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"I Need a New PC!" 2016 Plus Ultra! HBM2, VR, 144Hz, and 4K for all!

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I've been gaming for more than an hour and a half and my GPU temp hasn't gone above 66c! So my previous issue was definitely the card. Thank you to everyone who helped me with my build.


I tried google for this problem but can't solve it. I have an Asus z87-plus motherboard. I am also on Windows 10. When I shut down the pc, a couple seconds later the PC will turn back on. I isolated the problem to the ethernet connection. When I pull out the lan cable or disable it in bios and then shut down the PC, it stays off. I looked in the BIOS at all the settings that have to do with "Wake on..." and they are disabled. I also looked at the setting for the network adapter in Windows and they are disabled. Anyone run into this problem?


Try disabling fastboot in Windows. If you are running a SSD, it won't make a difference in boot time.


I saw on ewholesaler.com they were selling as "Acceptable" a 3TB WD Blue hd for $30 shipped. I thought I'd give it a shot. My biggest concern was that Blue drives are meant for 24/7 use and it would have come out of some surveillance setup with a gillion hours of use.

What I got was a 2015 drive with ~150hrs of use, no errors. Practically brand new.

Stuck it in an enclosure and I am now using it as part of my NAS.

Might be a good place to check for parts if you're low on cash.

Did you mean purples? Purples are the ones meant for 24/7 surveillance camera systems such as DVRs.


So if any of you read my post earlier I had a huge disaster with my Sandy Bridge PC and am in immediate need of a replacement as I have deadlines to meet. Im carrying over my case, working drives and the new GTX 1070 I just bought into this:

[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Mxf3bj) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Mxf3bj/by_merchant/)

**CPU** | [Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/tdmxFT/intel-cpu-bx80662i76700k) | $349.99 @ Newegg
**CPU Cooler** | [Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/hmtCmG/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2) | $24.99 @ Newegg
**Motherboard** | [MSI Z170A SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/r3yxFT/msi-motherboard-z170asli) | $108.98 @ Newegg
**Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws 4 series 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/BGX2FT/gskill-memory-f43000c15q16grbb) | $89.99 @ Newegg
**Storage** | [OCZ Vertex 4 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/s3xfrH/ocz-internal-hard-drive-vtx425sat3128g) |-
**Storage** | [Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZqjG3C/samsung-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm005hd103sj) |-
**Video Card** | [Asus GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/j8r...0-8gb-video-card-rog-strix-gtx1070-o8g-gaming) |-
**Case** | [Corsair 400R ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/6QJwrH/corsair-case-400r) | $89.99 @ Newegg
**Power Supply** | [EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/MfJwrH/evga-power-supply-220g20750xr) | $95.98 @ Newegg
**Optical Drive** | [Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/2v9KHx/asus-optical-drive-drw24b1stblkbas) | $19.99 @ Newegg
**Operating System** | [Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM 64-bit](http://pcpartpicker.com/product/MfH48d/microsoft-os-fqc08930) | $139.99 @ Newegg
| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $964.90
| Mail-in rebates | -$45.00
| **Total** | **$919.90**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker](http://pcpartpicker.com) 2016-07-21 03:05 EDT-0400 |

Does everything look okay? I have to pull the trigger asap. Picking parts in haste is pretty nerve racking.
Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to talk about this, but anyways... I just ordered this laptop:

15.6" FullHD
Intel Core i7-6700HQ

Will it be enough to run most of the games @1080p with high settings?


Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to talk about this, but anyways... I just ordered this laptop:

15.6" FullHD
Intel Core i7-6700HQ

Will it be enough to run most of the games @1080p with high settings?

no it won't (it depends a lot on your definition of "most") and no that's the wrong thread.

It's a shitty time to buy a gaming laptop. Hold on until 480 or 1060 laptops are available if possible.


Jesus Christ, what the hell is going on with 10 series prices?!

1070s for more than double what I paid for my 970 on release, and 1080 for the best part of a grand?! And to think I contemplated an upgrade for a few days...

AMD need to sort it out and force some prices back down or I'm going to be priced out of PC gaming on sheer principal in the next few years.


Putting together a rig and thought I'd just get the once over and some advice from the pro's. I am a console gamer at heart and only just getting into pc so be gentle.
I am getting a prebuilt machine as im not 100% confident putting it together myself so im limited to the parts I can change on the build But im quite happy with whats on offer.
My biggest question really is on motherboard and advantages other than sli/crossfire options they offer. This machine I hope will only be gettin graphics cards upgrades within the next 3/4 years with maybe the option to add more ram if needed.

