If you question the historical accuracy of AC shadows or the black samurai, you are a hidden racist, according to TheGamer


Gold Member
Well to be totally fair there's this. Admittedly I bring it up because I literally worked with a Chinese guy who was from Jamaica. (Yes, he had a Jamaican accent.)
Totally agree. Never knew that till coworkers told me there was actually a big migration of Asians to the Caribbean way back. But still a big minority status compared to locals.

If a game came out starring a Chinese guy (or any Asian background) in the Caribbean (or Africa too), it would get ragged on as one part racist and one part pretty stupid. And it's not like it's a quirky indie game.

Every country will have a mix of people. Even if it's just 0.1%. But making a game out of it focusing on that tiny demographic is surely ripe for ridicule and laughs.
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Hidden Racist, Crouching Nazi

Honey Bunny

If you question historical accuracy of a fictional game you are making something out of nothing and do not understand what historical accuracy means, especially when we are talking about a game where one dude kills dozens of dudes as he takes over outposts.

Is it racism? Maybe. Is it moronic to try to cite historical accuracy in this case? Yes. Was it a strange choice by Ubisoft to put a huge black dude in a a game set in feudal Japan? Absofuckinglutely. It's weird. Historical accuracy is only a piece of the weirdness.
Right, they're willing to accept a game where one dude kills dozens of dudes as he takes over outposts...but they can't accept a 2017 Ford Escape Crossover? Why are they so retarded?

What's the goblin marxist narrative going to be when all of us racist misogynistic nazi incel transphobes throw our money at GTA6, whose main character is a woman of color?


I personly think that it was Retarded when Libs started complaining about a "White Protagonist Killin Black people in Africa" (RE5 2009) and think its equaly Retarded hearing Japanese and the anti-woke complaining about a "Black Man Killing Japanese in Japan". Both are completely Retarded and quite frankly Racist Accusations.
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People play AC for historical accuracy?

I could've sworn I was fighting medusa in a recent AC lmao...


Black protagonist in ancient Japan eating watermelons aside, how about this:


It's 2025 and we're still getting lazy shit like that in video games, come on developers.
Black indeed... have you seen the size of his gun?


As someone who liked the series, I criticized it for the unpolished aspect - it appears to be way better now.

As a professionally trained historian, I criticized not the historical accuracy but the insane, annoying campaigh to present it as super accurate when it is clear that Yasuke as a historical figure existed but we know little about him. However, they hammered a scholar whose book is half fiction and called anyone pointing out the inconsistencies in the narrative a racist.

Agreed. People mock the whole "historically accurate" argument, but it was Ubisoft who introduced it. When they initially revealed the game, they claimed Yasuke was a real historical figure - a black samurai. Japan disagreed, historians disagreed, pretty much everyone disagreed except the one dude who published his fan fiction take on it (and was found to have altered Wikipedia entries under a pseudonym to support his fan fic) - then Ubi backed down on that angle, but have gone back and forth on it ever since. It was a sloppy attempt to rewrite another culture's history and it turns out people from many different cultures don't like that kind of behavior.


Neo Member
Just have the non native protagonist chopping of the heads of native women, what could go wrong?

I wonder if they went the whole hog so you can do the same for children too?

Yea the imagery of a black dude murdering east asian women... only a few years after basically all of... that kind of violence that spawned the Stop Asian Hate campaign. Really nice Ubisoft.

But good thing a white they/them thinks people are racist to find this objectionable.
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Read the article.
The crux of it is that people blame game failures on whether they are woke/DEI or not, in this case the AC: Shadows is woke/DEI because one of the protagonists, who you dont have to play is Black.
Now lets just say Shadows actually sells well......we will stop hearing about Yasukes historical accuracy.......if it fails?
Thats the last time we get a Black protagonist from Ubisoft because its obviously his fault the game aint it.

And Baldurs Gate 3, Hades, Hogwartz, Undertale etc etc.
For every Go Woke Go Broke game theres a woke game that didnt fail but we just dont talk about how woke it is because it no longer fits the narrative.
Well, ubisoft has been making shitty games for almost 15 yrs now, still, they sell, if it failed, though I think AC is too big to fail, the would just blame the weak sales on the DEI shit, and still make another soulless game.
I just wish they listen.


