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Is Skyward Sword worth sticking with?

Should I finish Skyward Sword?

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Gold Member
Hey GAF,

Looking for some expert opinions on Skyward Sword and whether it's worth continuing the journey. Before I start:
  • I'm not interested in reading reviews for the game because Nintendo generally receives unfair scores for their marquee releases that err on the side of favorable.
  • YouTube is generally full of hyperbolic morons that swing too hard in one direction, and I'm not looking for bipolarity.
    • I also don't want to watch a 45 minute retrospective that completely spoils the game.

Here's where I'm at:
  • I just left the opening village and am now on the ground in what appears to be the first dungeon area.

What I don't like so far:
  • The visuals
  • Motion controls and motion control substitutes.
  • Fi

What I like so far:
  • Groose
  • The pissy little cat that attacks you until you beat it into timidity.

I've completed pretty much every Zelda game, except Minish Cap and the CD-I garbage, but there's something about this one that just isn't clicking for me...and I say that as someone who completed Spirit Tracks. I know the game helps establish the overall mythology of Hyrule and allegedly has direct links to Breath of the Wild, which is why part of me wants to stick with it. That said, what I've seen thus far isn't really floating my boat.

But...I've been wrong before, and most notably with The Witcher 3, which I'm glad I finally completed, despite it dragging terribly in some areas/quests.

What are your thoughts?
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It's my favorite in the series but if the controls aren't your thing it might never really click. If you love Zelda dungeons I'd say try to finish two since they are best of the 3D Zeldas but if those don't do it for you it might be best to move on although Groose does continue to be awesome.
Can't honestly answer cause I've never beat it myself. Both times I've made it to the end game but the fetch quests are too much of a slog.

It definitely has it's moments though that make it worth playing.

It's funny to think back before this game released, Groose was a lot of people's guess as Ganon prior to being evil, myself included probably. lol. Can you imagine?


There is only one Zelda game I quit halfway through due to boredom, and it was Skyward Sword. People bitch about Navi being annoying, but Fi brought it to a whole new level. I wasn't enjoying the game for many reasons, but I remember the exact moment I quit was during the 3rd or 4th dungeon, I approach the door with iconic big gold chain around it. Obviously it was the Boss Door, but Fi stopped the game so she could say "Wait! You see that big gold chain on that door? That must mean a boss is behind it."

That was the last time I allowed the game to treat me like an idiot.
I have beaten every mainline Zelda game 100%, except for Skyward Sword, which I stopped playing after only a few hours. The controls are dogshit, especially on Switch. I can look past all the other issues, but if the core gameplay itself is a chore, then I'm not going to waste my time on it.


I'm sure people will hate me for this but-- I started when it first came out and then put it down. About a year later I picked it up again and was glad I finished it. For what it's worth it has the best dungeons of any Zelda game


Suffers with mild autism
The actual gameplay and dungeons can be excellent. The only problem is that it's too damn slow for the reasons mentioned (Fi etc).

But as for the original motion controls, I'm in the (apparently small) camp who loves them. We own the Switch version as well and I hate it, it takes all the joy out of the way the game was designed.

Swinging your sword in a careful direction instead of flailing or button mashing, rolling bombs like bowling balls at your target, aiming ranged weapons naturally with your arm, all of it makes for a great alternative experience to the usual action adventure game.


The bear of bad news
Maybe if you like crud



Really enjoyed what I played of Skyward Sword. It's definitely a case of Nintendo spinning their wheels with the franchise, but the 'worst 3D Zelda' is still better than most games out there. I say stick with it.


Skyward Strike is the worst move in gaming in the worst mainline Zelda. I rage quit on Wii but grudgingly slogged through on Switch as it was the only mainline one I hadn't completed.


I finished the game, but it wasn't the particularly the best Zelda experience for me. It was okay, and I liked the characters - but it sometimes felt so loose, nor I was a fan of the pastel/water color like gfx. I guess the HD version may be cleaner - as I was playing on Wii/Wii U on a HD TV - and it hasn't aged that well.


Gold Member
I find it difficult to recommend if you don’t like the controls.

The biggest negatives for me were repetitive bosses and that the game drags on a bit towards the end.

