Turning down a young thick redhead with giant titties for a wrinkly old married brunette?
You know nothingJon Neu
Thick redheads are the devil's meat sent to us directly from Hell so that we mortals can indulge in all of the pleasurable sins that exist in this world. Thank me later.
She definitely changed.I like to believe that she toyed with men because she was young and wild but now she is more mature. Do people change? Probably not, but I want to think it's possible.
An hour ago she showed me a whatsapp conversation she had with another dude that made her angry. That dude, at the end of the conversation, told her: that's why you're so hot, damn.
Changed ..... a lot.Why does she has to have so many suitors? It has to be because she is so flirty, she craves that type of attention (Yes, I'm very jealous).
That's what i was going to do but glad i didn't, it get's funnier, was a good read.I started reading, got to the married part then skipped the wall of text.
How hot we talking? Like early 40s Sandra Bullock? Because I'd risk death for some of that.
What does your stealth bragging have to do with the OP’s story?Do not write this shit here and ask for advice. Make up your own mind god damn it. Women do stupid shit. Period. You're not supposed to understand it. You can't.
I myself met a beautiful girl two weeks ago that by now has almost moved in at my place already. She's cutting her sleep to be able to see me, cooking me healthy meals already (I lterally picked her up from work the other day, she made my meals with food she bought on her own for the next few days and then we went to sleep), super understanding and not bothered by any of my ticks. She aleady made plans for my god damn meals 2 weeks in advance and bought mulitple books for new food ideas. Oh, and did I mention she is always ready for some action in the bed? And that it was her that actually approached me?
There are so many red flags here, it's hard to graps. Ever since I met her I expect her to casually drop something like "By the way, could you borrow me 40k for my sick brother?" but no matter how much I question something she says, everything adds up. So I just said to myself fuck it, go with it and see where it goes. After all, I've seen TONS of women that, for some super mysterious reason, are with some dudes and stuck to them. This may just be happing to me.
The way I see it women have some weird criteria on how they choose their mate but once they do, they are totally into it. It's not something we men can or should understand.
So my advice to you OP is… Keep a healthy amount of skeptisism in your head but just go with it and see where it goes.
You're suppose to follow this path and forget about the other one. Pass those details to me about that thiccy if you ain't closing the deal.One day, another female co-worker who is much younger (19) and is also super cute and THICC with this enourmous tits, asked me to go with her and spent the evening together. We obviously have a work whatsapp group and we shared the photos together on it. And while I was with this super hot young girl, my brain was constantly thinking of my dark haired milf. The young THICC redhead, by the end of our ¿date?, was visibly dissapointed in my lack of interest on her. At one moment, she asked me: what do you see in her?
It doesn't matter how I feel about it. That's the point I was trying to make. He should make up his own mind instead of asking for an advice here.What does your stealth bragging have to do with the OP’s story?
If you found out your chick was married or already had a boyfriend on the side would you feel the same?
I asked for advice 3 years ago on GAF when I fell in love with a girl and regret it to this day.
She is married and a coworker. Surely it would be easier and smarter to just find someone else.
I can agree with this tooeverything said here is a good truth fact, and the op will not be resurrected by the lord of light
So, a year ago I entered this job and one of my co-workers was this beautiful dark haired milf (she's 46). Months passed by and we barely knew each other, we talked from time to time but nothing out of the extraordinary, just the typical chit chat that goes nowhere. But then one day she came to me and she told me: I dreamt of you last night; you were so romantic, you invited me to dinner and then we went to a hotel.
For being honest, the first months I didn't paid much attention to her, I noticed that she was cute but that's about it, I didn't even thought of her in a sexual or romantical way (she's older than me and I have always been attracted to far more younger girls, she wasn't in my radar at all). But after she told me about her dream, she started to talk more with me and I started to develop more interest for her. Not only is she beautiful, but she has this funny and cheerful personality, she is really fun to be around but at the same time has this concealed vulnerability and inestability.
Oh, I almost forgot it to say it: she's married. She's been married for 13 years with an old, fat & bald dude that doesn't suit her at all (it's not me saying this, other co-workers said the same). She told me the story of his life and how when she was young, the love of his life break up with her, but not only that, he also leaved her with a lot of debts to pay. So as she literally told me: I had to live, so I went with this man that helped me to pay the debts.
