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I know Bethesda is a crappy lazy company, but current Fallout 76 situation is just too much


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
There are only native builds for the Anniversary Edition. There never was a BC patch for the PS4 version of Special Edition.
It's not out yet.

As for Skyrim's free next-gen upgrade, it'll be available to owners of either the current Skyrim: Special Edition or the incoming Anniversary Edition, and promises "enhanced graphics, faster loading times and more".
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Is not that I couldn't stand the game. The game was trying hard to make not play it. Crashed so much my PS4 that I was afraid of damaging it. Only at that point my brother suggested a refund and at that time I already knew about the Sony stupid policy of "not giving refunds".

You can say all you want, its not like I'm trying to change your mind. I know what company I'm dealing because of my personnal experience, and from that I have all the confidence to tell they're lazy as fuck. Couldn't give a damn about stupid console wars or "how much they sell". Skyrim sold gazillions, probably I'm one of them in that number. Doesnt change the fact that the game is a glitchfest and only someone whos blind doesn't see that.
I don't disagree with you that their games are flawed and glitchy. I disagree that they're lazy. And you might have had a bad experience with it, but many people are still playing Skyrim / Fallout on their PS4.

And I did mention the success of their franchises not for "warring" (you seem too fixated on that btw), but just to point out that, besides flawed, their games seems to please many players from every platform, and for most of these players their games are also very far from unplayable.
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I just hope under Microsoft they aren’t pressed for cash anymore so they can take their time releasing Software. They aren’t lazy, they just had to stick with deadlines for financial reasons.


Ok but your an outer at this point. Many people still have 1080p tvs because 4k tvs have been expensive but the console makers, devs, and the entire industry has been pushing for and shifting focus to 4k since 2016. 1080pis in the process of being slowly phased out.

The reason 1080p is fine for you is you are still playing on a 1080p TV. The image doesn't have to stretch to fit the screen. 1080p doesn't look good on a 4k tv. So while it matters 'to me' it matters to the industry as a whole and others who've adopted 4k.

You can display 1080p on a 4k TV by integer scaling, which is frankly very hard to screw up. And I do have a 4k TV (in fact, two of them) - I simply find I don't care. Yes, I can see the difference, but it seems well into the domain of diminishing returns. The main reason the PS4pro is connected to the 1080p TV and the XboneX is wired up to the main 65" 4k TV Is simply that the PS4 gets rather noisy when running in 4k mode and I find I don't care about the decrease in resolution.

I'm also one of those people with a RTX2080 that typically runs it with RTX OFF, because I don't care about that extreme of graphics whoredom either.
Is not that I couldn't stand the game. The game was trying hard to make not play it. Crashed so much my PS4 that I was afraid of damaging it. Only at that point my brother suggested a refund and at that time I already knew about the Sony stupid policy of "not giving refunds".

You can say all you want, its not like I'm trying to change your mind. I know what company I'm dealing because of my personnal experience, and from that I have all the confidence to tell they're lazy as fuck. Couldn't give a damn about stupid console wars or "how much they sell". Skyrim sold gazillions, probably I'm one of them in that number. Doesnt change the fact that the game is a glitchfest and only someone whos blind doesn't see that.
People always get triggered whenever a dev is called lazy. I don't get it. A dev that never fixes their bugs and let's modders do it is frigging lazy compared to other devs.
You can display 1080p on a 4k TV by integer scaling, which is frankly very hard to screw up. And I do have a 4k TV (in fact, two of them) - I simply find I don't care. Yes, I can see the difference, but it seems well into the domain of diminishing returns. The main reason the PS4pro is connected to the 1080p TV and the XboneX is wired up to the main 65" 4k TV Is simply that the PS4 gets rather noisy when running in 4k mode and I find I don't care about the decrease in resolution.

I'm also one of those people with a RTX2080 that typically runs it with RTX OFF, because I don't care about that extreme of graphics whoredom either.
Integer scaling is still scaling. Take a game and put a 1080p version and a 4k version, output them on the same 4k tv and the 1080p version will look a lot worse. You are an outlier. The rare gamer who buys a 4k tv and rtx 2080 and doesn't care about resolution. Kind of weird that your buying the latest tech and are surprised other people are not happy with inferior formats.


Integer scaling is still scaling. Take a game and put a 1080p version and a 4k version, output them on the same 4k tv and the 1080p version will look a lot worse. You are an outlier. The rare gamer who buys a 4k tv and rtx 2080 and doesn't care about resolution. Kind of weird that your buying the latest tech and are surprised other people are not happy with inferior formats.

It's lower resolution and you can see that but it doesn't matter. I guess you find the success of the Nintendo Switch incomprehensible too?


