ChldRebelSoldr said:I forgot who posted this in the GAF-Hop thread but this is the best instrumental album of the year for me.
Blazo - Colors of Jazz
Beats said:For those that like the music from Studio Ghibli movies:
My favorite ones off the album:
Kad5 said:What would you guys say is Nujabes' best album?
I'd have to say his 2nd Hydeout Collections anthology is probably my personal favorite overall.
Between Metaphorical Music and Modal Soul my personal favorite is modal soul but I can see why Metaphorical Music is usually said by most fans to be their favorite.
Miri said:Awesome rec. That track was great. I'm actually checking some of her other stuff out, and she's seem pretty fucking nice.
I've repeated this one a few times already
Sweet Day
mgviperman said:Gonna go with Metaphorical Music myself. Too much love for Lady Brown and Highs 2 Lows.
If anybody here likes Marcus D or Cise Star, check this song out, called "Greater Purpose"
EDIT: Youtube link added
CaptYamato said:Also, Tokimonsta is kinda hot.
See my post.Miri said:Tokimonsta is super hot. Plus she's a dj? shiiieet. I'm already a sucker for girls that are musicians.
ChldRebelSoldr said:I forgot who posted this in the GAF-Hop thread but this is the best instrumental album of the year for me.
Blazo - Colors of Jazz
matt404au said:This is awesome but I can't find that album anywhere![]()
DaFish said:You HAVE to pick these up
Kan Kick - any of his albums
Oddisee - his instrumental stuff
DJ Spinna - Compsitions 1, 2 and 3
Pete Rock - Petestrumentals
Mark Farina - Mushroom Jazz Vol 1 - 6
I'v got more, but I'm at work... will post later
DaFish said:I likes me some Dela, need to grab that...
Heads up... (Damu the Fudgemunk) These drop NEXT WEEK! do yourselves a favor.
DaFish said:
DaFish said:
DaFish said:Yeah man no prob...
I'm liking the new Eric Lau CD that dropped friday... some good down tempo tracks (excluding the first track)
These new Freedie joints are so good...
DaFish said:New Dela album...
Give it a listen, been playing it non-stop for a week now.
DaFish said:
DaFish said:
DaFish said:
DaFish said:
Davidion said:It's the fishy.
Oy, there are way too many albums to digest at once in here.
yall musta forgot...ChldRebelSoldr said:That's right! It was ShinobiFist that introduced Blazo. Not enough thanks in the world, dude.
Pinko Marx said:This isn't instrumental, but I guess you could call it "Jazz-Hop" even though I hate that term.
Davidion said:Nobody talked about Joe Beats?
Time to talk about Joe Beats
Maker & Joe Beats - Falcon by Design
aaaaaaaaaand subscribe
Edit: look what I just found.
Zavala - Run
IrishNinja said:ive made peace with it - do you got a better name, though? i think it kinda incorporates the sound, jazz rap and other stuff ive seen not so much.
IrishNinja said:@ pinko - haha, yeah - its funny cause i used to just call the playlist vibe cause that's what id do when listening to it, but it made me think too much of the magazine.
absolutely right on hip-hop being born of jazz, too. i like to think it came from that and some blues as well, all very american art forms and at times shit feels oddly cumulative for me...anyway.
that brown album is the only mix i never heard (kno did the white one, right?), gonna check that one out too.