The biggest positive is that the game has some of my favorite dungeons in the entire series.
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Gold Member
I have beaten every mainline Zelda game 100%, except for Skyward Sword, which I stopped playing after only a few hours. The controls are dogshit, especially on Switch. I can look past all the other issues, but if the core gameplay itself is a chore, then I'm not going to waste my time on it.
Literally me, the rest of the game was from "ok" to "amazing", but then I had to deal with controls from time to time... WHY?!

Graphics were great imo, I played it on Switch recently and loved how it looked. Music was amazing. Characters, usual Nintendo charm we all love.

But even using the items felt somewhat ok to cool too, exept for those small instances where the camera suddenly moved because I used the item in a slightly deviated position from the center it previous had... hell, I had to re-center several times even before putting the item down, ffs, WHY? WHYYYY?!

But my most hated moments... ENEMIES... WHY if the controllers are sooooo shit do they make enemies that require speed, precision and a specific slash angle? FUCK THAT. Oh, and the mother F son of B with electricity... WHYYYYY???!!!

It's a good thing for most enemies I could bypass using the sword by using bombs or other stuff that saved me from most frustration just trying to use the fucking controls...

Like 80% of the game felt great and that remaining 20% basically shit over all of the rest... definitely Nintendo at it worst... Hope they don't repeat that shit, after Starfox Zero I hope they finally learned because both games flopped in part by the same reason.

Edit: Oh, and don't get me started in the alt controls with right stick for the sword, the game could be perfect for me if it wasn't because they decided that the camera had to be moved by pressing fucking L button... Why there's still not an option to revert it? The right stick sword was definitely the way to go, the sword should be used with the L button, not the camera ffs
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You seem very early on if you haven't finished the first dungeon yet. After that, the usual answer to these questions is no.

Most games won't change fundamentally after several hours and I'm not for one who thinks that some cool late game dungeon/quest/twist justifies so many boring hours before.

Zelda games typically set your expectations within the first two hours. By that you've probably finished the first dungeon and had some exploration done and met a few characters.

If you don't like that you won't two more dungeons into the game.


I don’t know if it‘s just me, but I always thought Skyward Sword is a terribly ugly game. They obviously tried to do some kind of painting-like artstyle, but it just doesn’t work imo; everything just looks flat and cheap. The horrible depth of field effect makes everything that‘s in the distance look muddy as hell, and the cardboard trees are some of the worst I‘ve ever seen. The Wii version in particular looks atrocious, but I don’t think the increased resolution of the Switch remaster is very helpful either, since all it does is highlight all those ugly, low-res assets everywhere.

I mean seriously, look at those trees lol:
I just replayed it and finished it a few weeks ago after playing it on the wii when it launched.

Here is my takeaway:
I hated the motion controls in the beginning until I realized how the game wanted me to play it and I ended up loving it. Make sure you slash slow and take your time to get the right angles, not waggling it with quickness and force.
it has some of the best and most fun boss battles and dungeons/puzzles of ANY Zelda game (and a big part of it was because of the motion controls).
One of the items that you use to control like a remote (wont spoil it) is one of the most fun weapon/gadget of ANY Zelda game.
Hated the times I had to fight a certain mini boss like 4 or 5 times and hitting its feet, boring and annoying
Hated having to retrace my steps to the same places over and over
Some fantastic music.

Stick with it but take your time to learn the motion controls and how the game wants you to play it. When you accomplish that, itll click. If not, That will be your downfall , and you will end up not liking the game imo.


Gold Member
I've completed pretty much every Zelda game, except Minish Cap and the CD-I garbage, but there's something about this one that just isn't clicking for me...and I say that as someone who completed Spirit Tracks.
Sad Ice Hockey GIF by NHL

SS is worth it, but maybe not for you.


Besides the terrible camera control, I'm loving it. IDGAS about graphics when it's 60 FPS and has a nice art style.
Dungeons, finally good Zelda dungeons.
It’s trash. The art has been tuned down to please Nintendo fans and it looks now trash. Original controls were trash (wiimote plus needs calibration every 3 or 4 minutes). « Story » is trash (who was it done for? 3 years old ? Even for kids, it’s an insulte to your brain. Just watch videos and see how Nintendo decided to insult its fans). Dongeons are trash aka the most important part for any Zelda game. Camera is trash.

