Can't tell if the 1080 is truly worth it for 4k. Maybe get an interim card then pick up the ti?
Not even the new Titan XP can do every game at 4K/Ultra/No AA 60fps. Maybe overclocked with a waterblock but even then you won't be locked above 60fps.
Can't tell if the 1080 is truly worth it for 4k. Maybe get an interim card then pick up the ti?
Can someone explains how g sync works. I have g sync monitor, gtx 770 latest drivers. I turn g sync on and v sync off but I see tearing everywhere in dark souls 3. Monitor native refresh rate is 144 but dark souls 3 seems to self cap at 60 which is fine but the tearing is horrible.
What's the point of paying for g sync when you have to use v sync as well...
Vsync in the Nvidia control panel has to be ON. You only want that off if you want go above your monitors refresh rate, like for benchmarking. And, in-game, you disable the Vsync setting.
Now I'm confused. I thought g sync was supposed to give the benefits of v sync without v sync being on. If I turn v sync on while g sync is on won't I just get input lag and some micro stutter? With v sync off and g sync on but the resolution at 1440p I hit a steady 40fps and see no tearing as of g sync is working.
Damn feeling buyers regret on this monitor now
Also dark souls 3 is only ugly ass game on pc, coming from bloodborne.
I haven't had any problems changing MBs without reinstalling since Windows 7. Each later versions has better driver support for such a thing. The only possible issue has to do with Windows activation after changing the MB.Can Windows 10 deal with booting a system disk from a new motherboard? I could start up my system without any obvious issues, but don't know if it is a good idea to skip reinstalling windows 10.
Now I'm confused. I thought g sync was supposed to give the benefits of v sync without v sync being on. If I turn v sync on while g sync is on won't I just get input lag and some micro stutter? With v sync off and g sync on but the resolution at 1440p I hit a steady 40fps and see no tearing as of g sync is working.
Damn feeling buyers regret on this monitor now
Also dark souls 3 is only ugly ass game on pc, coming from bloodborne.
I had to do a fresh install of Win10 due to some issues. It has been a while since I had to do this. What programs are important that I have to add after I do the install? Right now it is running fine and I am testing my new GPU. But just want to make sure I am not missing anything critical that I should download.
Can Windows 10 deal with booting a system disk from a new motherboard? I could start up my system without any obvious issues, but don't know if it is a good idea to skip reinstalling windows 10.
I've been wondering this as well as a first time builder. I did, however, check if my drivers are all updated. Also, according to the race your pc thread, I downloaded 3dMark, and some hw monitoring programs (GPU Z, CPU Z, etc.). I'll try them out later.
Now I'm confused. I thought g sync was supposed to give the benefits of v sync without v sync being on. If I turn v sync on while g sync is on won't I just get input lag and some micro stutter? With v sync off and g sync on but the resolution at 1440p I hit a steady 40fps and see no tearing as of g sync is working.
Damn feeling buyers regret on this monitor now
Also dark souls 3 is only ugly ass game on pc, coming from bloodborne.
My Dad wants a new PC. I've specced him out a lovely £750-ish box, RX480 and whatnot. However, he wants a pre-build to compare.
I've had a look around Alienware and there is a massive gulf in their config. GTX960 jumps up to the terrible 1070 FE, small form factor ones won't even allow anything else other than GTX960 in them.
Who else in the UK does a pre-build that is decent quality that I can go have a look at?
My Dad wants a new PC. I've specced him out a lovely £750-ish box, RX480 and whatnot. However, he wants a pre-build to compare.
Pc specialist. Stay away from. Alienware massively over priced.
And thanks to the guys for explaining gsync. They really should explain it better, even nvidia a website isn't clear.
With all due respect to your dad of course, does he actually believe a pre-build might be cheaper?
No. There are two factors at play here:
1) Location, I'm a 5 hour train ride away, so it would be difficult to get the PC to him. Also no warranty with me if something goes wrong en route.
2) My mum. She is a worrier and worries that I might not build it well enough!! They're over 70, so just their nature!
Part for part, I would be about £200-£250 cheaper than PC Specialist, but at least they have the option.
Work is progressing on my son's first PC. Got a couple of questions though.
How big a jump is an i5 from an i3 for gaming? Modded Minecraft is the big thing, but he'll also be exploring my Steam library (with some restrictions, of course) and medium settings are fine (he's used to a PS3 and Xbox 360, so it's still gonna be a big leap.) Like, being an enthusiast, I get stuck thinking that low-end is completely worthless and I know that's bullshit, I just have no experience with lower-level parts and what to expect performance-wise.
