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J.J. Abrams and Ta-Nehisi Coates are working on a new Superman movie


Doesn't it bother you that so many black icons are just whites in black-face?

gary coleman wtf GIF


ChatGPT 0.001
Over the last 5 years we've had 2x movies a year if they plan for a Superman movie in 2022 2023 they have to listen to the fans, it would be a win for DC.



Can we stop pretending not to understand the argument? There would certainly be an outrage (and it would probably look ridiculous) if a white or Asian person were cast as, say, Martin Luther King, especially in the current sociopolitical climate, yet the same people who would be outraged because of that are the ones cheering when black people play white characters. Furthermore, there is a clear pattern of replacing white people with people of other races and the people doing it admit openly that they think white people are evil and owe reparations to minorities.

The best part is how this is all disguised as principles when it's literally the opposite. "Narrative? What narrative? It's a totally genuine change made entirely for creative reasons." the psychotic activists who keep doing this, and their supporters, expect us to believe.

inb4: "oof another fragile white male." I'm not white, I'm just trying to be principled.

edit: I anticipate the response that MLK wasn't fictional. But to that I say, he could be fictional or stylized in a story about him. This is a dumb response, of course, but it's the same argument used by people who are in favor of race swapping. "Superman could be black." Furthermore, there has already been white-to-black race swapping with historical figures.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Who gives a shit what excuse the writers came up with to replace them though? We all see this for the transparent race-swapping SJW nonsense this is.

Since you asked -











And the list goes on.
Some of them was fine or great, definitive version of the character even, and some was just bad
The problem at the moment is that it's become a Hitlist of races swaps in such a short period of time that's makes it obvious to everyone
You should check out YoungRippa59 he see it for exactly what it is

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Why not come up with a new superhero, and have that be written and played by black people? Then they will fully own it from the start. Then the blackness can influence the character from the ground up.

Always weird that people are demanding this. Why aren't they creating new black heroes? Where is the call for that? Even Black Panther was just created by an old white dude, who wasn't even aware the IRL Black Panthers were being invented around the same time when he came up with it. That was a total coincidence, one which really paid off when marketing the movie 40 years later, and there was an accompanying social justice movement they could piggyback off of for clout and fundraising. In reality Black Panther in reality has nothing to do with black people, beyond being marketed to them. It's an unreal fantasy African nation complete with spear chuckers that was invented by an old white guy in the 1960s. But you put marketing behind that and it tricks morons into thinking it is "revolutionary". People need to demand more than just appearances.

Obviously there are black creators making their own original characters and unique stories out there. If only companies would get tired of endlessly trying to respec old IPs and show us something new.
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Gold Member
Why not come up with a new superhero, and have that be written and played by black people? Then they will fully own it from the start. Then the blackness can influence the character from the ground up.

Always weird that people are demanding this. Why aren't they creating new black heroes? Where is the call for that? Even Black Panther was just created by an old white dude, who wasn't even aware the IRL Black Panthers were being invented around the same time when he came up with it. That was a total coincidence, one which really paid off when marketing the movie 40 years later, and there was an accompanying social justice movement they could piggyback off of for clout and fundraising. But Black Panther in reality has nothing to do with black people, beyond being marketed to them.

Obviously there are black creators making their own original characters and unique stories out there. If only companies would get tired of endlessly trying to respec old IPs and show us something new.
spawn should be given another chance , the movie was pretty decent


...or incredibly interesting. How a black Kal El would deal with growing up in rural Kansas would be fascinating, as would how he would deal with prejudice as an adult and a god.

All I hear is people whinging about how Superman is a dull character. This seems like a great way to make a very interesting, fresh take.

A What If story that revolves entirely around his blackness. Yawn.


Gold Member
It's posts like this that give others the wrong impression about this place.
Only seem to only take issue with pushback on perceived SJW agenda when it comes to your comics, and I think Disney.

Then make a broad brush perception statement about a community you’re a part of.
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Who gives a shit what excuse the writers came up with to replace them though? We all see this for the transparent race-swapping SJW nonsense this is.

Since you asked -











And the list goes on.
For context, I am black. You can add Catwoman and Jim Gordon in the new batman to this. And I'm excited for Zoe Kravitz and Jeffery wrights take on the characters. But anyone denying there is a strange race bending compulsion is kidding themselves. It's much less inclusivity and empowerment and more pandering and corporate woke maneuvering.


Then make a broad brush perception statement about a community you’re a part of.

I wasn't saying anything about the community. Just that post. Someone who doesn't know anything about GAF comes here and sees something like that and it could give them the wrong idea about us.