Processor:Intel Core i5-6600K 3.50GHz Skylake

Graphics Card: GTX 1070 or 1080 still to decide

Memory: 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 - 3000MHz

Storage: 250GB Samsung SM951 M.2 NVMe Hard Disk, plus 2tb drive

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170 Gaming K3 ATX

Power Supply: 550w corsair v5550 80+

Straight of the bat this machine is 100% gaming so Ive stuck with i5 6600 but there is an option to go up to the i7. Would I be right in thinking the i5 in a gaming rig is perectly fine and the i7 would not make much a difference?
The motherboard can be switched for an
Asus z170 pro gaming
Asus rog z170 maximus
Gigabyte z170x gaming 3
Gigabyte ga z170 ultra gaming
I have no interest in a sli setup and that really is my knowledge on motherboards pro's/ cons. Is the one I have ok or is it worth switching for the others listed?
I will be gaming on multiple monitors I have a projector which is limited to 1080pee 60hz. A 4k tv which i believe can do 120hz at 1080 but is limited to 60hz at 4k. Also I am very interested in a 21:9 monitor but that will not be getting bought till later in the year. The 21:9 monitor will be a 1440p screen.


(reposting this from a few weeks back seeing as the 480 and 1060 are both out in the wild)

Hi, built this about 2 and a half years back:

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z87-D3H
Processor: Intel i5 4670K
Video Card: 3GB Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X OC WINDFORCE
RAM: Corsair Vengeance Jet Black 2x4GB
SSD: Samsung750 Evo 500gb
OS: Windows 10 64bit
PSU: Cooler Master G Series 650w
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 200R

Ideally i'm looking for a system that will be able to last me the next 2 years with 1080p gaming at as close to 60fps in high/Ultra as possible, and wonder if I can just add in a new GPU to this build and have it do the trick?

Potentially interested in VR in the future, though by the time VR becomes mainstream and of real use, I might be due a new build by then (another 2.5 years)

Main Uses: General Usage 5, Gaming 4, emulation 3
Need help:

My 3D graphics score for passmark on my gpu 980ti is very low, slower than gtx 980.

My scores are:

DX 9 simple 645
DX 9 complex 129.1
Dx10 159.3
Dx11 156.3
Direct compute 6617.

How can this be?

My specs:

EVGA SC 980ti
I7 3770k
Win 10 64bit16GB ram.


Need help:

My 3D graphics score for passmark on my gpu 980ti is very low, slower than gtx 980.

My scores are:

DX 9 simple 645
DX 9 complex 129.1
Dx10 159.3
Dx11 156.3
Direct compute 6617.

How can this be?

My specs:

EVGA SC 980ti
I7 3770k
Win 10 64bit16GB ram.
What is your 3Dmark Time spy scores? Post the web page after benchmarking.
I used Passmark Peformance Test, downloaded from here:


I haven't tried the spy test, but I will now.

I have to download the software.

I'll update this post after I run the spy demo.

In power settings in Windows 10 what should I have it on?

It's currently on balanced.

Should I change it to high performance?

Redone the peformance test that I done before, this time with gsync off and the gpu score was 11000 something.
So I think I'm finally going to give in and spring for a 1080, but I'm hesitating between two which are in my price range: the MSI Armor OC and the Gainward Phoenix GLH.

Had a bad experience with the manufacturer of my current card (KFA2/Galax) as their support was very poor, so I'd like to take the quality of the brand's support into consideration. Anyone have any experience with the after-sales/RMA service of either MSI or Gainward?

Thanks! :)
So I plugged my hard drives, power supply, and 980ti into my new everything else and everything booted fine. i5? to i7-6800 I like that win10 lets me be lazy I don't even have to reinstall the os

anyways... I got a thermaltake core v1 mini-ITX chassis. the ASRock X99E-ITX/ac motherboard is built dumb and my video card blocks my HD audio (left) and front chassis fan (right) ports. is there like a flat cable anyone knows of that I can bu to get them to fit?



(reposting this from a few weeks back seeing as the 480 and 1060 are both out in the wild)

Hi, built this about 2 and a half years back:

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z87-D3H
Processor: Intel i5 4670K
Video Card: 3GB Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X OC WINDFORCE
RAM: Corsair Vengeance Jet Black 2x4GB
SSD: Samsung750 Evo 500gb
OS: Windows 10 64bit
PSU: Cooler Master G Series 650w
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 200R

Ideally i'm looking for a system that will be able to last me the next 2 years with 1080p gaming at as close to 60fps in high/Ultra as possible, and wonder if I can just add in a new GPU to this build and have it do the trick?

