Gold Member
Shots fired...
I think
has been doing fucking excellent work about the journalism and integrity issues for a while now, exposing frauds like Laura Kate Dale etc. Generally speaking the articles are well sourced, express an opinion without forcing an agenda and are just balanced. I'm not sure what her relationship with nichgamer is like these days but I do also think her actual gaming articles are solid as well. At the moment, she is the only 'champion' for those who despise the 'journalists' who write articles about a current political hot take and inject the most factitious links in there - worthy of infowars podcasts. While this is great, I do think there's a danger of the gaming content being lost amongst the 'bigger stories' like ESA, LKD, Ion Fury.
If you read other content such as reviews of Days Gone, Rage 2 and Steel Rats, you can just 'feel' the history and affinity she has with games. I genuinely feel like she was there as a youth playing through the same games I was (though I'm a little older). The level of detail and cutting straight to the mechanical detail that gamers want harks back to mid 90's magazines, that concisely hit the sweet spots of what you wanted to know.
The games journalism thing at the moment is like UK Parliament. There's no leader of the 'opposition', and the work in fracturing those who can put something together is largely working. The sources of authority are large, monolithic companies like Kotaku, Polygon and Waypoint. Meanwhile you have an enormous amount of regular game fans who just want fucking relevant information. These people are on the likes of Twitter, KiA, GAF and even the chans and KF and all they have is the occassional scrap/video from TheQuartering, CLS, Sophia, Mister Metokur. I know independence is a tool to keep creators honest but I think you all need to see a bigger vision here, free of the shackles of the current climate or editorial limitations. I know Jeremy is trying with EE but that's solely focused on gaming, though it is bitesize rather than the longer form of
Ginx has 100 million monthly subscribers (because it's a steal), but the audience is there. I think at the moment that is what is missing, a credible large scale opposition to these outrageous charlatans.

I think

If you read other content such as reviews of Days Gone, Rage 2 and Steel Rats, you can just 'feel' the history and affinity she has with games. I genuinely feel like she was there as a youth playing through the same games I was (though I'm a little older). The level of detail and cutting straight to the mechanical detail that gamers want harks back to mid 90's magazines, that concisely hit the sweet spots of what you wanted to know.

Days Gone Review
Since its announcement trailer and gameplay reveal at E3 2016, hype for Days Gone has been middling to say the least. In a generation with an already overabundance of not just zombie games…

Rage 2 - Review
Releasing during the Fall of 2011, the first Rage was an unremarkable game which only seemed to disappoint those that played it at the time. Coming out to massive hype, aided in large part by its…

Steel Rats Review - Trials by Combat
In concept alone, Steel Rats is an unusual concoction of game design. It’s what you get when you add a pinch of science fiction to the recipe of Trials HD and mix in a heavy whipping of vehicular…
The games journalism thing at the moment is like UK Parliament. There's no leader of the 'opposition', and the work in fracturing those who can put something together is largely working. The sources of authority are large, monolithic companies like Kotaku, Polygon and Waypoint. Meanwhile you have an enormous amount of regular game fans who just want fucking relevant information. These people are on the likes of Twitter, KiA, GAF and even the chans and KF and all they have is the occassional scrap/video from TheQuartering, CLS, Sophia, Mister Metokur. I know independence is a tool to keep creators honest but I think you all need to see a bigger vision here, free of the shackles of the current climate or editorial limitations. I know Jeremy is trying with EE but that's solely focused on gaming, though it is bitesize rather than the longer form of

Ginx has 100 million monthly subscribers (because it's a steal), but the audience is there. I think at the moment that is what is missing, a credible large scale opposition to these outrageous charlatans.