Gold Member
I wasn't saying anything about the community. Just that post. Someone who doesn't know anything about GAF comes here and sees something like that and it could give them the wrong idea about us.
I can agree with that, it’s pretty sad the double standard. If he posted a white washing post nobody would bat an eye in this clown culture we are all circusing around the drain in.


i remember being upset at the sight of terry played by a white dude , bcuz it was unfaithfull to the comic

Their excuse back in the 90s was for budgetary reasons. If the cast had a certain % of black actors the studios then would consider it a "black" movie and they'd get a much lower budget.

Honestly the only problem with that movie is Terry being played by a white guy and the terrible CG. Everything else about it is a GREAT Spawn movie.


advanced basic bitch
Their excuse back in the 90s was for budgetary reasons. If the cast had a certain % of black actors the studios then would consider it a "black" movie and they'd get a much lower budget.

Honestly the only problem with that movie is Terry being played by a white guy and the terrible CG. Everything else about it is a GREAT Spawn movie.
IDK. I really thought the script and acting were pretty horrible myself. Michael Jai White has all the acting ability of Arnold with none of the charisma. Martin Sheen was phoning it in. The bad girl was laughable. Leguizamo(sp?) was the only one who tried and all he had to do was be 90's ridiculous.
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Gold Member
IDK. I really thought the script and acting were pretty horrible myself. Michael Jai White has all the acting ability of Arnold with none of the charisma. Martin Sheen was phoning it in. The bad girl was laughable. Leguizamo(sp?) was the only one who tried and all he had to do was be 90's ridiculous.
Which is why Leguizamo was the highlight of the entire film, and his scenes are the ones you remember the most.


Perpetually Offended
It's the fragility of SJW's that demands we change White and Asian characters into black ones. Doesn't it bother you that so many black icons are just whites in black-face?


This is what we all see when you race-swap an iconic character. It feels inauthentic because it is inauthentic. It is stolen culture. Why is it wrong for us to ask for representation in our countries in our media? Are non-whites so insecure that they feel the constant need to seize what we have created for themselves? What's wrong with writing new stories instead of appropriating anothers? Isn't "appropriating culture" supposed to be a bad thing?

1. White folks are still 95% in control in hollywood... And make up like 90% of actors in movies and TV

2. "Our" Country? Stolen culture? Dude... Those are racist talking points because it's inferring that America is a white country... Is that what you believe?


You seriously didn't get this? They are larping as the original characters. Superman is white; a black man playing him is just like a white man playing Mr. T. That's black-face buddy.

This is how they look to everyone else -

You said ‘so many’ black icons are white people in black face. That’s what you said. You said that.
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There’s really nothing quite so pathetic as a bunch of people who have been represented consistently across all forms of media for decades and decades, getting whiny about the fact that some characters don’t represent them any more. The fragility is quite something.

Calm down. There will always be plenty of white characters for you to still enjoy going forward.

I'm black and I despise race swapping, it's stupid insulting pandering trash. The idea that it's only white people who hate it is inherently false and representative of a pathetic attempt at dismissing the whole argument whenever anyone takes issue with this stupidity. One of my Hispanic friends is the biggest Superman fan I know, and he HATES the idea of anyone but a white man playing the role.

There's hundreds of really cool nonwhite characters in comics that get IGNORED in favor of this. Granted Marvel might be getting better about this with the new Shang Chi movie coming out. I especially despise taking white characters themselves and turning them black, people it promotes the idea that the only good black character is a white character with a palette swap like a fucking Mortal Kombat ninja.

Where's my Mr. Terrific, Static Shock, Doctor Light, The Silencer, Bronze Tiger, Cassandra Cain(no they turn her into an annoying fat fangirl of fucking Harley in a shit movie) Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle (Sorry he was always cooler than Ted Kord, even though his duo with Booster Gold was really fun), and these are only just scratching the surface.

Even a Green Lantern Corp movie, a series which has several different races and species of Lanterns to choose from to star. Would anyone even complain about a Kyle Rayner or John Stewart led Green Lantern film? People love those characters and neither one of them is white.

When they do give these more "obscure" heroes attention, it's in the form of mediocre television productions. Black Lightning gets a shit tv. Luke Cage, instead of being in a Power man and Iron Fist film, or the Avengers gets a largely forgettable tv show( AND I LIKED THAT SHOW, the second season anyway). Two of my favs, relegated to the back of the bus.

Instead of elevating these characters, we get fucking black Superman, and bringing up the fact there've been black versions of the character in comics before is meaningless. They've all been derivatives of the real Superman, who has always been treated as the main focus.

Hell make a fucking Steel movie. John Henry Irons has always been cooler than Clark anyway, and we need someone to wash away the stain of the Shaq movie. I would even accept a film about his daughter Natasha and her picking up his mantle, Natasha was pretty cool herself.

Fuck DC literally has its own equivalent of Superman who is his own character named Icon, that they got the rights to when they purchased Milestone comics, which hosts a dozen other minority heroes.

