iOS Gaming Thread June 2013: Why is it sunny outside? I can't see my screen!

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Another new Konami Music Pack has been released for Jukebeat. It's the game that keeps on giving!

Wonder if we'll see anything new Bemani related at E3?
Quick impressions on Gangstar Vegas.

It's been about 1.5 years since their last gangstar (gameloft's GTA clone) game, and there are a lot of improvements. For better or worse depending on you, there are no more damage models for vehicles, so you can drive with recklessness all ya want. They improved aiming with weapons and there is some character acceleration in movement that is a kinda cheap imitation of the feel of modern rockstar games.

Game has tons of things to do, like buy real estate that generates money over time like farmville games, also leveling up (iap is there but pretty unnecessary), its vegas, so casinos etc.

Game looks way better than the last one, but at the cost of serious performance issues in cutscenes even on the latest devices (playing on iphone 5), its 30fps most of the time though. The game is also like 2.5gb installed so you need double that if you wanna get from the device.

Id recommend if you are into the genre. It works great for bitsize play due to the ability to start missions from anywhere on the map.

So yeah, Vice City is definitely a better game, but this is better suited for mobile.


Will we ever see another game by the sword & sworcery guys or was that just a one time collaboration between those developers?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm addicted to Scurvy Scallywags. This is terrible.

Think i have died 3 times but now i have a decent strategy and have gotten pretty far.


Gave in to the hype and got Kingdom Rush Frontiers... played a bit and I love it, I am going to have a blast with it, but to be honest, if I knew so many heroes are IAP I don't know if I'd be so eager to dip in (for some reason I thought it's only dragon that is an extra one)...

Will we ever see another game by the sword & sworcery guys or was that just a one time collaboration between those developers?
I wonder. I have the game on 3 different devices and never got to play it past the first episode. It's a beautiful game but the writing... I found it extremely annoying, its awkwardness took away A LOT from the atmosphere IMO.



unnannounced new project (in-progress)

the second videogame from superbrothers, in the works for ages but still a few years off
a follow-up of sorts to sworcery only with no sword, no sworcery and no hard-edged pixels
the creation process has been a pleasure so far and we're pretty psyched about where it might go

Capybara is making Super Time Brothers, a XBLA arcade game and some pretty effing cool pixel art work.

I think I need to finally beat this game.
The new Kingdom Rush is kicking my ass. I don't get it. The first was nowhere as tough for me. Pissing me off as I feel the game is trying to push me to buy gems.


Gold Member
The new Kingdom Rush is kicking my ass. I don't get it. The first was nowhere as tough for me. Pissing me off as I feel the game is trying to push me to buy gems.

Go back to the first one and try the bonus levels, then we'll talk. On the 10th level of Frontiers now, you aren't playing veteran are you? That's not meant for prior to having all the upgrades.

Why would you need to buy gems though? I have 2000+ already, and the freeze thingies are only 250. Definitely not finding it overly hard, but I did lose at the last wave of the 9th level, and upon trying again with a more efficient strategy finished it perfect. Just watch a youtube video if you're stuck if you can find one, because the whole game is beatable without any special heroes or gem-related powers.

Gave in to the hype and got Kingdom Rush Frontiers... played a bit and I love it, I am going to have a blast with it, but to be honest, if I knew so many heroes are IAP I don't know if I'd be so eager to dip in (for some reason I thought it's only dragon that is an extra one)...

First one is the same way though, you get like 3 heroes in it, and all the rest are IAP. This one is structured in a way that encourages the IAP of the heroes less than the first game, because you actually need to use your heroes to level them... and going by my progress, you can't even max level the starting 3 heroes prior to finishing the campaign. So any extra heroes you buy also need to be leveled, so buying a bunch is counterproductive, since you'd have to keep playing the same levels over and over to level them... where in the first game, there was no penalty to having all 9 or 10 of them.
So... anyone wanna give me a primer on how to play tower defence games? I tend to suck at them :(

Am I suppose to fail the first attempt until learning wave patterns?


Its been a while since Kingdom Rush Frontiers has been released, and I just want to say how fucking fantastic the game is. I have been playing the game since release and my phone is literally stuck in the power outlet. I also kinda regret getting the first game for free last year. One of the surprise games that I had no idea about that I ended up loving. Probably also my favorite Tower Defense game.


