Linux User
Don't you guys have creditcards?
Yep. Not to mention the game literally pushes you to buy within 4-5 minutes of playing. You will *never* catch up as you will start to hit a repetitive grind very, very early on with its absurdly low drop chances. While you *can* earn legendary items, they are quickly outclassed by any paid player which completely defeats the purpose of the item to begin with.
Do you wanna buy a game on a mobile phone? Disgusting.
Do you wanna play a free game and buy something? Disgusting.
I wouldn’t even bother, Strange. There are a few folks around here such as billyxci and ANDS who are blatant trolls and will shill the hell out of cancerous crap like this because of petty console wars or sunk cost fallacy. They aren’t worth the time or day.
I love responses like this. Just specific enough to get attention, but vague enough to be able to provide cover when called out for its bullshit. . .because this is complete bullshit.
For those actually trying to have an honest conversation about F2P games, and the gulf between the free to play experience and paid experience (which is a legitimate conversation to have, and actually involves nuance), you'll know to avoid dishonest posts like the one above for one glaring reason: they never actually give concrete examples, and it will always be couched in an overgeneralized critique that you can toss at any F2P game. They wont actually say what activity it was they were doing that causes them to be "quickly outclassed by any paid player. . ." - which is an odd enough statement on its own, given the only activities where you're concerned about being "outclassed" is in the PvP modes which are end-game activities and not "very, very early on." And by "odd" I mean "completely in line with the 'overgeneralized critique' that dishonest folks like to post because most people won't dig any deeper to see if it's legit or not." Another phrase would be "completely full of shit."
I personally loved Diablo 3 and I played the first Diablo, finished it and then played the second Diablo back in the early 2000s and Diablo 3 is my favorite.Diablo 3 is better than this very VERY bad game is my point
Is it okay to exploit...So it's okay to exploit people with gambling addictions because a few of them might be rich? Have you been sniffing glue?
I personally loved Diablo 3 and I played the first Diablo, finished it and then played the second Diablo back in the early 2000s and Diablo 3 is my favorite.
As someone has played all three games in order, I really never understood the hate for Diablo 3. People complaining the graphics aren't dark enough I thought was always a silly complaint.
So sad that we are the point where people defend this. "All mobile games are like this now!" "X game has even worse monetization!"
Someone build a time machine, quick.
I 100% agree with you but PC gaming has the same problem. Once servers go down for good on Steam, there goes all your games you spent money on. Or say games you downloaded on a console. That's why I hate DRM in general.This is why many gamers disregard mobile. The system is pretty much a psychological exploit of a trap. People who game on PC and dedicated consoles can mostly expect a great experience utilizing its hardware and high production. Any games known to be free to play in the end will cost you.
And with mobile, once the servers go down there goes your time spent, effort, and money. Might as well use that time wisely and work out or play other games where the returns are greater.
Fuck mobile gaming.
What are you talking about? People have presented literally hours of video evidence and articles about the horrible pay 2 win mechanics. Here is another example, paid vs. unpaid rift:
Can't get any more clear than that.
You will *never* catch up as you will start to hit a repetitive grind very, very early on with its absurdly low drop chances. While you *can* earn legendary items, they are quickly outclassed by any paid player which completely defeats the purpose of the item to begin with.
you must be sniffing glue because this post makes no senseIs it okay to exploit...
list of 567 other reasons.
Like using GPUs that use rare materials? ARE YOU NUTS? How selfish you are to exploit cheap african labor. Etc etc.
Have you ever heard of *drugs*?this hand wringing that we have a product that just shouldn't be consumed because of what it might do to other people is funking mental.
What are you talking about? People have presented literally hours of video evidence and articles about the horrible pay 2 win mechanics. Here is another example, paid vs. unpaid rift:
Can't get any more clear than that.
Because "content", people love "drama", and people love to hate. People are apparently really trying to get Asmongold and other folks more clicks and views, lmao. You could easily just, I dunno, Google it and understand what the game is. Or you could easily expect the game's monetization to be rough because the F2P mobile gaming industry literally hasn't changed in the last, what? Almost 10 years now? Lol. You don't need to watch some baiting influencer vids to realize this, lol.Why did he enter a rift without crests?
You can get crests without spending money, so any player trying to maximize their rift runs would enter them with crests.
What I've been trying to say is I don't think anyone is "defending" it here at all. They're just stating that IS how the F2P mobile game market is, and they're not wrong. That's how it's been for almost 10 years now, even more so since they've become billon making cash cows. It's most certainly gross and sad, I don't think anyone would disagree, especially here. The reality of it all is if whales continue to whale, nothing about it is going to change.So sad that we are the point where people defend this. "All mobile games are like this now!" "X game has even worse monetization!"