People say stupid shit like "No one knows who these characters are and that's why they won't sell" not only is that bullshit, but how would they ever gain the notoriety you desire if you fucking ignore them forever. There is absolutely no reason to resort to changing a characters race, when you have an entire stable of cool heroes to choose from, and even more obscure heroes you can MAKE cool like the films did with Blade. Blade was TERRIBLE in the comics before the films. Guardians of the Galaxy puts the lie to the claim that obscurity in the public consciousness prevents any chance of success. There is no excuse anymore.

Oh, and anyone who says Coates' comics were laden with charged identity politics garbage are either lying to themselves. If you want a black author who tackles the same issues with less in your face crassness and more respect for the characters involved you're better off reading Christopher Priest. His stuff hasn't been as good in recent years, but he has some really great classic stories imo.

Priest is the man who made Black Panther cool, and did it WAY better than the shit you seen in the movies.

Airbus Jr

I dont understand why dont they just keep using Henry?

Why change supes into black ?

Clark Kent is white

Same as Black Panther and Blade is black

Swapping them into white is stupid

If im saying this on Era i sure il be called a racist bigot
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On the subject of representation, why the hell is it always black people? Why are latinos and asians largely ignored?

Also, speaking of heroes that get no attention I want a movie about this fucking dude:


I was first introduced to this character during Civil War where he beat the fuck out of Daredevil's Bullseye and crippled him. After actually hunting down some of the stories he was in and reading them they'd make for absolutely awesome movies.

The fact that he's Native is just a nice byproduct. While his costume isn't the best they could definitely fix it up for a film. On the whole Eagle has been underutilized, even in the comics.
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People are assuming that because of the writer. With JJ producing it could still be Clark and could still be Cavill.
They wouldnt bring JJ and a new writter to do something fresh for the Snyderverse

100% sure this will be a reboot. And a reboot with Cavill would be pretty fucking weird.

And a reboot with another white Clark wouldnt be "fresh" enough to justify its existence, imo
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They wouldnt bring JJ and a new writter to do something fresh for the Snyderverse

100% sure this will be a reboot. And a reboot with Cavill would be pretty fucking weird.

And a reboot with another white Clark wouldnt be "fresh" enough to justify its existence, imo

Except 20 years ago JJ Abrams wrote a "fresh" approach to Superman that was so shit and offensive he got death threats.


I'm black and I despise race swapping, it's stupid insulting pandering trash. The idea that it's only white people who hate it is inherently false and representative of a pathetic attempt at dismissing the whole argument whenever anyone takes issue with this stupidity. One of my Hispanic friends is the biggest Superman fan I know, and he HATES the idea of anyone but a white man playing the role.

There's hundreds of really cool nonwhite characters in comics that get IGNORED in favor of this. Granted Marvel might be getting better about this with the new Shang Chi movie coming out. I especially despise taking white characters themselves and turning them black, people it promotes the idea that the only good black character is a white character with a palette swap like a fucking Mortal Kombat ninja.

Where's my Mr. Terrific, Static Shock, Doctor Light, The Silencer, Bronze Tiger, Cassandra Cain(no they turn her into an annoying fat fangirl of fucking Harley in a shit movie) Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle (Sorry he was always cooler than Ted Kord, even though his duo with Booster Gold was really fun), and these are only just scratching the surface.

Even a Green Lantern Corp movie, a series which has several different races and species of Lanterns to choose from to star. Would anyone even complain about a Kyle Rayner or John Stewart led Green Lantern film? People love those characters and neither one of them is white.

When they do give these more "obscure" heroes attention, it's in the form of mediocre television productions. Black Lightning gets a shit tv. Luke Cage, instead of being in a Power man and Iron Fist film, or the Avengers gets a largely forgettable tv show( AND I LIKED THAT SHOW, the second season anyway). Two of my favs, relegated to the back of the bus.

Instead of elevating these characters, we get fucking black Superman, and bringing up the fact there've been black versions of the character in comics before is meaningless. They've all been derivatives of the real Superman, who has always been treated as the main focus.

Hell make a fucking Steel movie. John Henry Irons has always been cooler than Clark anyway, and we need someone to wash away the stain of the Shaq movie. I would even accept a film about his daughter Natasha and her picking up his mantle, Natasha was pretty cool herself.

Fuck DC literally has its own equivalent of Superman who is his own character named Icon, that they got the rights to when they purchased Milestone comics, which hosts a dozen other minority heroes.