I'm in the jungle levels at the moment in KRF and damn. I'm getting my ass kicked all of a sudden straight up. Beat the last level with 3 hearts left.


Just completed the final version of Warhammer Quest once again.
Completely different experience from first time (expecially very different skills that lent to different chars usage) plus they totally made first 3/4 way easier, but white dungeon scaled monsters are harder after you complete both black dungeons (which are both pure awesomeness).
Boghenafen, Altdorf and both black dungeons quests are fantastic....I hope next expansion is like those.

Hard core, here I come.

Just beat KRF with a level 8 Beastmaster after losing with a Level 10.....purple lady.

My god, so much fun. But that last boss fight,

Seriously going to have to put KR with my favorite game franchises. Your WipEouts, your Bioshocks, etc. So fantastic.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I just bought a 4th gen iPad and saw that KOTOR has been released on iOS, anyone have any experience with it? It's one of my favourites games and I'd love to grab it if its playable on the iPad.


I just bought a 4th gen iPad and saw that KOTOR has been released on iOS, anyone have any experience with it? It's one of my favourites games and I'd love to grab it if its playable on the iPad.

completely and utterly playable. I'm 30 hours into it.


Anuone tried Childhood's End OTA?
It's on sale at 0.89€, and I'm curious to see if anyone has tried it and enjoyed it.



This fucking level.


Still struggling on first kingdom rush.

Who is the best hero to buy in that game? IF I can buy just one and not anyone else I'd try it.
This fucking level.

Any general advice?

Looks like you built a lot of towers at the end. I typically build right at the front. Which is better?

Looks like you only built a few towers but heavily upgraded them. I often build lots of small towers & only a few maxed? Should I try to focus on a few?


Any general advice?

Looks like you built a lot of towers at the end. I typically build right at the front. Which is better?

Looks like you only built a few towers but heavily upgraded them. I often build lots of small towers & only a few maxed? Should I try to focus on a few?

I try to initially put my towers at junction points so I've covered my bases when they start to pour in. As far as upgrading a few or having many weak towers-I've tried a few methods-but no luck so far. I think next time ill move the barracks tower on the far left up one spot and add another archery tower in between.


Neo Member
Go back to the first one and try the bonus levels, then we'll talk. On the 10th level of Frontiers now, you aren't playing veteran are you? That's not meant for prior to having all the upgrades.

Why would you need to buy gems though? I have 2000+ already, and the freeze thingies are only 250. Definitely not finding it overly hard, but I did lose at the last wave of the 9th level, and upon trying again with a more efficient strategy finished it perfect. Just watch a youtube video if you're stuck if you can find one, because the whole game is beatable without any special heroes or gem-related powers.

First one is the same way though, you get like 3 heroes in it, and all the rest are IAP. This one is structured in a way that encourages the IAP of the heroes less than the first game, because you actually need to use your heroes to level them... and going by my progress, you can't even max level the starting 3 heroes prior to finishing the campaign. So any extra heroes you buy also need to be leveled, so buying a bunch is counterproductive, since you'd have to keep playing the same levels over and over to level them... where in the first game, there was no penalty to having all 9 or 10 of them.

I'm on level 14 and so far the sequel is great! At first I was worried it was just a rehash of the original, but the new high-level features of the towers really make it different. Difficulty seems up-ed as well.

Did anyone else buy the dragon just because there is a fucking dragon?! Really powerful, but it doesn't attack flying enemies, which doesn't make sense.

Still struggling on first kingdom rush.

Who is the best hero to buy in that game? IF I can buy just one and not anyone else I'd try it.

I never bought a hero for the original because Alleria Swiftwind was more than enough to beat the game with (even the harder levels). She gains a wolf at level 4 that really helps block enemies.


I've just stuck with the purple assassin girl. The second hero you unlock. Can position her a little ways behind my melee units and she just wrecks shit.


Still struggling on first kingdom rush.

Who is the best hero to buy in that game? IF I can buy just one and not anyone else I'd try it.

Don't have to buy anyone, the best hero I found was the Elf Archer woman, she has both a pet that together with her can tank 2 monsters while also having a great ranged attack with multishot for clusters of enemies.


Closing in on 60 stars, finally leveled Mirage up to 10 as well. Now to work on Cronan I guess. Urge to take a stab at some of the IAP heroes is rising. Alric is still my dude though.


