
Fucking Star Wars, man. More Titanfall, please.
Such a popular and iconic character as The Mandalorian in a game where you only see his hands?
It's first person just like Indiana Jones.I wonder how many gamers are going to suffer from motion sickness when they play it?
It's first person just like Indiana Jones.I wonder how many gamers are going to suffer from motion sickness when they play it?
No, this what was said we people saw Indiana Jones on the delvopers direct. People said it would cause them motion sickness because it was 1st person.You confusing first person with VR or what?
No, this what was said we people saw Indiana Jones on the delvopers direct. People said it would cause them motion sickness because it was 1st person.
Eh.....sounds like a comment someone may have said about their issue wiht first person games in general. Show me which thread you are talking about.
All those CoD, Counter Strike, etc., games come sold with barf bags.No, this what was said we people saw Indiana Jones on the delvopers direct. People said it would cause them motion sickness because it was 1st person.
Game Dev - Developers on why Indiana Jones is First Person: "First-person gameplay is part of MachineGames’ DNA"
Wait it's not 3rd person? Apparently that would make it be too much like Uncharted. Which is an Indiana Jones ripoff with a less likeable main character. If Indiana Jones were third person it would be too much like an Indiana Jones game. Simple logic right?
I have never seen so many people get upset over this. You would think 95% of the world’s population get motion sickness from FPS games.
This was the smart choice, if it was third person it would have been compared to uncharted and tomb raider reboot (which is already unfairly compared to uncharted)
Thoughts and prayers to all the people suffering from Sudden Onset Motion Sickness.
Dude I love the old starbreeze games (Riddick and The Darkness) their actions adventure mix and pacing is special.
So i'm glad they're still sticking to their roots. Also love the focus on First person. Way more immersive looking at the world, instead of puppeteering some character. Love first person for small stuff like seeing your shadow projected when walking by a light or satisfying weapon feel and reload animations.
Hope it's VR injection compatible.
I'm not getting the whole shitting on 'First Person perspective' the last couple of years. Apart from the motion sickness argument, but that can be mitigated pretty good with FOV styles. I personally love the rise of First Person developed adventure games. Looking forward to Bloodlines 2 or STALKER 2 for the same reason.
They always wanted to make a scifi game, that's why they left Activision back then. But not another fucking Star Wars game for fucks sake. Jesus, looks like they still have the EA leash plus collar.Might be neat. Zero interest in Mandalorian. Sci-fi single player Respawn game though sounds good.
Rumor is that Respawn is working on three Star Wars games - Jedi 3, this game and they co-work with one studio on an RTS gameBut first please give us the last chapter of the Jedi trilogy, and make it even better than the superb Survivor!
Place your bets on if this gets cancelled.
Is just natural for a sci-fi bounty hunter game to be cancelledPlace your bets on if this gets cancelled.
People will actually buy Star Wars.Man, no more star wars bollocks please. Pack it in, and get on with Titanfall 3. How many fuckin mid star wars games do we need..
I know. It's like cola cola. Even it's variations sells.People will actually buy Star Wars.