Potentially interested in VR in the future, though by the time VR becomes mainstream and of real use, I might be due a new build by then (another 2.5 years)

Main Uses: General Usage 5, Gaming 4, emulation 3

I'm not able to finde the z87-d3h on gigabytes website for specs, only a GA-Z87-D3HP or a GA-Z87MX-D3H. But it really shouldn't matter. They should both support XMP Ram and basic overclocking in this segment.

Your CPU is still fine, especially overclocked. So if you're still on a stock cooler upgrade to a better one for $40-$50 and bring the clock speed up to 4.2ghz or even more.

You could also get 16gb of ram. And while you're at it get faster DDR3 ram running at least at 2400mhz. Kits of 2x8gb @ 2400mhz start at around $60. This will boost performance in cpu bound situations in most games.

Picking the right gpu is the tricky part here.
If you don't want to spend too much on your next gpu: Get the cheapest good third party 1060 or 480 design for under 300$ (Gigabyte G1, MSI gaming, Asus strix, Sapphire Nitro). But if you really want to play at very high/ultra settings in 1.5 years from now there is no way around (at least) the 1070, imo.


So I plugged my hard drives, power supply, and 980ti into my new everything else and everything booted fine. i5? to i7-6800 I like that win10 lets me be lazy I don't even have to reinstall the os

anyways... I got a thermaltake core v1 mini-ITX chassis. the ASRock X99E-ITX/ac motherboard is built dumb and my video card blocks my HD audio (left) and front chassis fan (right) ports. is there like a flat cable anyone knows of that I can bu to get them to fit?
Hm, can't you just plug them in before installing the graphics card and route them accordingly? Can't tell 100% from the picture but there seems to be at least some clearance. I don't know of any right angle HD audio or fan cables tbh since the connectors themselves are pretty large


I'm not able to finde the z87-d3h on gigabytes website for specs, only a GA-Z87-D3HP or a GA-Z87MX-D3H. But it really shouldn't matter. They should both support XMP Ram and basic overclocking in this segment.

Oops, missed out the X at the end, it's this one:


Your CPU is still fine, especially overclocked. So if you're still on a stock cooler upgrade to a better one for $40-$50 and bring the clock speed up to 4.2ghz or even more.

Yeah been thinking about overclocking so will definitely look in to this more now.

Picking the right gpu is the tricky part here.
If you don't want to spend too much on your next gpu: Get the cheapest good third party 1060 or 480 design for under 300$ (Gigabyte G1, MSI gaming, Asus strix, Sapphire Nitro). But if you really want to play at very high/ultra settings in 1.5 years from now there is no way around (at least) the 1070, imo.

So you don't think the 480 or 1060 will run the newest games in 18 months time on high at 1080/60fps (or there abouts)?
My score for time spy is 5062. I done it through my to and have power save mode in win 10 to balance ( if they made any difference)


Is this normal for my system?

CPU is stock.

Should I consider overclocking my 3770k using this cooler, Coolermaster Hyper TX3 EVO CPU Cooling Fan
Hm, can't you just plug them in before installing the graphics card and route them accordingly? Can't tell 100% from the picture but there seems to be at least some clearance. I don't know of any right angle HD audio or fan cables tbh since the connectors themselves are pretty large
nope it crushes it, then still the video card doesn't quite go in all the way



Yeah that's fine.

Yeah been thinking about overclocking so will definitely look in to this more now

Please do. You paid the extra for an unlocked K model, so use it :) It's meant to be overclocked by you.

So you don't think the 480 or 1060 will run the newest games in 18 months time on high at 1080/60fps (or there abouts)?

High settings should be doable at 1080p. But very high/ultra. Nope definitely not.

My score for time spy is 5062. I done it through my to and have power save mode in win 10 to balance ( if they made any difference)


Is this normal for my system?

CPU is stock.

A graphics score of ~5400 looks fine to me for a factory overclocked 980Ti and ~3900 cpu score is also ok for a 3770k without overclocking.
And your 980Ti is (and will always be) faster than a 980. To give you a value for comparison. I can push my 980 to 1590mhz. And even than the gpu score is only at ~4900. And 1590mhz is definitely way above the normal 980 oc.
If I overclock my 3770k on my motherboard Motherboard ASUS MAXIMUS V GENE, do I disable turbo boost?

