Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Today, Destiny developer Bungie announced another massive round of layoffs following several months of internal turmoil and the launch of Destiny 2: The Final Shape. In a post on Bungie's blog, CEO Pete Parsons announced that 220 roles, or 17% of Bungie's workforce, were eliminated due to "financial challenges."
many employees expressed that their own layoffs were unexpected due to recent actions taken by leaders at Bungie. One music designer shared that they were reassured that they were needed, only to be laid off today.
Another employee shared that she was laid off just a month after being promoted.
few people also noted that Bungie's player support team was heavily impacted. One employee noted that her "whole team is gone," while a former community manager (whose position was eliminated during Bungie's last round of layoffs) noted that player support employees dealt with harsh conditions and "worked harder than anyone else, through weekends - holidays - and the pay was atrocious, only to [get] tossed out so LY could get their personal buyouts."
Others, including more former employees of Bungie, demanded that Parsons take a pay cut or step down.