I downgraded my build. Planned to get a 3080 or 3080ti. After waiting for half a year or whatever I bought a 3070ti instead. It’s not what I wanted but honestly good enough, I can run Cyberpunk with RT on Ultra at roughly 60 fps, gsync is my saviour, can’t spot any drops.It would have been my custom 3080 / 5900 build that I cancelled as I ordered February for May, which slipped to July which slipped to September before I got pissed off and cancelled it.
I still have my 980ti and am still able to run most games on highI think most people don't actually have gaming pc's that can outperform the next generation consoles.
If you look at the steam hardware survey then most still 1080p screens and equivalent pc hardware.
Im interested to know what neogaf members have as we're probably classed as not casual gamers but more enthusiasts.
It's the 120fps mode. But using a frame time metric to get lowest fps instead of the fps avg over a second metric you usually see in console comparisons.Dude, did you at least watch the video?
According to GN PS5 dips to 34 fps. That's why I asked you (and ask you again) which mode of all available on PS5 you think he's using to make the comparison. I quoted all the modes according to DF in my previous message.
I'm suppose you're the one moving the goal post. What I said still stands:we were talking about current hardware and now you're talking about hardware with """similar""" specs to the ps5, ok.
I suppose i'm the dumb one for trying to argue with unreasonable people
No because people won't be able to run the games like PS5 does, using the same hardware 4 years from now.
I like to argue with unreasonable people. I find the goal post moving/mental gymnastics fascinating.A PC with same specs as a PS4? No they're not.
Show me a PC from 2013 that has the same specs as a PS4 running late gen stuff.
If we consider the RAM alone it couldn't be done.
If it was possible, everyone would be still rocking their 2013 PCs until last year.
Yep, it's embarrassing shite.
Very easy.
It says: PS5 vs. PC Performance. DMC V High Framerate mode/No RT/PC Settings Matched. Gamernexus.
You read that, right? It's on the chart. Well, funny thing is PS5 doesn't have a 1080p mode other than the RT Performance Mode, which of course uses RT, and even this mode NEVER drops anywhere near 30 fps.
He's using either the regular 4K mode (my bet) or the RT normal mode. In any case putting it up against a RTX 1060 running at 1080p is just lunacy.
Did I make myself clear this time? Honestly I don't think it's that hard to understand why that comparison is total bullshit, and if you didn't understand by now it's probably because you don't want to, so you won't. Nothing I can do about that, sorry.
I think so, but im not sure. I have RTX 3070 and i5-10600K and RAM of 16GB 2x8. With pretty much high end other specs too, can someone confirm?
Yeah i know it has less 2 core, i was about to buy 8 core but my expert friends told me that it doesnt really have important impact on gaming since the high end CPU are used more for streaming, editing and workstations. So i figure i save some money from CPU to buy better GPU and Motherboard and Power Supply.Your CPU has fewer core but who knows if it's weaker for games or not (higher clock and IPC).
That CPU will be fine this whole genYeah i know it has less 2 core, i was about to buy 8 core but my expert friends told me that it doesnt really have important impact on gaming since the high end CPU are used more for streaming, editing and workstations. So i figure i save some money from CPU to buy better GPU and Motherboard and Power Supply.
Based on what i saw in Wikipedia the CPU for sony seems to have 2 more cores but processing at lower speed, it says 3.5ghz? while this i5 had 4.1ghz? could be that. Good thing i can always upgrade when i want, few years i can upgrade CPU if there is a need. I think my current CPU is pretty good actually, the PC is very fast and i dont have issues at all.