Actually, this overclocking thing is quite complicated. I'm not sure someone who is inexperienced as me should do it.
For users wishing to automatic overclock, we have several options. In the OS, the TurboV Evo software part of AI Suite gives ‘CPU Level Up options for 4.2 GHz, 4.4 GHz and 4.6 GHz. Each of these is a one button click, accept and reboot. In the BIOS, users have the option of a ‘Gamer’s OC’, which boosts the CPU to a 48/47/46/45 multiplier depending on loading. All options affect the voltage applied of course, and our results are below.

Should I just choose auto overclock it than doing it manually?


If I overclock my 3770k on my motherboard Motherboard ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. MAXIMUS V GENE, do I disable turbo boost?

edit: Never OC your CPU with software tools like AI suite or something similar.

Go into your uefi/bios/ Extreme Tweaker Tab.

Set Turbo Ratio to Manual.
Ratio synchronize Controll =On
Adjust Core ratio in small steps.
Check for Temperature/stability while under heavy load after each increase. 42 (4200 mhz) could be the maximum for you without water cooling and without increasing core voltage.


Currently have sitting here this and waiting on my corsair vengeance 3000Mhz 16GB to arrive to start building.

What kind of performance increase over my i5 3rd gen am I look to get for gaming and in general with a normal 980?
edit: Never OC your CPU with software tools like AI suite or something similar.

Go into your uefi/bios/ Extreme Tweaker Tab.

Set Turbo Ratio to Manual.
Ratio synchronize Controll =On
Adjust Core ratio in small steps.
Check for Temperature/stability while under heavy load after each increase. 42 (4200 mhz) could be the maximum for you without water cooling and without increasing core voltage.

Buy my bios has an 'auto overclocking feature.

I won't be using the stock cooler, I'll be investing in a good cooler, possibly water cooled


Currently have sitting here this and waiting on my corsair vengeance 3000Mhz 16GB to arrive to start building.

What kind of performance increase over my i5 3rd gen am I look to get for gaming and in general with a normal 980?

In between 'That's it? Now I'm disappointed!' and 'WTF?! That's like getting a new GPU!'

3570k (@4.4 ghz, 16gb ddr3 2400mhz) + 980

Just Cause 3


6700k (@4.4 ghz, 16gb ddr4 3000mhz) + 980

Just Cause 3

Buy my bios has an 'auto overclocking feature.

I won't be using the stock cooler, I'll be investing in a good cooler, possibly water cooled

Sure, most motherboards do. But auto features tend to apply way to much voltage to your CPU. This results in higher core temperatures than needed. To give you an example. On auto oc my moterboard applies up to 1.38v to my cpu @ 4.6ghz. But by manually tweaking I'm able to get 4.6ghz with just 1.28v. That's a huge difference.
But in the end it's of course your decision. And yes you should definetly invest in a good cooler before overclocking.
Buy my bios has an 'auto overclocking feature.

I won't be using the stock cooler, I'll be investing in a good cooler, possibly water cooled

Auto OC tends to add more voltage than it needs to and thus introduce more heat, plus potentially damage the CPU's lifespan. If you do not plan to overclock it heavily, it might be useful but if you want to push the limits manual is the only way.
Auto OC tends to add more voltage than it needs to and thus introduce more heat, plus potentially damage the CPU's lifespan. If you do not plan to overclock it heavily, it might be useful but if you want to push the limits manual is the only way.

On my motherboard:

ASUS has included a handy utility with the GENE to automatically overclock the system called CPU Level Up. CPU Level Up allows for quick and easy CPU overclocking by simply enabling the feature in the BIOS where there are three levels available for our 3770K: 4.2GHz, 4.4GHz, and 4GHz. Once you select one, the board resets and both a CPU and memory overclock are applied. The result is a boost from stock speed (optimized defaults, Turbo enabled) of 3,900Mhz to an instant 4,600Mhz with no effort whatsoever! Not only do we have a very nice CPU overclock with CPU Level Up, but the GENE also gave a modest overclock to the memory with 1866Mhz at 11-13-13-35 1T. This is among the best auto overclocks we have seen to date.

The system was rock stable at 4.6Ghz while using the CPU Level Up feature and we were able to run all stress tests and benchmarks without any issue. For reference load, Vcore was at 1.328v and load temperatures in the mid 70s for the auto OC of 4.6Ghz.


