ahhh crunch time at uni is over, time toplay games (with my new Rift)look for PC upgrades
Haswell ? I love attacking brand new CPUs with razor blades, vices and hammers but my 2600K already provides adequateframeratesframetimes
Titan ? bit too pricey
780 ? That's somewhat better ... will 3 GB be enough ? Probably but you better not be wrong for that price
770 Lightning SLI ? I'd love to have Lightning cards, but it's a huge investment for a relatively small upgrade with again just 2GB VRAM
GTX 770 4 GB SLI ... €900 for the pair and my old blocks fit (on the Zotac card) ? I don't lose any value on the waterblocks, upgrade to 4GB 7GHz memory and faster cores ... but it is kinda boring as well, and the 256 bit memory bus still is quite a bottleneck ... then again it should run next-gen ports at 1080p right ? right ? I figure I can get around €550 for my 670s, so that would be an OK upgrade if the VRAM makes a difference in the future, if not it would be a big waste of money
guess I should just wait and pray for a 780 Lightning edition
conclusion : the Intel/Nvidia monopolies fucking suckcan't remember the last time I saw so much hardware being released in such a small amount of time, with nothing being really interesting unless money is no object
Delidded IB to delidded Haswell? Hmmm we will see but I doubt will be much of an improvement
680 SLI to 770 SLI? Naw my 1.3Ghz clock, 6.5Ghz memory is probably enough
Red ROG board to regular Gold board? Spent too much time blacking it out and who wants to lose features when upgrading a chipset?
Spend more days of my life sleeving cables and making wires to satisfy my unreasonable OCD behaviour about colour and cable placement? HELL YEAH