Someone build a time machine, quick.
Why did he enter a rift without crests?
You can get crests without spending money, so any player trying to maximize their rift runs would enter them with crests.
Legendary Crests are the only place you can get 3-5 star gems, where the more stars, the more power, obviously. Annnnd guess what? It’s absolutely, 100% a gacha/loot box system. Just replace attractive anime ladies in Genshin Impact with legendary gems. Check out the drop rates:
- 1 star capped – 75%
- 2 star capped – 20%
- 2/5 star – 3.75%
- 3/5 star – 1%
- 4/5 star – 0.20%
- 5/5 star – 0.05%
And yes, there’s a “pity” system like in most gacha games. Every 50 legendary crests will get you one guaranteed 5 star. Shame the $100 bundle of currency only gets you 45 crests…
It is quite literally impossible to accumulate any significant amount of useful, uncapped legendary gems playing for free, so it’s essentially like the final stages of the endgame don’t exist at all without paying.
Oh Yes, ‘Diablo Immortal’ Is Absolutely Pay-To-Win, Eventually
Is Diablo Immortal pay-to-win? Not at first, but the entire endgame is built upon the foundation of spending potentially thousands of
If some gamers didn't have the inane mindset of being completionist gamers, they wouldnt bother spending tons of money on mtx.
As scummy as it is to have games with tons of mtx, all they are doing is selling shit like no other business.
You can buy a base model car or buy the top end edition with all the options. Most dont buy the maxed out version but some do.
It's worse than that really, because at least the phone guy would understand what it means to him to get an x% faster car. People buying gems or whatever else to facilitate advancement have no visibility on what that really means for your game progression. You don't know how much further in the game it's really going to get you, or how much you're going to have to pay later on... the point is to obfuscate the ultimate cost to the player when everything is done. And of course it ramps up to most manipulate people's feeling of sunk cost and desire to finish the thing they've started.This is more like your car being capped at 20mph and having to regularly pay a tiered sum in order to have a 45% chance at making it go at higher speeds which can vary according to your luck.
So sad that we are the point where people defend this. "All mobile games are like this now!" "X game has even worse monetization!"
Someone build a time machine, quick.
Your free car?This is more like your car being capped at 20mph and having to regularly pay a tiered sum in order to have a 45% chance at making it go at higher speeds which can vary according to your luck.
Who gives a shit. If we thought about things like that nobody could do shit because some sissy got addicted and fucked their life up or not. Sorry for butting in, but this reads like captain save em even though most don't need saving.While you are correct don't you feel these kinds of systems can become addictive to certain people?
We'd be right here because dozens of other games without a big license skirt right by. You do know this right? This road was paved way before the "Win" people think battlefront 2 was. Go back to players charging other players for items.Now just imagine what would happen to gaming ecosystem if Battlefront 2 lootboxer cancer system were defended by the same people instead of being heavly criticized.
We'd be right here because dozens of other games without a big license skirt right by. You do know this right? This road was paved way before the "Win" people think battlefront 2 was. Go back to players charging other players for items.
Yes, people can play the game without paying a cent. The game will be fine with any criticism coming its way so you don't need to worry. There is no need to defend everything that is even remotely connected with Microsoft.These stupid clickbait outrage threads need to stop. You can play the entire game without spending a cent. The outrage here only applies to people who want to min/max in a PVE game.
Naw bruh, cancer was the players giving the keys to the raiders. I don't need to feel anything and I don't. I just fall back, watch vjws go on about anti-consumer this, and evil monetization that, while sucking consumerism dong. All the vitriol and concern of how far things have gone to far is worth nada. And plenty "yall must be joking." when the actual consumer flips you off and buys all of it in bulk. Bitch here about micro anything expecting something substantial all the while shitting on your platform of choice......tell me which one you've affected more.I can go back way before, if that makes you feel better.
Ragnarok Online Brazil(aka BRO) was selling ultra mega rare cards from boss monsters using real money.
Harry Potter game for phones is the same thing, a free game with energy resource that is so stupid implemented that requires the player to wait to recharge energy while in the middle(or even at begining) of the story process. Of course you can pay money to recharge energy, who knows you might even complete that section.
Doesn't matter who started or where it started, doesn't make any of this less stupid. BF2 only proved that they really really forced their hand with their cancerus business practices.
They trained and brainwashed them well.So sad that we are the point where people defend this. "All mobile games are like this now!" "X game has even worse monetization!"
Someone build a time machine, quick.
It's a fucking mobile game ffs, why do you give a shit.. download it for FREE, play a few hours, get some quality time out of it before it becomes a chore and wants you to blow money and then fucking uninstall it for crying out loud, y'all going at it like its some AAA console/PC game thats going to become your second life