Rugged Mystic Jazzis it Jazzy Folklore?
Rugged Mystic Jazzis it Jazzy Folklore?
A new Kenichiro Nishihara album just came out!
Been checking it out on Spotify, and it sounds great.
Rugged Mystic Jazz
^^^ What he said.
Some smoooth stuff on the album.
Hope you're all having a good weekend, I'll be doing a live stream tomorrow (Sunday) 6.30pm GMT+1.
Shit I'm behind on my jazz-hop lately, didn't know this dropped.
Yeah exactly lol. I'm to say even though i like all of the tracks on Ljones new album its still a disappointment.. 2+ years for 9 shooorrrt tracks. 😭
got to say even though i like all of the tracks on Ljones new album its still a disappointment.. 2+ years for 9 shooorrrt tracks. 😭
Yeah exactly lol. I'm greedy.
Soul Below is seriously a classic. Like even beyond just jazz-hop, shit is amazing.
new bop alloy LP coming out end of May
A lot of stuff in here is a little more laid back but it's similar. And mostly instrumental. Here's a few good ones to get started:I've been recently listening to Jazzmatazz by Guru and been loving it! How similar is jazz hop to the Jazzmatazz series? Id like to get deeper into the genre if that's the kinda vibe I'm in for.
Wow, had to buy this. Total fiyah. Thanks!
Ljones has something new coming out every day. Pacific and Seasons are dope.
This is nice.Mmmm...