It's lower resolution and you can see that but it doesn't matter. I guess you find the success of the Nintendo Switch incomprehensible too?
I will shake your fanboy world now:

How awsome would a Nintendo 1st party title be on modern hardware? I can just dream!
...and it will stay a dream to have a creative, beautyful, polished, perfectly balanced game only Nintendo gives you on 4k TV with all bells and whistles.
I`m sure right now there are a dozens Stockholm syndrome warriors storming the keyboards to explain me I`m wrong and nobody needs more than 1080p30.
Although I agree Bethesda should do a better job polishing their games before and after release, I still think that calling them "lazy" is way too much. You can't deny that their games are generally huge and full of content. They're very competent in delivering good games, and that's why they got a good reputation, besides these issues.

Also, there are tons of games out there that need a next-gen patch. Fallout 76 is just one among so many... and it also is not even one of Bethesda favorites, so I doubt that's their focus right now.

That being said... no, I don't think that's the truth at all. It's quite a hyperbole actually.
When talking about the quest design and some of the writing in 76, the best word to use imo is "lazy". Lazy doesn't just mean someone is sitting around doing nothing. It can also mean that someone is just doing the bare minimum effort or putting a small amount of care into the work.


Given another chance
My issue with Bethesda is that they really could be outstanding devs. Their world building is right up there, but their tired, relic engine and all of the bugs that go with their games just bring Bethesda right down. It’s a damn shame they don’t aim high with regards to quality.


Game runs awesome on PS5... y'all are weird about resolution.

You can say many things about Fallout 76 but you can't say it's blurry. I've played it yesterday and on one x it was very clear.

I'm playing on Series X, with a 65 inch TV.

The regular "One X" version looks OK (1440p I think) but is a slideshow, I'm pretty sure is not solid 30 FPS.
With compatibility option for 60 FPS runs and plays great, but it's really blurry (I'm sure it doesn't go over 1080p).

Load times are fine enough for me.
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We aren't saying the company is physically lazy. They are creatively and technically lazy. They could turn some of their resources on to making the gameplay experience better for people with better hardware (or hell for people on the hardware the game launched on). That you still can not get a good frame rate in FO76 (or hell even FO4) without just absolutely brute forcing the game speaks volumes about where their priorities are.

My issue with Bethesda is that they really could be outstanding devs. Their world building is right up there, but their tired, relic engine and all of the bugs that go with their games just bring Bethesda right down. It’s a damn shame they don’t aim high with regards to quality.

When talking about the quest design and some of the writing in 76, the best word to use imo is "lazy". Lazy doesn't just mean someone is sitting around doing nothing. It can also mean that someone is just doing the bare minimum effort or putting a small amount of care into the work.

Absolutely this. They sell millions of games but they keep using the same crappy engine they've using for the past decade and they don't even fix bugs that has been there for years. That's lazy.
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I will shake your fanboy world now:

How awsome would a Nintendo 1st party title be on modern hardware? I can just dream!
...and it will stay a dream to have a creative, beautyful, polished, perfectly balanced game only Nintendo gives you on 4k TV with all bells and whistles.
I`m sure right now there are a dozens Stockholm syndrome warriors storming the keyboards to explain me I`m wrong and nobody needs more than 1080p30.

Again, you miss the point. I have my PS4pro plugged into a 43" 1080p TV rather than the 65" 4k TV that's in the next room simply because it makes less noise doing that - and although I can observe the visual difference I consider it inconsequential. Honestly, I consider all the graphics whore nonsense to be actively harmful - because on any project there are going to be finite resources and this bizarre obsession with graphics results in most of them being pissed away on armies of artists slaving away on high-res assets doing work that ultimately has no impact on the way the game actually plays.

I bought up Nintendo simply because their success makes it very clear that the "graphics are the only important thing" crowd are projecting their position onto everyone else - while there are in reality a lot of people that just aren't that concerned.

The fact that you apparently see all this through the "he must be an {x} fanboy" lens makes you too much of a complete fucking retard to take seriously anyway.


Not trying to be a jerk, but I have to ask, have you never worked with people who are lazy before? I think everyone has. Why think that game developers are immune to certain behaviors? I'm sure not everyone at Bethesda is lazy, but I'm just as sure that there are people who probably don't pull their own weight. It happens a literally every job I've ever worked at.
I think it is more than just that. I don't think when people say the devs are lazy they mean the individuals. I think it is more a dig at the corporate philosophy of the company to do the absolute bare minimum.


I just hope under Microsoft they aren’t pressed for cash anymore so they can take their time releasing Software. They aren’t lazy, they just had to stick with deadlines for financial reasons.