People say stupid shit like "No one knows who these characters are and that's why they won't sell" not only is that bullshit, but how would they ever gain the notoriety you desire if you fucking ignore them forever. There is absolutely no reason to resort to changing a characters race, when you have an entire stable of cool heroes to choose from, and even more obscure heroes you can MAKE cool like the films did with Blade. Blade was TERRIBLE in the comics before the films. Guardians of the Galaxy puts the lie to the claim that obscurity in the public consciousness prevents any chance of success. There is no excuse anymore.

Oh, and anyone who says Coates' comics were laden with charged identity politics garbage are either lying to themselves. If you want a black author who tackles the same issues with less in your face crassness and more respect for the characters involved you're better off reading Christopher Priest. His stuff hasn't been as good in recent years, but he has some really great classic stories imo.

Priest is the man who made Black Panther cool, and did it WAY better than the shit you seen in the movies.

All of this sounds great, but we live in a world where movie companies are incredibly risk averse, and smaller, less popular characters are a risk whatever their colour or gender. No one’s stumping up the cash for a Steel movie any more than they are a Zatanna film, or a Blue Beetle Ted Kord film. That’s the reality.

Anyway, that’s getting away from my point, which is there’s nothing wrong with a character being race swapped if it doesn’t materially affect the character or the story... or if it does, it’s done in an interesting, valid manner. Seriously, who gives a shit if it’s good?
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Airbus Jr

They wouldnt bring JJ and a new writter to do something fresh for the Snyderverse

100% sure this will be a reboot. And a reboot with Cavill would be pretty fucking weird.

And a reboot with another white Clark wouldnt be "fresh" enough to justify its existence, imo
What can we expect from this reboot?

Superman to fight Zod and Doomsday again?

Dear god...so lame..and boring...

We already have that and the story already carried on into justice league

If they do this they wil prob reboot justice league...

And prob getting rid of Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot in the process....

What a waste...
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I dont understand why dont they just keep using Henry?

Why change supes into black ?

Clark Kent is white

Same as Black Panther and Blade is black

Swapping them into white is stupid

If im saying this on Era i sure il be called a racist bigot

Henry’s gone because he was in shit movies. It’s as simple as that. Had Snyder and WB done a good job, none of these conversations or changes would be happening.

WB have been flailing around like headless chickens for years.
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Oh, and anyone who says Coates' comics were laden with charged identity politics garbage are either lying to themselves. If you want a black author who tackles the same issues with less in your face crassness and more respect for the characters involved you're better off reading Christopher Priest. His stuff hasn't been as good in recent years, but he has some really great classic stories imo.

Priest is the man who made Black Panther cool, and did it WAY better than the shit you seen in the movies.
Agree with your overall post.

From what I read of Coates' stuff, which wasn't much, is it was pretty filled with race politics and was pretty heavy handed with its message. Completely made the book about black people good and white people bad. And yeah Priest stuff with BP is considered classic material.
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Airbus Jr

They are. WB wants JJ to direct it and Christina Hodson (who wrote Bumblebee, Birds of Prey, and The Flash) to write it.
The guy who wrote bird of prey🥱🥱🥱🥱

DC are officially fkd then

Every 1-2 new step and then cancelled and reboot

Im team Marvel now

Their progress are much more cohesive

Look at Marvel from Phase 1 - 4 their movie are progressing nicely
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All of this sounds great, but we live in a world where movie companies are incredibly risk averse, and smaller, less popular characters are a risk whatever their colour or gender. No one’s stumping up the cash for a Steel movie any more than they are a Blue Beetle Ted Kord film. That’s the reality.

Guardians of the Galaxy, l put the lie to idea that there's some inherent risk involved here. No one knew those characters in the public consciousness, and they had no direct connection to the Avengers at the time outside of being in the same universe.

By this stupid logic no one should ever make a new film that isn't connected to some franchise ever, which is something film studios do all the time.

Anyway, that’s getting away from my point, which is there’s nothing wrong with a character being race swapped if it doesn’t materially affect the character or the story... or if it does, it’s done in an interesting, valid manner. Seriously, who gives a shit if it’s good?

It does affect the character, and I enjoy how you glossed over that entire post but w/e. Bruce Wayne is white, Black Panther is black. It's a part of who they are. You don't get to place a ridiculous amount of importance on someone's race and then dismiss that when it isn't convenient for you. Either race matters and we should accept that as part of who people are, or it doesn't and we should just ignore it as a surface characteristic that has no bearing on who someone is.

If there is no inherent value in a characters race, why does it matter enough to change to begin with? Not to mention it's pretty telling when it's almost always white characters replaced with black people.

What makes it interesting, or valid? What did changing Heimdalls race bring to the character? Absolutely nothing other than black skin.

Agree with your overall post.

From what I read of Coates' stuff, which wasn't much, is it was pretty filled with race politics and was pretty heavy handed with its message. Completely made the book about black people good and white people bad. And yeah Priest stuff with BP is considered classic material.

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