Just found this podcast while watching joe rogan`s:
Jordan Peterson hosts Matthew McConaughey on JBP Podcast | NeoGAF
Just found this podcast while watching joe rogan`s:
Same here..I just realised that I haven't listened to an episode since the switch. The Lex Fridman and Dark Horse podcasts have been satisfying the longform content itch for me. I'm sure I'll set up a Spotify account eventually.
Isn't spotify one of the biggest platforms?They managed to remove Rogan from the mainstream and it only took a couple million for him to fall for it. I lost respect for him cause he knew he was so very valuable to society and knowingly sold out for cash, knowing full well he'd drive himself into a niche.
I literally thought he was taking a break because his feed hadn’t updated on Apple Podcasts.My engagement has gone down dramatically since the exclusivity deal kicked in.
I'll watch a clip here or there on youtube, but I feel less compelled to listen to a full JRE now.
*Edit Snip, could be conspiracy theory, best not chance it.Isn't spotify one of the biggest platforms?
How many views are his spotify episodes getting?
I never thought about it that way.
But honestly I think Big Tech was headed on the path to deplatforming him anyway. Imagine if he had no spotify deal and did the Alex Jones episode anyways. I think they would have used that as an excuse to deplatform Rogan.
*Edit Snip, could be conspiracy theory, best not chance it.
On that note though, is there a replacement for Rogan? I mean, I can't think of any that are truly down to Earth rational people and not leaning heavily to one side of the American divide. Even the other comedians are going full on lopsided.
"Eric Weinstein, host of “The Portal” podcast and managing director at Thiel Capital, returns to The Realignment to discuss the state of the U.S. after the riot at the U.S. Capitol."
Quote from Episode: "Right now what you are seeing is the degradation of our culture. The old magic of America is that you have no desire to burn the flag you have every right to burn. And when you lose that culture, you are going to see a call to restrict free action."
In this 62nd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens. In this episode, we discuss the value of gratitude, always but especially now. We pivot to the lab leak hypothesis, and what its discussion in the mainstream media means for the ability of society at large to consider what might be true regarding the origins of SARS-CoV2. We discuss what happened in the Capitol on January 6, and the ensuing censorship and purges by the big tech platforms. We see the boot coming down hard and fast, with calls from U.S. Representatives to refocus our concern on events and enemies within our own borders. Finally, a reading from Thich Nhat Hanh’s 2012 book, Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm.
Quotes from Episode:
Heather: "One piece of evidence to that point in the last 72 hours is that the conservative leaning alternative to Twitter, Parler, has had its app removed by Google ... and apparently Apple is likely to do the same thing from the Apple Store. So, at the point that there is a competitor to Twitter, but it has an ideological bent that may be the mirror image of what Twitter's ideological bent is, at least in terms of what the CEO is willing to do or say, the fact that other big tech is willing to step in and say, 'No we won't distribute; We won't facilitate this thing being out there in the world.' That looks like collusion. ... It's not actually ... the legal meaning of the term monopoly ... it's not monopolistic but it's a kind of defacto monopoly."
Brett: "It's a defacto monopoly. And the fact that you don't have any diversity about political leanings of these gigantic platforms and tech companies. The idea that Apple and Twitter, because they are traveling in the same political circles, can act in concert. Oh Twitter's going to shove you off Twitter, maybe you can go to Parler, and then Apple's going to shut down Parler, right? So the point is, yeah it's functioning as a monopoly, right? And if the law isn't caught up to it then we need to fix the law, but that is not what is happening. What's happening is you've got the Blue team, which is now in control of two of the three official branches of government ... I think the courts are an unknown, how effective the courts can be in holding back the Blue team's power grab which I think is what we are watching unfold in real-time, remains to be seen. But what I would point out that this view that there are three branches of government, and that is where checks-and-balances come from, has only one of the branches potentially independent enough to exert a check, and what we have is effectively defacto new branches of government. Now that's a very imprecise way of saying it but, we have things that exert power as if they were branches of government that are unanticipated in our founding documents. And so it is a little bit naive to think three branches of government and one of those branches retaining enough independence to exert a check, is sufficient in a world where in effect you have is executive, legislative, judicial, but then you also have the so-called fourth estate, the press, which is on the Blue team, you have academia which is on the Blue team, you have the 'deep-state' (dare I say it) which appears to be on the Blue team, and you have big tech which appears to be on the Blue team."
