DamnBad newsSenpai record delayed until after Friends and Family 2 drops
Good news... NEW LJONES TRACK FROM F&F2![]()
oh snap, F&F2 is out this thursday...
one of bob's youtube comments on the ljones track
DamnBad newsSenpai record delayed until after Friends and Family 2 drops
Good news... NEW LJONES TRACK FROM F&F2![]()
oh snap, F&F2 is out this thursday...
one of bob's youtube comments on the ljones track
Bad newsSenpai record delayed until after Friends and Family 2 drops
Good news... NEW LJONES TRACK FROM F&F2![]()
oh snap, F&F2 is out this thursday...
one of bob's youtube comments on the ljones track
Bad newsSenpai record delayed until after Friends and Family 2 drops
Good news... NEW LJONES TRACK FROM F&F2![]()
oh snap, F&F2 is out this thursday...
one of bob's youtube comments on the ljones track
Ha yup.. I was gonna post this earlier, before I got to work, but you're too quick, Joe!!
Thursday is gonna be freakin' magical for me.
Bonobo concert + Friends & Family 2???
Maaan.. eargasms all around.
And Bob is badass.. Yeah, you, Bob! I know you see this!
On another note, new Kognitif:
Voodoo Spells
Bad newsSenpai record delayed until after Friends and Family 2 drops
Good news... NEW LJONES TRACK FROM F&F2![]()
oh snap, F&F2 is out this thursday...
one of bob's youtube comments on the ljones track
Also, I'm gonna see Bonobo on the 9th ^_^
Awwww maaan.. just two tracks in, and Floatin' with Louise has me hooked..
Ive got over 10 new tracks on Cult Classic Records "Friends & Family 2" and none of them are fillers. Thats better then some people can say about their whole album!
F&F2 out Friday.
But that's already saturday in europe.. :/
Oh, and the visuals were pretty nice, too. He had some panels behind him that displayed various scenery while the performers were bathed in smoke & light from above. It worked really well.
(´・_・`)I don't see a download link
edit: oh in ~15 min yiss!
Nice. Have it on shuffle and pretty much every beat is amazing.
me too I'll just go through it and delete them and make just a instrumental album..Nice. Have it in shuffle and pretty much every beat is amazing.
Only gripe I have is that half of it is vocals. Not really feeling any of these emcees.
Yeah, same here. I hate to talk bad about indie artists trying to get their name out there, but I'm usually not feeling any of the rappers on these bandcamp releases.me too I'll just go through it and delete them and make just a instrumental album..
F&F2 drops, and Jaroof comes back from Bonobo with details/pics? today was a good day!
Edit: like forreal, these instrumentals on Friends & Family 2 are so dope. "Dat Jazz" by Nicholas Cheung is on repeat right now.
Hey man, hope your doing well. Just wanna thank you guys on the forum for spreading the music but most importantly being passionate in your discussions, i check the thread daily it's good to see people talking about music these days. I hope you all enjoy F&F2, the way it was made won't be to everyones taste but it's made so you can create your own album with the tracks, also i'm suprised that you guys being such big Kitty Wong fans didn't spot her feature on the album lol. All the best!
F&F2 was just a small thing compared to what's in store later this year![]()
dat trog'low tracknow I'm going to listen to the rest, thank you based bob42jh!
And as if that wasn't enough... NEW TROG'LOW ALBUM!!
apparently released last month lolwut?
edit: there is another EP of his:
Guess he doesn't release everything on bandcamp.
Really digging the Ghosts in the Machines track by Ljones.
The vocal sample sounds like something from NieR.
Yeah, I'm glad Nicholas Cheung is getting some recognition. He makes some badass music.
Bob sent me a message on Facebook:
and added in
The vocal sample sounds like something from NieR.
It is
dat trog'low tracknow I'm going to listen to the rest, thank you based bob42jh!
And as if that wasn't enough... NEW TROG'LOW ALBUM!!
Huh. No wonder. Badass.
Respeck +1.
Edit: Okay, I just saw the posts where you guys were talking about him sampling NieR. Missed 'em up until now.
So someone at CCR got Kitty Wong to come out of her hole...
That's her on there as KW.
Loving that Blazo track on Family and Friends 2!
Ok, finally managed to listen all of it. My god, what a compilation, the creme de la creme. I didn't mind the parts with lyrics, though I have to admit I wasn't always paying attetion. But really, this is so good.
edit: I just realised that I didn't listen to it in the correct order lol. I listened to the album alphabetically instead of according to title numbers. Oh well.
Here is the whole album:
It's really good and free!
blazo's facebook said:Hey you all! I have to admit I wasn't into facebook at all. I prefer to spent time focusing inward and in nature.. Maybe it's time to change it and post a video from time to time.
Today, I wanted to share with you a great song from my close friends Dj Czarny and Tas featuring ozay Moore!
Please check it and have a good day!
P.S. For all the jazzy fans Colors of Jazz 2 is coming soon!
Here is the whole album:
It's really good and free!
Thanks bro. I take it he's a new artist and this is his first album? Any word on his future works?