Theresa May Lol GIF


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Bethesda makes giant, detailed, immersive games and supports them for years after release, and you think that that is crappy and lazy?
how this title is even possible mods?
so are we accepting as objectively true that Bethesda is a crappy lazy company?
In guessing you wouldn't be saying this if Bethesda was still independent... 🤡

Bethesda shouldn't be getting a free pass because they've been bought out. They've been on a decline for a long time and frankly it's scandalous the shit they do get away with.
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OK? The game has crazy fast load times.. why does it matter if Bethesda did anything for that or not? lol

There is no "big problem" to solve.. the game isn't going to get re-designed around faster IO. It's not some static SP game, or basic ass open world game.. you could load into the world at an enormous number of locations, wherever you've built a camp, and what needs to be loaded into memory is a lot.. and it's not the kind of game that's ever going to do some massive behind the scenes data streaming.

Look, if you're fine with the performance of the game on consoles or PC's that great. However a lot of people aren't, and presumably neither is BETHESDA as (I'm pretty sure) they have talked about a next-gen patch for the game "being in the pipeline. . ." which means absolutely nothing beyond "Sure we'd like to get one out."
As PC gamer, let it be known that Bethesda was trained to let the customers fix the bugs themselves.

A bug in Oblivion, where certain types of enemy corpses are never removed, thus leading to the area slowly loverloaded with corpses of respawned enemies and thus crash the game, was fixed by the community patch but never by Bethesda.
When Fallout 3 came out, the exact SAME BUG was still present with enemies killed by an energy weapon crit. And once again Bethesda never fixed it, the PC community just reused the same code patch from Oblivion to stop the bug.

If you think Bethesda would care about fixing bugs now that Microsoft pay their salaries, think again.
We are talking about the company that tried to monetize their modding community after all. Taking them to their word is obviously not a good idea, I don’t even know when it ever was. You have prime examples like the big promiseboy himself, Todd Howard, giving you the gold like “16 times the detail”(& 17 times the bugs might I add) and yet those promises never end up being fulfilled anyway.

If history has proven anything with regards to Bethesda , is to never take their words seriously and I’m saying this as a massive fan of their earlier creations (no pun intended), like Morrowind & Oblivion. It’s always their modding community that ends up fixing the bugs that Bethesda themselves don’t even bother trying to fix, even though it’s their job to do so. My opinion on Bethesda hasn't changed, I'll see where things go as this gen progresses even though I'm not holding my breath. Just because they've been bought out, doesn't necessarily mean they'll change.
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I played Fallout 4 in 2020 in a PS4 slim. I liked Fallout and Elder Scrolls games but i didn't even finished Fallout 4 with all the dlc included for 20 bucks. When i was playing it i though i was playing fallout 3 all over again with bugs, awful pop in, awful LOD, awful loading, it looks ok? You are in the world map, then entered a little room and a loading then open another door to enter the inside the building and another loading. You want to go outisde the same way then 2 loadings for the world map. The dlc island don't remember the name my god that fog looks awful like a ps2 era fog or something like that very awful. I agree with you OP there are lazy. Using the same engine for 20 years, all the games have a lot of bugs and still Fallout 4 for example don't have a next gen update.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
One year later and still without next-gen patch.

"Dear Todd, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'
I left my mail, gametag and Gaf name at the bottom
I sent two mails back in autumn, you must not've got 'em
There probably was a problem at the mail server or somethin'
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I got ticks
But anyways, fuck it; what's been up, man? What's with Fallout 76?
When the games fixed then I'm 'bout to be a dad
If I have a son, guess what I'ma call the Little man?
I'ma name him Todd
I read about the acquisition too, I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who bought him
I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan
Even though I believe fallout 76 to be the biggest scam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man
I like the shit you did with 'The Pit' too, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this mail through
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Sgru"



"Dear Todd, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'
I left my mail, gametag and Gaf name at the bottom
I sent two mails back in autumn, you must not've got 'em
There probably was a problem at the mail server or somethin'
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I got ticks
But anyways, fuck it; what's been up, man? What's with Fallout 76?
When the games fixed then I'm 'bout to be a dad
If I have a son, guess what I'ma call the Little man?
I'ma name him Todd
I read about the acquisition too, I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who bought him
I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan
Even though I believe fallout 76 to be the biggest scam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man
I like the shit you did with 'The Pit' too, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this mail through
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Sgru"



Thanks for letting us know

You're welcome!

It is a shit game. Why do you care so much about a next gen patch?

What you should care about is why we haven't had remasters of Fallout 3, New Vegas, or Oblivion yet.

I like it, I would love it if I could play it with better graphics. And yes, a proper remaster of those games would be great.

Just pray Starfield doesn't launch broken.

I know it will be broken and I know I will love it.


You're welcome!

I like it, I would love it if I could play it with better graphics. And yes, a proper remaster of those games would be great.

I know it will be broken and I know I will love it.
Even if it's broken and using a 20yr old engine? I like Elder Scrolls and Fallout but Fallout 4 left a bad impression on me.
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