Carmack, Mikami, Gabe...
Got a feeling that (as silly as this whole topic isGames have become more expensive to develop while still selling at $60, along with more competition at lower price points such as $20 and under indie games. It's just not worth taking risks on a high budget game
Lol 90s were full of double dragon clones , all the Disney games clones were copy’s although I love them, 1942 shooters ,brawlers all clones etc. gaming has always been that. The great games stand out.Nope, 90's was my favorite era because it wasn't like that. Today's indie scene has basically become the epitome of "copy and paste gaming" because I am literally seeing most devs just copying and pasting the same ideas and concepts. AAA has become even worse, arguable creatively bankrupt with few exceptions.
I think budgets is a big part of it. Like I remember early in the PS3/360 generation developers were complaining about how expensive and time consuming it had become to develop HD games, which says that made game development far more complex.
Isn't the average career in the game industry like 5 years? That probably has something to do with it. I think the other problem is the industry is risk averse since development is so expensive. It's pretty telling that there hasn't been any major innovations in the industry since like Minecraft, other then new models of monetization.
Dude here is spitting truths. Clones and copycats have always been around. Companies chasing trends has always been a thing. Gaming in the 90s had a zillion platformers. Everyone was making them. Bubsy. Cool Spot. Aero the Acrobat. Jazz Jackrabbit. Glover. The list goes on.Lol 90s were full of double dragon clones , all the Disney games clones were copy’s although I love them, 1942 shooters ,brawlers all clones etc. gaming has always been that. The great games stand out.
Games teams were small back then 2-4 people. They were much shorter in length 3-4hrs. And dev time was under a year. The initial push for graphics and hardware etc was to ‘bring the arcade home‘ from there the push was to meet gamers expectations, that goes to content, length of the game, and graphics.
We used to be those idiots thoughman those autotuned "rap" songs have billions of views but that doesn't make them any good, it's just catered to morons just like games today, idiot brainlets are source of highest profit, easy money
Name 5 people who were hire because of their race and/or their gender.There are lots of reasons, not just wokeness, but hiring someone because of thire gender and race and not for their talent is dumb, but companies have no choice I’m afraid , the woke gods are in charge now.
Making assumptions like this is stranger behavior.Assuming each booklet cost 15 cents, that cost would be negligible compared to development costs and certainly not affect the sales price of a game. If anything, them removing booklets was huge positive for the environment. Strange behavior to bring something like this up...
Considering inflation and development costs, you do realize even at $70 they're still making far less profit per game than in the past?
Name 5 people who were hire because of their race and/or their gender.
That’s more then 5 right![]()
I mean... What does the artists that made those artworks have to do with a game being good? Like you're complaining because they don't stop doing art and go help the game designers? Or that good art make the game worse? I don't know what one thing have to do with another...They might be visually stunning but they are litterally cover shooter and a basic as it gets hack n slash. Get back to me when there's some interesting and ENGAGING gameplay.
Exactly women have never had the power or will to get anything done.You say women I say soyboys.
make sense coming form JackSparrowExactly women have never had the power or will to get anything done.
It's the men they manage to manipulate into their side that do all the damage.
Companies do this all the time now. My company has a succession plan. Part of that succession plan involves making sure they tick off enough boxes and the company hits a certain "score" when it comes to DEI stuff. If a minority female gets placed in a succession plan over a male counterpart and both are equally suited for a job it will go to the minority female 99 times out of 100 so that the department can get "extra points" for having the DEI hire.Name 5 people who were hire because of their race and/or their gender.
You sure about that? I enjoyed gaming FAR more in the 360/PS3 era and before days. Far FAR more...And way more players enjoying them
Yes, I'm sure of that. The amount of revenue and players in the industry has been growing since it started over 40 years ago.You sure about that? I enjoyed gaming FAR more in the 360/PS3 era and before days. Far FAR more...
Assuming each booklet cost 15 cents, that cost would be negligible compared to development costs and certainly not affect the sales price of a game. If anything, them removing booklets was huge positive for the environment. Strange behavior to bring something like this up...
Considering inflation and development costs, you do realize even at $70 they're still making far less profit per game than in the past?
And Roberta Williams (with her husband) created graphical adventure games when Carmack was 10 years old. I don't see your point.For the unaware, these two studs are responsible for creating the FPS genre.
Exactly women have never had the power or will to get anything done.
It's the men they manage to manipulate into their side that do all the damage.
Making assumptions like this is stranger behavior.
God of War 3 Ultimate Edition 99 msrp
God of War Ascension Collector's Edition 89 msrp
God of War Ragnarok 199 msrp
Also it doen't incude a game disk (!) but I guess that also cost around 20 cents and is also a huge positive for the environment.