KRF is absolutely brilliant but I'm going to play the game on casual since I haven't played the first game... This game seriously kicks my casual arse on normal, and I still have trouble getting 3 stars on lower difficulty setting...

Still, great game though I wished I could pay more and have something more premium like.

(i don't know how to embed videos here)

Made by guys behind Diablo 2 and Grand Theft Auto... looks like fun, the fact it's F2P worries me but who knows, maybe it will be done right?


KRF is absolutely brilliant but I'm going to play the game on casual since I haven't played the first game... This game seriously kicks my casual arse on normal, and I still have trouble getting 3 stars on lower difficulty setting...

Pro-tip: Go buy the first one; only a dollar and a great game as well.


So I switched to an Android device, but luckily the majority of iOS games seem to have Android versions. Groove Coaster, Tiny Wings and some Square-Enix games being notable exceptions. Good thing too, the Android game thread is practically dead.

The stuff that's been out for a while, yeah. But sometimes even the 'big' releases are delayed. (Like KRF)


All Crossbow towers.

Thank me later.

Haha, thank you! That levels a bitch. Can't believe all crossbow did the trick, though I screwed up my upgrades and didn't three star it. Ah we'll, loving every minute of KRF. What an amazingly well crafted game.


So happy that Frozen Synapse is finally out on iPad!
Now, if only I could find time to play it, that would be just great. :-(
Still struggling on first kingdom rush.

Who is the best hero to buy in that game? IF I can buy just one and not anyone else I'd try it.

I never bought a hero for the original because Alleria Swiftwind was more than enough to beat the game with (even the harder levels). She gains a wolf at level 4 that really helps block enemies.

Yeah I'm with LuchaShaq. I got several levels in then just kept getting destroyed. The lady with the wolf never seemed to be good enough to aid my faltering towers.

I need to try it again.


Pro-tip: Go buy the first one; only a dollar and a great game as well.

Yeah I am downloading KR right now. Damn, I hope I will finish the first one otherwise I wasted 3 euro on KRF (what I tend to do with most games I buy... just start them). I splash too much money on iOS games recently :O

I wonder when Star Command update is coming out. I liked what I played but it was like playing through a robust alpha build of what this game could be.

Also started playing Jet Set Radio again and on iPhone 5 plays a little bit better than my 4gen iPod - bigger screen for controls, faster - god this game looks ridiculously crisp.


I'm having the opposite problem with the first Kingdom Rush. Finding it a little on the easy side. Haven't even needed to spend any gems so far.

To be fair, I'm not three starring all the levels, so could go back and do that for extra challenge, and play on hard. But certainly so far a LOT easier than PjM (the only other tower defence game I have played a lot of).

Edit: This is after 8 levels completed


Yeah I'm with LuchaShaq. I got several levels in then just kept getting destroyed. The lady with the wolf never seemed to be good enough to aid my faltering towers.

I need to try it again.

I'm with ahayschi. Once I got Alleria Swiftwind, I never used another hero (or needed to). Summons a wolf; attacks multiple targets; nearly never dies if you play smart... position here just to the side / behind trooops. She's a machine.


Neo Member
So far I've been able to beat every KRF level with 3 stars on Veteran with no items and no outside help. I am getting 3 stars before attempting the next stage so I do not have all of my towers fully powered. I did play KR extensively so I've got a really solid idea of how to construct my towers.

The difficulty seems really high but trust me... each stage is completely beatable. Stick with it and keep rethinking your strategies!


Gold Member
I'm having the opposite problem with the first Kingdom Rush. Finding it a little on the easy side. Haven't even needed to spend any gems so far.

To be fair, I'm not three starring all the levels, so could go back and do that for extra challenge, and play on hard. But certainly so far a LOT easier than PjM (the only other tower defence game I have played a lot of).

Edit: This is after 8 levels completed

The original campaign and heroic / iron challenges never gets too too hard, even on the hard setting (that is for clearing every level perfectly). It starts out really easy then slowly ramps up, with the most challenging parts of the original game being some of the heroic and iron challenge levels.

The extra levels that unlock after clearing the campaign are an order of magnitude more difficult, and will likely wreck you many times over. You'll need to get all those stars you're missing for a full set of upgrades to even stand a chance later on.
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