And if we go with the i3, is the stock cooler sufficient for at least a little while? I'd planned on getting a Hyper 212 EVO (of course) but we're trying to shave off every dollar we can to get it done before he goes back to school next month. He's inheriting my old Haswell mobo and it is suitable for OCing, but we'll probably be going with a non-K chip.
This will be paired with either an RX 460 or 470, BTW. Thoughts on those would be appreciated as well. The 460 is obviously preferable due to price, but I don't want to be making so many sacrifices that PC gaming doesn't seem any better than his last-gen systems. Again, though, I don't know how much of this is that "anything less than the best is worthless!" thinking....
Friend is wanting to play No Mans Sky and asking for suitable builds with a budget of £600 best I could find was something like this?
Anything I should think of changing in there?
OS and optical drive not needed as already have.
Go with an RX470 instead of the 380X. Better performance and more importantly, fewer heat and power issues. Also consider going with a Samsung SSD (750 EVO for instance).
I got a new PC with the LG 4K IPS monitor. Any idea why iTunes looks like upscaled pixely garbage? I would have imagined Apple would have made the program scale properly.
Cheers, would dropping to an i3 6100 to keep it in budget be okay? Main games I believe he will play is WoW and NMS
I suggest you wait til the PC benchmarks hit starting tomorrow, but since NMS uses voxels it may be slightly CPU-intensive.
Cheers, would dropping to an i3 6100 to keep it in budget be okay? Main games I believe he will play is WoW and NMS
I have a feeling the i3 would be a poorer choice for NMS than an FX 8300.. I would strongly suggest looking into that as an option as well. It's not something I would recommend for anything but a budget gaming build, but if you can't afford better than the i3 6100, the FX 8300 would give you much better multithreaded performance, and can OC up to 4.7-4.8GHz easily.
I wouldn't say easily, that sort of overclocking puts you at the top few percentiles of overclocks on a few benchmarking sites.
Pc specialist. Stay away from. Alienware massively over priced.
And thanks to the guys for explaining gsync. They really should explain it better, even nvidia a website isn't clear.
I haven't had any problems changing MBs without reinstalling since Windows 7. Each later versions has better driver support for such a thing. The only possible issue has to do with Windows activation after changing the MB.
It should be able to. Emphasis on "should". I always reinstall, anyway, just to be safe, as these days installing Windows takes no more than 20-30 minutes (i.e. when using a USB drive and SSD).
Taking a look at the build list since I have no idea what I'm doing, this is what I've got so far:
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
RAM: G.Skill NT Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Graphics: GTX1060
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive x2
Case: Thermaltake V3 VL8001W2Z ATX Mid
PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
Aiming for 1080p 60FPS Ultra BF4, future proof as possible and potential for VR - not OCing.
Does this build achieve that? Anyway to reduce cost? Any tips? I'm reusing old storage and case to save a bit.
Finally ordered my parts after much procrastination due to not knowing which case to buy:
Intel I7 6600K
Asus Z170-A motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR 2666mhz
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD
In Win 909 Silver
CM Silencio 120mm fans (3)
EVGA Supernova G1 650w PSU
i5 or i7?
Seems like a solid build!
i5 sorry. Took a risk on the case so we'll see how that goes.
Does someone mind explaining what the founders edition is versus any other version? The reason I ask is that Newegg has a sale on an FTW version of the 1070. Is that different from the founders?
Any recommendations for Over-the-Ear headphones besides what's in the OP? I'm currently using these Sennheiser's but they feel so small. I'd like something that has a bigger ear cup on them. Price range $100-$300 but of course i'd rather spend less than more.
Any recommendations for Over-the-Ear headphones besides what's in the OP? I'm currently using these Sennheiser's but they feel so small. I'd like something that has a bigger ear cup on them. Price range $100-$300 but of course i'd rather spend less than more.
Would this be a good place to ask for advice about buying a computer off the shelf with minimal upgrades needed, or is this thread strictly about building custom rigs?
I'd like to see if I can nab a decent PC it's ready to go and can handle all blizzard games at High-Ultra settings without too much problem. I hear that isn't terribly high-end these days (like Blizzard's High is another game's low-mid, etc)
Would this be a good place to ask for advice about buying a computer off the shelf with minimal upgrades needed, or is this thread strictly about building custom rigs?
I'd like to see if I can nab a decent PC it's ready to go and can handle all blizzard games at High-Ultra settings without too much problem. I hear that isn't terribly high-end these days (like Blizzard's High is another game's low-mid, etc)