Welcome back Matty. Missed you bruv♥
didn't even give a buck for the lol
i hope a kangaroo kicks you in the chest
He looked like he would just blow it on drugs. I ain’t funding that. Now if he was offering gobbies that’s a different story, but like he said he’s 2 ugly.
You’re not my real dadso he uses it on drugs, at least he's happy for a little while longer in this nightmare verse
mudda fucka tryna escape the matrix and you won't give him any happy pills
shame on you, matt404au
(and reset your avatar, halloween is over)
(welcome back bruh)
You’re not my real dad
At least give him an upgraded sign!It said “2 Ugly 2 Prostitute”.
I lold irl but I still didn’t give him anything.
cool story Matt
I give money to a homeless guy sometimes because my dog always tries to go for him.
Too embarrassed to drag the dog away so I let him have a cuddle and give him a couple of quid.
I have to pass maybe 5 or more homeless beggars on my way to work if I go direct I feel like if I give money to one then why not all it’s harsh because you have to ignore them.
We can talk about it nowbecause he’s the only one who will discuss flat earth theory with you?
We all got standards mate totally understandHe looked like he would just blow it on drugs. I ain’t funding that. Now if he was offering gobbies that’s a different story, but like he said he’s 2 ugly.
We all got standards mate totally understand
Hahaha you speak the truth oh wise warrioryeah yers are just worringly low
i joke, or do i (i do(n't))