She also told me that her family was pretty cruel to her when she was little. Her father told the family that she wasn't her daughter because she had lighter hair when she was little. She also told me how her mother sent her to the neighbour's house and how the old man there forced her, and how her mother keep sending her there despite the fact that she told her what happened.
That day, when we were alone, I hugged her.
I'm very smart, but at the same time, I'm very naive and innocent. Still, I know that some women like to invent storties just to appear more vulnerable and in need of protection, it's their way to atract the male, I guess. But anyway, at first I just believed everything she shaid, she was a person opening her heart to me, why should I doubt her story? But of course, other (female) co-workers had her own opinions on her and they weren't good, and those persons knew her since years and years ago.
They planted the doubts in my head and I started to notice some behaviour I don't like. Her, being the energetic and cheerful person she is, it's kind of a flirty woman who loves to test his charms. We are both from Catalonia, we share the mediterranean culture, we are pretty open people and we like to laugh and all that, but still, I just don't like how flirty she is.
One day, another female co-worker who is much younger (19) and is also super cute and THICC with this enourmous tits, asked me to go with her and spent the evening together. We obviously have a work whatsapp group and we shared the photos together on it. And while I was with this super hot young girl, my brain was constantly thinking of my dark haired milf. The young THICC redhead, by the end of our ¿date?, was visibly dissapointed in my lack of interest on her. At one moment, she asked me: what do you see in her?
Next day, when I entered the work, I was in the men's locker room all alone and I heard someone knocking on the door. I opened and the dark haired milf was there, smiling. She came in moving her body like a black cat, closed the door behind her and gave me our first kiss. I was in heaven and I kissed her back, and after a little while I went out of the locker room and then the young THICC girl noticed that I had lipstick on my mouth.
Also, seems like somebody saw the dark haired milf entering the men's locker room and they knew It was only me there. So the scandal and the gossip begun and she wasn't happy about it; she's married, after all. So she told me that we shouldn't do any kind of love demonstrations while we are at work. To protect us.
And again, she is very open, very fun and very flirty; and I'm seeing how other men approach her and ask her out like literally every day, and I can't do nothing about it. First, because she is married to someone else, but also because we are at work and I can't make a scene about how much I love her.
And at this point I'm questioning myself: why does she has to be so flirty? An hour ago she showed me a whatsapp conversation she had with another dude that made her angry. That dude, at the end of the conversation, told her: that's why you're so hot, damn.
And I was like: why is she showing me this? To make me jealous on purpose? Why does she has to have so many suitors? It has to be because she is so flirty, she craves that type of attention (Yes, I'm very jealous).
So she told me that when she was young, she would fuck with dudes and then she would sneak out in the middle of the night before they woke up. She's like a fucking Chad.
So here I am, questioning myself If I can trust her, questioning myself if she is only using me. Questioning myself if the love I have for her is going to bring me something good or I'm just destined to suffer.
By the way, I have a date with her this next Monday.
So... she's broken goods, currently married, and emotionally manipulative as all hell? Don't be weak and fall for her schtick dude. I used to drink and chat with a few of these exploitative "cougars" and you won't believe how quickly they move onto their next targets once they've had their fun with each guy. They're trapped in a midlife crisis, having married a man they're not attracted to, and wanting to go after young dudes for a bit on the side while still reaping the benefits and security of married life (House and joint income) so they can feel relevant again. And the fact that they're not undergoing a divorce proceeding while continuing to flirt and date younger guys, and works with you so eventually news of her seedy deeds will get back to the husband? All signs point to disaster!
Kick that bag to the curb, and get yourself a woman who won't treat you like a dirty little secret.
such a tease.Their is one phrase in your post OP that is a blatant lie.... I'll let you figure out what that is.
They're the best in bed. You're really selling this.I wouldn't take a risk for actual Sandra Bullock. She is batshit crazy.
Call up Joey Greco as a way to pitch the new "Cheaters".Stand her up for her date, call her husband and tell him where she's at waiting on you to show up.