Don’t loose a second of your life with it.I want Nintendo to give me back the hours i’ve lost with this trash Zelda game. Play Zelda 64.
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Gold Member
While I did eventually finish the thing it was certainly not on the first try.

It is my second least favorite zelda that I have played, and outside of four swords adventures and the CDi games that's everything.

The only zelda I never finished is of course the Ubisoft game of the century according to many, Breath of the Wild.

But honestly I don't think Skyward Sword is worth the investment, it was built around being a Wii gimic game rather than a good Zelda title.


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I pushed myself to finish it but overall one of the most boring RPGs I played. Story and the world is so thin.

EDIT: Oh I thought you were talking about BOTW. Now you know which other game not to waste time on XD
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I think SS is worth playing through exactly once if you're a Zelda fan. It's towards the bottom of the pile though.
Worst Zelda game I ever played. In fact this game put me off gaming for 9 years. I didn't play another video game until 2020 and it was during the pandemic which pulled me back into a hobby I loved. I thought I was just getting older and moved on, I had turned 29 when this game came out. It was just the game was so bad it turned me off of something I've done since the 80s. My advice? If the game isn't to your liking, skip it. There are thousands of games out there to play. A seriously bad game can kill your love of the hobby. Couldn't believe this piece of crap took 6 years to make.


Neo Member
I don’t know if it‘s just me, but I always thought Skyward Sword is a terribly ugly game. They obviously tried to do some kind of painting-like artstyle, but it just doesn’t work imo; everything just looks flat and cheap. The horrible depth of field effect makes everything that‘s in the distance look muddy as hell, and the cardboard trees are some of the worst I‘ve ever seen. The Wii version in particular looks atrocious, but I don’t think the increased resolution of the Switch remaster is very helpful either, since all it does is highlight all those ugly, low-res assets everywhere.

I mean seriously, look at those trees lol:
lol who cares about the look of trees?
Worst Zelda game I ever played. In fact this game put me off gaming for 9 years. I didn't play another video game until 2020 and it was during the pandemic which pulled me back into a hobby I loved. I thought I was just getting older and moved on, I had turned 29 when this game came out. It was just the game was so bad it turned me off of something I've done since the 80s. My advice? If the game isn't to your liking, skip it. There are thousands of games out there to play. A seriously bad game can kill your love of the hobby. Couldn't believe this piece of crap took 6 years to make.
Worse than Zelda 2?
I’m not really sure what to say here. You’ve completed pretty much every Zelda game but you’re now asking if you should stick with the game after… the opening segment?? I mean, if you’re this invested in the series I would at least give it until a little after the first dungeon.

Personally, I thought it was very okay and I played it through until the end. I’m in the minority on this, but I preferred it over Twilight Princess, which I never finished.
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I tried playing it on wii when it first came out and put it down after about an hour. Fi pissed me off. Fast forward about a decade and I gave it another chance on switch. I pushed through to the end and there are redeeming factors in this game that make it stand out. Music was fantastic. Yes it was hard playing this game after the high of botw, but it was fun enough for me and I give it a solid 7. You have to accept the fact that it's not breath of the wild, and once you accept that it lets you enjoy the game. More of a traditional zelda with a motion controls twist. Stick with it and you might enjoy it.
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Mr Branding

Wrapping it up on switch right now. Cool mechanics and dungeons. Took some time getting used to the controls (non motion lol).
I feel Totk will borrow quite a bit from it.

Edit: actually, as I'm closing in on what I think is the ending,
fuck those silent realms and the imprisoned fights.
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I played through it for the first time recently and fell in love with it. It didn't click with me at launch on Wii, but on Switch it's been a different story.

It isn't a good sign that you don't like the motion controls along with the visuals. The motion controls are a huge part of the gameplay and it sounds like it just isn't your thing. However, I suggest you at least try a dungeon.

The dungeons are where this game is at its strongest. The connective areas in-between is where I find my issues with the game. The area leading up to the dungeon is like a dungeon itself. However, some of these dungeons are up there with the best in the series. There's a certain mechanic that is used and expanded in a couple of these dungeons that is just brilliant. There's also an incredible boss fight that stands with the best in the series.

So the game has some lows, but the dungeons need to be given a shot if you're a fan of the series.
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