Gold Member
If you question historical accuracy of a fictional game you are making something out of nothing and do not understand what historical accuracy means, especially when we are talking about a game where one dude kills dozens of dudes as he takes over outposts.

Is it racism? Maybe. Is it moronic to try to cite historical accuracy in this case? Yes. Was it a strange choice by Ubisoft to put a huge black dude in a a game set in feudal Japan? Absofuckinglutely. It's weird. Historical accuracy is only a piece of the weirdness.
Even dumber. Watch Skill Ups 5 hr playtest.

Yasuke is a samurai with gigantic front kicks bowling over enemies 50 ft.

Also, hey I'll admit I'm no fuedel japan expert, but I never knew samurais were known for running into walls and stone railings smashing them apart like a charging rhino. Skill Up would run for 5 ft with Yasuke and smash through stone structures. lol
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Aaron Olive

This is why I do not buy from a lot of these companies anymore. I’ve been called every damn thing from a racist, a bigot, a Nazi, etc of I don’t like a particular video game.

My older sons show me these game managers, devs, corporate managers on twitters and they straight up call people racists and Anything else they can call you. and still want those same folks to buy a product from them.

Nah, son, I’m no bitch that owes any corporation, especially after they call us what they have been for a decade now.

I truly believe in their heads if they call people racists and bigots it will scare some into buying it and others will buy it to virtue signal.
I hope this game flops hard like Saints Row and Suicide Squad, people have been waiting forever for AC to go to Japan and this is what they have to offer pfft…. Time for Ubisoft to go bye bye!
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Because having a black guy in 16th century with hip hop and dreads isn't racist maybe? And let's not even talk about ubisoft total lack of research to the point they put chinese buildings... Hey Ubisoft, why not add a martial arts teacher speaking in "chinese" proverbs all the time, I guess it would be acceptable to discriminate against asians now since that "white adjacent" term appeared.


Can’t Git Gud
Black protagonist in ancient Japan eating watermelons aside, how about this:


It's 2025 and we're still getting lazy shit like that in video games, come on developers.
Have you every played any souls game? ... that's the most common shit


Can’t Git Gud
Souls games are good though
yeah whatever. Double standards.
People are dissecting this new AC game way more than needed.
Sword clipping, watermelons and cherry blossoms at the same time... black guy can't be a samurai.
Like wtf are these criticisms. Influencers are just farming this popular hate farming game and you are all eating this shit up.

This is the last AC game we will ever have so keep that in mind when playing lol.
Honestly looks just fine... but somehow the game needs to be hated and dissected.. and people forget AC is a franchise about Aliens and scifi tech reading people ancestors minds...
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yeah whatever. Double standards.
People are dissecting this new AC game way more than needed.
Sword clipping, watermelons and cherry blossoms at the same time... black guy can't be a samurai.
Like wtf are these criticisms. Influencers are just farming this popular hate farming game and you are all eating this shit up.

This is the last AC game we will ever have so keep that in mind when playing lol.
Honestly looks just fine... but somehow the game needs to be hated and dissected.. and people forget AC is a franchise about Aliens and scifi tech reading people ancestors minds...

Ass Creed games are shit though, so all this just adds insult to injury


Can’t Git Gud
Ass Creed games are shit though, so all this just adds insult to injury
AC games are what what they are. It's like COD - your yearly game.
I've not played AC game since black flag which was terrible, slow and had tons of bad trailing missions.... yet somehow it's remembered fondly.
I disliked 3 too.
Last one I really enjoyed was brotherhood.

So I got some catching up to do


I stopped caring about name calling when I joined the adult world. These publications and their 'journalists' might want to do the same.


Absolutely Cozy
Articles like these do so much damage to a game's reputation. This makes it seem like Shadows has actually taken a firm stance in the whole culture war, whether it did or didn't doesn't really matter at this point.
If I was a dev and someone wrote an article like that on my game's behalf, I'd be furious, cause it definitely deters some potential customers from buying the game.
The Gamer is a very woke site, so I don't think they care as long as they can score purple points.