In between 'That's it? Now I'm disappointed!' and 'WTF?! That's like getting a new GPU!'

3570k (@4.4 ghz, 16gb ddr3 2400mhz) + 980

Just Cause 3


6700k (@4.4 ghz, 16gb ddr4 3000mhz) + 980

Just Cause 3

Sure, most motherboards do. But auto features tend to apply way to much voltage to your CPU. This results in higher core temperatures than needed. To give you an example. On auto oc my moterboard applies up to 1.38v to my cpu @ 4.6ghz. But by manually tweaking I'm able to get 4.6ghz with just 1.28v. That's a huge difference.
But in the end it's of course your decision. And yes you should definetly invest in a good cooler before overclocking.

Tbh all I really wanted was more stable FPS anyway as my current rig is a major pain in the ass to get any sort of stable FPS in many games hence the upgrade.


On my motherboard:

And that's good?

The normal vcore for your cpu is around 1.05V. 1.33V is a lot!
Most people are able to reach 4.6ghz at ~ 1.25V.

But whatever if you really want to use your auto overclock feature... sure. It will definitely be stable at 4600mhz and 1.33v. No doubt about that.

Tbh all I really wanted was more stable FPS anyway as my current rig is a major pain in the ass to get any sort of stable FPS in many games hence the upgrade.

Yeah you should get that too.
And that's good?

The normal vcore for your cpu is around 1.05V. 1.33V is a lot!
Most people are able to reach 4.6ghz at ~ 1.25V.

But whatever if you really want to use your auto overclock feature... sure. It will be definetly stable at 4600mhz and 1.33v. No doubt about that.

That you'll get for sure.

Are you being sarcastic in the last part or do you really mean it? :)

What type of performance gain should I expect ( fps) at 4.6ghz?


And that's good?

The normal vcore for your cpu is around 1.05V. 1.33V is a lot!
Most people are able to reach 4.6ghz at ~ 1.25V.

But whatever if you really want to use your auto overclock feature... sure. It will definitely be stable at 4600mhz and 1.33v. No doubt about that.

Yeah you should get that too.

i should be happy enough then :)

Out of curiosity how is the dark souls 3 pc port? ive decided to leave my consoles for exclusives from now on and use my pc for everything else so will be selling my ps4 copies of games for the pc versions. Mirrors edge, ds3 etc


i should be happy enough then :)

Out of curiosity how is the dark souls 3 pc port? ive decided to leave my consoles for exclusives from now on and use my pc for everything else so will be selling my ps4 copies of games for the pc versions. Mirrors edge, ds3 etc

Never played the Playstation version of DS3, but DS3 (PC) >>>> Bloodborne in my experience (performance wise of course).

Are you being sarcastic in the last part or do you really mean it? :)

It will be stable.


Are you being sarcastic in the last part or do you really mean it? :)

What type of performance gain should I expect ( fps) at 4.6ghz?

My CPU reaches 4.4 Ghz at turbo boost, so there isnt any need to overclock it to 4.7
Besides I have to disable hyperthreading or reduce RAM frequency for better stability.

But I remember overclocking some year ago an i3 560 from 3.3 Ghz to 4.5 Ghz on air, cooling and performance gain was around 15 %.


i should be happy enough then :)

Out of curiosity how is the dark souls 3 pc port? ive decided to leave my consoles for exclusives from now on and use my pc for everything else so will be selling my ps4 copies of games for the pc versions. Mirrors edge, ds3 etc
As usual, some people seem to have trouble with the game on PC, but it ran very well for me for the 50h I played ("completed" the game).


As usual, some people seem to have trouble with the game on PC, but it ran very well for me for the 50h I played ("completed" the game).

Yeah I heard about an influx of Hackers for PvP in the game but I usually restrict my PvP in these games as they annoy the hell out of me
My CPU reaches 4.4 Ghz at turbo boost, so there isnt any need to overclock it to 4.7
Besides I have to disable hyperthreading or reduce RAM frequency for better stability.

But I remember overclocking some year ago an i3 560 from 3.3 Ghz to 4.5 Ghz on air, cooling and performance gain was around 15 %.

Turbo boost isn't the same as overclocking, normally only one or two of the cores will reach that boost clock under heavy load, while overclocking will bring all cores to the target clock, netting you bigger and more consistent performance gains.

What's a good motherboard for an i5-6500, an SSD, and EVGA GTX 1060 SC (single fan) that's under $100? Preferably $70-90 range.