Not to mention the shift in selling digital games from their exclusive store where they have higher margin profits than selling retail disks. Why God of War Ragnarok costs 70 in retail stores and the same for a digital copy?
Why all games have DLC and season pass now? Why they have multiple season passes?They don't have to increase the price for them to increase their profits. Online multiplayer locked behind a paywall, etc. That's why when you see 60$ games you think that the price is the same. It's not. They used all the above I mentioned to increase their profits.
And they didn't have constant streams of mtx revenue either. You got giant studios like Rockstar that can hum along for 10 years making only a couple games. Game companies back then werent that profitable. Maybe Nintendo was. Maybe EA too(?). But most hustled making all kinds of new games for survival. Now, all the well known game companies are at record (or near record) profits the past few years. So it shows despite giant dev teams and game budgets, they are making it all back and way more. And that's with fewer games made. They just never tell gamers that in Twitter PR. You got to skim their quarterly earnings reports.while your correct games didn't sell as many as they do today
They don't even have time enough to do iterative sequels at yearly/bi yearly pace anymore, then things can start to go bad pretty quick, COD Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard didn't repeat the same success as Modern Warfare 2019, and its also a negative compared to what Black Ops 1 and World at War did.I still don't understand why devs/studios don't plan to release 2-3 games out of the same engine, fuck all tweaks, just go after the content and refining the game experience over the engine and iterations. I see far too much bloat focused on bashing out tech for the sake of it or high end graphics that subjectively miss the mark anyhow, regardless of their tech prowess or performance gains etc. If the direction or art sucks, the tech/game generally aren't fun. It's lovely seeing things like Sony/Xbox partner with so many indie devs, A/AA studios etc, it really gives some innovation and quirkiness with high levels of talent driving the game vision. Honestly, it's a pretty amazing time in gaming right now, reminds me of the golden age of 80s-90s in gaming. Lots of variety and creativity in various genres at the moment.
You are obviously either a troll or a shareholder.I don't see any problems with the things you posted. $60 Games from 1990 with much lower budgets sold for the equivalent of ~$120 today. A $60 game from 1980 would be equivalent to ~$205 today.
The only way for the AAA model to keep up now is with microtransactions, but even with that the level of profit is still far lower per buyer than in the past. Now they rely solely on their games selling more than before and having sustained profits years after release.
If you don't like this, then support buying indie games or games with low budgets (Pokemon) and perhaps one day the idea of making big budget games comes to an end.
You are obviously either a troll or a shareholder.
If you bought a AAA game in 2012 like Soulcalibur 5 you would pay 60 to get the full experience. In 2022 you buy Soulcalibour 6 and you have to pay 20% more if you consider inflation. So you have to pay 72 to get the full experience of this AAA title right? Let's see the real cost then. 60 for the game, at least 10 for only one month of psplus for online play, 30 for season pass 1, 33 for season pass 2. So to get the full AAA experience of Soulcalibur you have to pay at least 133. Add the fact of lower costs for them and bigger profit margins (removal of manuals/extras and shift to digital sales).
Soulcalibur IS a AAA fighting game. Nice try to dodge the argument with lies. Also your 2nd post is false as I proved in my replies with many examples yet you falied to rebuke any on them. Games are already 70 and digital games are the same as that. You dodged the question why like many of others. But yea poor multibillion companies....Soul Calibur has never been an AAA game, so your argument is flawed to begin with. If we're talking about low to med budget Japanese games, then there are a lot of them with expensive total DLC like Monster Hunter Rise.
The topic is about AAA games and why they're not as innovative and fun as they used to be. Nothing you have posted so far argues against my point which is in the 2nd post of this thread.
Also, attacking me by calling me a troll in order to win an argument is pathetic
Threads like this are a great way to see how many ERA migrants have come sneaking back. Its great for Gafs numbers that you lot are back skulking around in the shadows.
OP spitting facts that break some peoples fragile world views.
Soul Calibur has never been an AAA game
He's making a point showing the political pandering that game companies do. He's not saying "look at these women and how they all suck" which is how you are trying to frame it. It's not a stretch to think that pandering to gender instead of who's best for the job will have a negative impact on quality of games.Why would you expect anyone who is not a sexist piece of shit to agree with your post? Jests Christ. You are citing a picture of the female members of staff who probably still make a tiny slice of the whole team as a proof of what exactly, that having women on the team is bad? Letting the women support each other is bad for gaming?
And you double down with your sexist bullshit with replies. The reason you don't have as good a job as some women or minorities is because you are so fucking stupid that you think this is reasonable and that shows in your low quality output, not that women are given good jobs because of some quota.