In the latest gameplay showcase for Assassin's Creed Shadows, we see Yasuke walking through a market. To his left, there is a cart of watermelons - a pretty common sight in Japan. In the background, a smattering of cherry blossoms decorate the horizons in full bloom - again, another common sight. For some, this has become the latest in a long line of reasons why Assassin's Creed Shadows will be the worst game of all time.

The reason for this is because watermelon season is late-April to mid-August, while cherry blossoms bloom through March and into early-April. They don't have any strict crossover, though nature does not work to our specific Gregorian time scales. More to the point, watermelons had not yet arrived in Japan, and so the presence of both is an anachronistic goof. Of course, this in itself is not the reason that people believe Assassin's Creed Shadows will be the worst game of all time, it's just what they're saying right now. Why they actually think that is because Yasuke is Black.

This has been the whole story all along. At first it was endless debates about the historical accuracy of Yasuke, despite many historical texts of him existing and the general dramatic flair Assassin's Creed has shown previously, like when you had a fistfight with the Pope under the Vatican. Though there are legitimate concerns about Shadows' overall quality to be aired, so much of the general discourse is either wrapped up in people who are hiding their racism behind disingenuous complaints or simply aren't hiding it at all.

A current gen only game, with an engine built for current gen only and there's still loading screens when switching characters, there's still low poly objects and assets not to mention the mannequin looking npc's with barely any variety in how they interact and react to environmental factors, it's just walk and run for your life.

People think it's only due to the character being black. Nah fam, you know better. Yasuke has access to only 1/3 of the mechanics the game offers, limited agility, lacks access to a grappling and can't reach sync points (requiring a momentary switch to Naoe), limited stealth capabilities. The only thing Yasuke has, is access to special Katanas, that enable unique moves and combos and can be obtained by exploring locations off the main path and solving puzzles or killing special enemies.

But nah, it's only due to Yasuke being black, not just Ubisoft putting their amateurs to try to rewrite historic articles to fit their leftist agenda and make the character likeable or give him accolades and honours he probably didn't even have. We must be racist to call them out on their bullshit according to woke games journalism.


They have devalued the word "racist" so much that it is no longer an insult. These accusations feel like: yes, yes, you are again trying to put a label on someone you don't like, you've done it 1000 times, this is 1001, everyone already clearly understands what it is, and at this point it looks pathetic.
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"IF you question...." , wow... just wow. Basically no intelligence allowed, swallow my shit up and accept it gladly or you're wrong and no good. Ok?
Low tier gaslight, try harder.
They have devalued the word "racist" so much that it is no longer an insult. These accusations feel like: yes, yes, you are again trying to put a label on someone you don't like, you've done it 1000 times, this is 1001, everyone already clearly understands what it is, and at this point it looks pathetic.

Racist, bigot, Nazi, you name itthey devalued it. It’s funny to me how they throw around Nazi, if any of them came face-to-face with an actual nazi during World War II they’d be standing in a pool of their own piss, so would I, they were evil as fuck. But meanwhile I’m probably a Nazi too because I don’t wanna play as a black dude in a game set in historical Japan.
I really cannot wait to (hopefully) see this game fail and then for modders to make the black Samurai a normal Japanese character. So I can buy it from a third party website for more than have it's listed price.
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Boss Mog

The only racist is the dude who wrote that nonsense. He's basically telling the Japanese, "it doesn't matter if we don't accurately depict your history and culture, it's close enough, the important thing is that we have a black protagonist that can push the message and if he needs to impale hundreds of Japanese guys to do it, so be it, they're white-adjacent anyway".


Gold Member

Wow. This is a big insult to the tradition and art of sumo and even to women. I love watching Sumo at NHK and this is low down insult to tradition and beauty of sumo. That is way low what UBisoft has done.
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Lokaum D+

I have to say that it's really annoying that devs try to push so many triangles and shaders, but they fail to address something as simple and basic as objects clipping through other objects.
i think i never saw a modern game without clipping, this shit ll exist till the end of gaming
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