Nothing wrong with Z690 in general. Asus get namedropped specifically there and I've edited my post to clarify - could just be BIOS problems but I have no idea if they've fixed it. A Z690 from a different company would be a fine choice.I searched a lot on yt and most people still advise for a z690 for the 13th gen since benefits on z790 are very small, never haerd of that problem tbh.
If that is true i'm royally fucked because a z790 ddr5 compatible is like more than double the price of a z690...
Steve from gamernexus used z690 motherboard for all his tests with intel 13th gen.
maybe it was just some faulty asus mobo?
You could happily have a 13600K in a decent B660 motherboard too especially since you're not overclocking (and 100% do not plan to?). I've not heard about similar issues with 13th gen on those.
Cheaper B760 boards are due January if the rumours are right. Assume you don't want to wait that long.
A surprise to me too when the news popped up. I don't consider HardwareTimes a reliable source but they're not the original source apparentlyWow, that's surprising to me. I'd never heard of any chipset issues with the 13th gen processors via backwards compatibility.

You're correct, especially ASRock's cheaper boards.I thought that asrock was not on the level of the big 3 msi\giga\asus.
I have some cheap asrock motherboard on amazon italy aswell, but they are inferior in specs compared to the asus z690 is showed to you, the only plus point is that they are z790...