Heather: "You're going to get clubbed. ... I feel like if you are going to use that phrase in the current environment you should spend a minute or two saying what you mean by it."
Brett: "I mean that there is some entity which is not accountable by virtue of the fact that it is not transparent so we cant see it and it is not accountable and it is the reason that we fight over things like Snowden and Assange and the things they have alerted us to. But anyway there's some thing which doesn't transition with the shifts in belief structure. There's some thing that maintains a presence administration after administration. We can argue about the details of it, but it is hard to argue about the fact of it. And in any case, it is a powerful force and it is not anticipated in the constitution. ... All I would say is the founding documents are not in a position to protect the values that they correctly highlighted, and the reason they are not in a position to do it is that the world has changed radically. And so the fact of the judiciary maybe having the power to check the other two branches of government which are now going to be in the hands of the same party is reason for hope. But it has to be placed in the context of, yes but there are these other forces that appear to be in the hands of the same party and they exert a tremendous force in the other direction and we're seeing that unfold online over the last 24 hours."
Heather:"... But your point is that so many of the other forces that are aligned in the world that are extra-governmental are in fact living in the same ideology which is one that is claiming to be liberal but that we recognize as an extremist branch that is also authoritarian."
I wouldn't say Eric or Bret Weinstein could ever replace Rogan, but they do provide superb analysis of what is going on in our Western culture and are gifted in being able to discern truth from falsehood and help their audiences process what at times seems undiscernible. Two examples from the past week:
Video: The Realignment Ep. 89: Eric Weinstein, Reckoning with Capitol Chaos and How to Save America (1/12/21)
Video: Bret and Heather 62nd DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Tyranny Comes at you Fast (1/9/21)
Yeah, I barely catch his show anymore since the Spotify switch. But to be honest, I thought Joe's interviewing ability went downhill over the course of 2020 anyway. He seemed much more distracted, much less focused on keeping a subject going, much less focused on getting the guest to open up about things only they knew or had unique takes on. So many of the eps I watched were 90% him shooting the shit and talking about whatever random nonsense, completely unrelated to the guest. That's fine up to a point, but it's really annoying when the guest is someone interesting. It's almost like the guests have to be the ones to rein Joe in and keep him focused, which is pretty rare from what I've seen.
But ever since Spotify, I can barely be arsed anymore. YouTube was so convenient. And even if one of the new clips on his old YT channel seems interesting, 99% of the time I don't bother opening up Spotify and hunting down the ep. Combine that with the move into his new broiler oven studio that I still haven't gotten used to, and the very good point that was made earlier in this thread about TX guests vs LA guests, and I'm even less inclined to watch.
I think he made a series of screw-ups that showed he didn't really understand why he got so big in the first place. Spotify if anything should've just been an add'l side channel for the show. YouTube should've stayed as his main venue.I think Joe was played. He was offered a lot of money to be taken off of YouTube to be put on Spotify for the purpose of silencing his influence. My hunch is that Joe will eventually wake up to what they did to him and use his escape clause to break the Spotify contract.
I hate the Spotify player. I haven't watched the podcast since the switch. Maybe I'll try and find YouTube or streamable ripped versions.
Ugh, Spotify.
Yeah, what’s going on? Last several episodes have been hot garbage.I think somethings up. It's been a month without any decent guests.
*insert joke about how it's your fault somehow*Why did all the cool people move to Texas years after I left?
They had to wait for the odor to clear obvWhy did all the cool people move to Texas years after I left?
Joe & Dave with some fans
what's happening here, are we getting a cast today?
I can't believe he got Carrot Top there tooBaller
CT is the ballingest baller in the group.I can't believe he got Carrot Top there too
Never seen Carrot Top, just heard it in this context lolI can't believe he got Carrot Top there too
You can with chromecastOh shit, the motherfucking undertaker.
I wish I could watch this on my TV.![]()
It only does audio for me unless they fixed it recently. Thankfully some kind soul put it on youtube.You can with chromecast
O I recently streamed the video to chromecastIt only does audio for me unless they fixed it recently. Thankfully some kind soul put it on youtube.
It finally works. Hallelujah.O I recently streamed the video to chromecast
Joe was talking about watching her workout videos and I was likeTulsi Gabbard on video pod is basically porn to me. I love everything about her.