My friends tell me micro ATX is bad but I couldn't see many choices for ATX that's under $100.

Any B150 board from ASUS, MSI or Gigabyte, depending on your brand preference and/or availability. Also mATX isn't bad at all, unless you need many PCIE and PCI slots, there is no significant deficits of using an mATX mobo, today's mATX boards offer almost the same extension capabilities as a regular ATX one, including multi-GPU support and sufficient SATA ports for everyday use.


What's a good motherboard for an i5-6500, an SSD, and EVGA GTX 1060 SC (single fan) that's under $100? Preferably $70-90 range.

My friends tell me micro ATX is bad but I couldn't see many choices for ATX that's under $100.
Yyyeeeaaaaaa buddy!!! My gtx 1080 is out for delivery to my place today!!! Sooo fucking excited. Finally I can get rid of this gtx780.
Tired of playing Skyrim with 450+ mods in 30 frames.

It's gonna be glorious!!!!


Gold Member
I currently have my i7-6700K overclocked to 4.5Ghz using 1.35V. I started off at 1.30V and did a 10 minute Prime 95 test up to 4.4Ghz which ran without issue. Once I set it to 4.5Ghz it crashed so I increased the voltage by 0.05 each time until I got to 1.35V. At 4.5Ghz/1.35V it's stable under Prime 95 for 1 hour, Aida64 Extreme for 1 hour, 30 minutes of x264, countless Firestrike runs, and all my games have been running fine for a couple weeks now.

I've seen a lot of people say they get 4.6 or higher but with lower voltage so I thought I must have done it wrong! This is my first time overclocking a CPU. So I reset my motherboard (MSI Z170A G43 Plus) and tried again yesterday while leaving my RAM at 2400/1.2V (was 2933/1.35V). 4.6Ghz at 1.35V ran under Aida64 for about 15 minutes but instantly crashed in x264. I was unsure about going over 1.35V as I've read I shouldn't get near 1.4V so I tried going up by 0.25 to 1.375 but the numbers I input turned red so I guess my motherboard is warning me about using that much. I tried 1.36 but again it turned red. 1.355 is the highest it will go and stay white.

So I think I'm pretty much stuck at 4.5Ghz/1.35V. Being realistic an extra 0.1Ghz isn't going to make a huge difference and isn't worth it really but I guess I'm just a little disappointed. Did I just get unlucky in the "silicon lottery"?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Did I just get unlucky in the "silicon lottery"?

Yeah, that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. My 2600K needed 1.36v to be stable at 4.5GHz.

Edit: To be clear, I'm referring to the relatively large bump needed to go from 4.4GHz to 4.5GHz. Unless you're cooling your CPU with liquid nitrogen or a particularly high-end custom water loop, heat is going to be a concern much sooner than excess voltage (I wouldn't go higher than 1.45v for a system that will be used daily for the foreseeable future).


I currently have my i7-6700K overclocked to 4.5Ghz using 1.35V. I started off at 1.30V and did a 10 minute Prime 95 test up to 4.4Ghz which ran without issue. Once I set it to 4.5Ghz it crashed so I increased the voltage by 0.05 each time until I got to 1.35V. At 4.5Ghz/1.35V it's stable under Prime 95 for 1 hour, Aida64 Extreme for 1 hour, 30 minutes of x264, countless Firestrike runs, and all my games have been running fine for a couple weeks now.

I've seen a lot of people say they get 4.6 or higher but with lower voltage so I thought I must have done it wrong! This is my first time overclocking a CPU. So I reset my motherboard (MSI Z170A G43 Plus) and tried again yesterday while leaving my RAM at 2400/1.2V (was 2933/1.35V). 4.6Ghz at 1.35V ran under Aida64 for about 15 minutes but instantly crashed in x264. I was unsure about going over 1.35V as I've read I shouldn't get near 1.4V so I tried going up by 0.25 to 1.375 but the numbers I input turned red so I guess my motherboard is warning me about using that much. I tried 1.36 but again it turned red. 1.355 is the highest it will go and stay white.

So I think I'm pretty much stuck at 4.5Ghz/1.35V. Being realistic an extra 0.1Ghz isn't going to make a huge difference and isn't worth it really but I guess I'm just a little disappointed. Did I just get unlucky in the "silicon lottery"?

You should be safe up to 1.45v for daily, just for reference.
I have to do 1.4 for 4.6, been running like this since December. Probably won't notice a difference if you bumped it up. I would just keep your current OC.
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