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If Sega magically got more funds to make more games, what should they make?

If Sega committed to making more games, what should they do?

  • More or better versions of existing stuff (Sonic, Total War, Yakuza, Bayonetta, Football Mgr etc..)

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • New IPs - a few AAA full budget games ($70)

    Votes: 13 15.7%
  • New IPs - a handful of A or AA budget games ($50)

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • Take a few legacy franchises, give high budgets and modernize game mechanics, online etc.. ($50-70)

    Votes: 30 36.1%
  • Take a bunch of legacy franchises and make lots of Street of Rage 4 kinds of updated games ($20)

    Votes: 17 20.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 13.3%

  • Total voters


I'd love for some quality ports of their old titles. Let me play my favorite Golden Axe on console already! Basic QoL improvements, not much is required. I'd buy it all. I want Atlus expanded and pumping out great games, and my dream would to see Sega revisit and establish dream teams to work on classic IP's like Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, and Shining Force. I miss Kajiyama Hiroshi's art so much, but I really wish they could find someone or a few people to emulate that style, hell I'd do it. A sonic game that's new and doesn't suck, a proper Phantasy Star V, more Sakura Wars and Valkyria Chronicles. Outrun, Space Harrier man the list goes on. Keep supporting RGG studios!

I wish Sega the best, they're still my old fave. I'd really love to see some of their legacy titles trapped on obscure consoles with obscene market prices made available on current-gen systems so piracy wasn't always necessary. As mentioned Shining Force III and its other two scenarios didn't get an official translation, though thankfully fans stepped in. Still I want to play the games with ease and see others have the chance to try these classics. Also would love to see Shining in the Holy Ark and Wisdom. I want more couch co-op as well, the Saturn and Dreamcast were fantastic for that. In the end I'd love a Dreamcast 2 as well. It'll never happen but I can dream. Love the mentions people make in this thread, Beyond Oasis and its sequel are great too. So many stellar first and third party games trapped on Sega consoles, but that's why exclusives matter in the end. All of the prior generations consoles all have titles that I can't get anywhere else and I long for. It speaks volumes.

It'll be interesting to see how future generations of people remember current gen, most likely just games and services and multiplatform games. Very different compared to what I grew up with. Console Wars now are so petty and weak. Oooohh services, swell. Give me the games and then we'll talk.



I imagine a 3 player coop god of war 2018-esque game as a revamped Golden Axe, with more action, less story but with upgrades, equipment, etc...

2.5d Ristar with pretty graphics and awesome music.

A full on unreal engine 5 Space Harrier with lots of shiny sparkly stuff on screen.

Also, with internet as it is today, Bonanza Bros would be a nice sweet multiplayer budget game.
Skies of Arcadia ff7r style remake.

Phantasy star 5

A new collab with capcom to make power stone 3

New crazy taxi

A new ip that captures seats original craziness


-Create a new studio for the fans who made Sonic Mania, ask them to make Sonic Mania 2 and 3
-Cancel all plans for future existing 3D Sonic games
-Buy Dotemu and ask them to do pixel art Streets of Rage 5, new Golden Axe, new Shinobi
-Buy the Alex Kidd remake guys and ask them to make an Alex Kidd sequel and a Phantasy Zone remake
-Make Bayoneta 3 multiplatform and prepare for Bayonetta 4 and Bayonetta x DMC
-Out Run Coast 2 Coast and After Burner Black Falcon remakes
-Out Run Coast 2 Coast and After Burner Black Falcon sequels
-Yakuza 8, Yakuza Like a Dragon 2, Judgement 3
-Virtua Fighter 6
-Crazy Taxi Trilogy compilation (including the original soundtracks)
-Crazy Taxi 4
-Alien Isolation 2
-New Virtua Tennis, Daytona USA and Sega Rally
-Release all games on all 4K consoles, PC and arcade
-Buy MS, relabel Xbox Series X as Dreamcast 2, discontinue Series S and use Phil Spencer in a cheesy Sonic cosplay for tv ads
-Call Sony, buy Insomniac and ask them to make the next 3D Sonic and Jet Set Radio 3
-Buy Nintendo, discontinue Switch and all its games, merge Nintendo into the Sega pachinko and mobile divisions
-Release Game Gear 2
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There are several classic IP Sega could bring back with some modernized QoL game design features while staying true to their roots, pump up the visuals and push as either mid-tier AA games or AAA productions.

>Panzer Dragoon Saga: There's literally a FAN-MADE REMAKE EFFORT ongoing named Azel Resurrection showing what could be done with this IP on modern hardware and technology, and it looks great even this early on. Very few people got a chance to play the original and it still has one of the most innovative battle systems of any JRPG that could easily be modernized while staying true to its original roots.​
There's a chance the team behind the Panzer Dragoon remake do it but if so I honestly hope they can tune their art style to capture the spirit of the original much better; the House of the Dead remake from them looks closer to that game's originator's visual style (with some grindhouse influence in there too), so that may be a good sign. If they can't do it though, why not see if Atlus is interested? Them or the team behind PSO2, and maybe even get the people behind Azel Resurrection involved too like they did with Whitehead's team for Sonic Mania.​
>Streets of Rage: SoR 4's been out for a while and did extremely well both critically and sales-wise, it was a great step forward for the IP. But I'd still love a 3D-style brawler out of it. It would be awesome if they used the Dragon Engine that powers the Yakuza games to do a Streets of Rage 3D, while taking some inspiration from the SpikeOut games too. Maybe the failure of Final Fight: Streetwise might've scared off the prospects of a 3D SoR, but no one's asking for a grimdark reboot that misses the point of the original series. Just look at SoR 4 and adapt that atmosphere into a 3D setting; there's even a chance they could do a big multiplayer component too like an open 3D fighter engine in a competitive multiplayer mode, maybe bring some fresh blood to the fighting game genre that way.​
>Crazy Taxi: No reason to not have brought this IP back by now. Online multiplayer where you can compete with other taxi drivers to see who delivers fare to their destinations the fastest or most stlylishly, and could do a Battle Royale-style mode with the challenges similar to a Fall Guys.​
>Fighter's Megamix: Well it seems Sega may actually have goals for a VF6 which would be awesome, but I would still personally love a new Fighter's Megamix from them. It was basically their All-Stars Racing Transformed before that game came along, just in terms of a fighting game. A cast celebrating Sega's IP history up to that point with great gameplay and a fun, quirky atmosphere.​
It could fill the void of a type of fighter between the Smash games and the SF/VF/Tekken style of uber-serious fighters, and also feature guest appearances from characters of non-Sega brands here and there like Mega Man, Pac-Man, Rocket Knight/Sparkster and maybe even Parappa/UmJammer and Banjo-Kazooie (I'm picturing a multiplat release here but with console-exclusive characters similar to what Namco did with Soul Calibur 2 back in the day).​
Sega doesn't have the same people who made the great games they were known for.

I'd want a new Shining Force and Daytona USA.

They seem to now just be licensing their old properties to other developers.

They don't, yet they won Best Publisher of 2020 going by Metacritic review score average? :pie_thinking:

I mean on some level I can understand what you mean but they clearly still have very talented devs or partnerships with them, they just aren't working on a lot of the IP old-school fans would want. The obvious blight of a spot is still Sonic Team in how inconsistent they are with the Sonic games, but they're generally much better outside of that IP ironically enough.

The Daytona remake they did for arcades plays well; it launched with some bad deadzone issues but they fixed those in a free patch. They only license some of their old IP to other devs but it's not a core of their business like it seems to be going with, say, Konami.


I think technically that's still a WARP IP (RIP Kenji Eno)? Honestly I'd be more interested in Sega doing a bigger-scale House of the Dead survival-horror 3P action/adventure game with shooting mechanics similar to the rail shooter games (including first-person viewpoint) , which D2 always seemed like could've been a good stepping stone towards back in the day.
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Pull a Sonic Maniab for every old ip.

here's this gameplay faithful sequel.
And here's the ip applied to a modern game engine... Golden Axe Souls, I don't know.

And keep each IP ping ponging between retro gameplay and modem gameplay, 2 year dev time for each


I'd love to see Sega go and make more RPG's.
They used to make a lot: Skies of Arcania, Phantasy Star (offline), Shining Force, Panzer Dragoon Saga, etc.
Give me more of that.

And give all the rest to Ryu ga Gotoku Studio
I chose 4, but I'd say a mix of 4 and 5. Utilize the horde of IPs they have been sitting on for years in the best ways that fit the games themselves. Some of their stuff is better suited with a cartoonish approach, and might not work with an ultra expensive, photorealistic type design. Fit the budget and game styles to the IPs as they best fit.
Sega had a bunch o small arcade games. I wish they focused a bit more on that, trying to add a bit more value for money in this kind of release. Also, besides Yakuza, I don’t believe they are capable of release any other AAA games.

SF Kosmo

Mix of new and old IP AA games I think.

Sega was at their strongest when they were letting their studios take chances. You don't take chances with AAA budgets, but some hedged bets with a mix or risky and familiar mid-budget titles feels like the Sega thing to do.


Outsource whatever game they want to make to other studios and pay them good money. At this state I think Sega is not capable to do big things.


I'm an older gamer, so my fondest Sega memories were on my Genny. So I want them to revive legacy console and arcade hits.

Open world Streets of Rage with insane melee mechanics.

A proper 3D Sonic game.

Virtua Tennis/Fighter updates, and new Daytona, Sega Rally, and Manx TT games.

Outrun with a dozen or so hypercars in exotic locations around the world.

Single player Phantasy Star. No online bullshit, give me the same challenge and experience as PS2.

Give me that nostalgia right on my veins. I don't care for any of Sega's new IPs. I feel like they lost their way when the DC died.
My man!!!

Why doesn’t Sega listen to us and give us a proper Phantasy Star 5 and Shining Force sequel like we f**king ask them too!

I‘ll gladly pay good money for those as long as they’re single player masterpieces like the originals!

Also revive Treasure Studio, they made some of the best games to ever grace consoles!
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