At least one Punk is showing up for a fighting competition this year.
The ultimate whiff punish.

The ultimate whiff punish.
Bayley is trash.I expect new japan to start a legit womens division as they get more popular in the west
sasha and bayley will be welcome there
Bayley is trash.
She'd be fine in NJPW
Bayley is trash.Bayley is trash.
As one of Takahashi's girls, I assume?She'd be fine in NJPW
Wait, Talking Smack was cancelled?
She'd be fine in NJPW
geese howard vs abigail
when is namco just gonna buy capcom?
i mean yes the promotion where they dont have a womens division and they only use them to zoom in on their asses, i'm sure bayley would prosper
i mean yes the promotion where they dont have a womens division and they only use them to zoom in on their asses, i'm sure bayley would prosper
i'm not being sarcastic, i'm saying she'd do well there because she wouldnt be in the ring and liger would be lusting over the butt
Lmaostolen from the fire pro thread
Tokido just went in dry with a purpose
The murderface taking Punk's spirit
Taya Valkyrie has left AAA.
She'd do fine in New Japan. I just can't see her leaving the WWE unless Sasha bails first and actively tries to recruit her. Can easily see Bayley loafing around as an occasionally-pushed underachiever in the WWE for years like Zack Ryder simply because she's a life-long fan.Bayley wouldn't talk in New Japan
so that would help her a lot
also look at juice robinson's transformation from nxt to new japan. bayley has shown way more potential as a worker with nxt. of course that all came to a screeching halt when she went to the main roster... but in an environment like new japan where they encourage and applaud putting on a good in ring performance? I think she'd work just fine.
NJPW would never do a women's division
Never ever ever ever
As one of Takahashi's girls, I assume?
i mean yes the promotion where they dont have a womens division and they only use them to zoom in on their asses, i'm sure bayley would prosper
She needs to go to Stardom if anything else.
I was talking about it in the context of a scenario where NJPW established a full on women's division
Well yes but if NJPW established a full on proper women's division she'd be fine there.
Of course you are all right, NJPW will never establish a women's division
Christ that looked like a parody video.
Tekken gets Geese fucking Howard, SFV gets an abomination of a fighting game character.
If this is true then its disgusting tactic by Pwinisder:
If this is true then its disgusting tactic by Pwinisder:
What story? Unless it contains some kind of spoilers, then I don't want to knowVince saw the MYC or at least competitors given that story that I'm sure was already discussed earlier.
When did they become shills for Al or is it GFW damage control?
What story? Unless it contains some kind of spoilers, then I don't want to know
Oh shit I just remembered the G1 is on, how many matches have happened so far?
I swear I'm in a fever dream watching this Decker Mindswipe shit
I'm sure that's still Vince's call and aside from Vince clearly losing it with his micromanagement and being completely out of touch with anything past 1965.He got called up when he was over, not when he was ready.
WWE is all over the place with NXT call ups.
Extremely talented people who are main event ready from day 1 will waste years in NXT while some random people will get called up in weeks. Some will get called up without ever wrestling a live match (Braun)
There is no logic to it. Its like they randomly just pick whoever based on their look and toss them out onto RAW one week.
Vince, it all comes back to Vince. Vince only cares about his pet projects, pretty much always has and if he loses interest in you, you better hope you're making the company so much money you can't be ignored.That's barely any time to go from scratch. Braun would be found out if he was made to have wrestling matches too, but he's the one guy they've managed to hide the weaknesses of. Don't know why they don't even try with other guys.
I agree with this... I said as much before about the territory days and indies, it's a much, much better learning tool than anything the PC can do because they simply cannot do it you can't teach experience you get from working in so many places and so much and with very most of the home grown talent don't have it, unless you're a Kurt Angle sort you need to work a lot more matches than what talent in NXT typically gets before being called up. Some eventually get better on the road when they get to the main roster just because they're working so much more.In my opinion it is the "WWE style" that hurts people.
A good performer, knows their strengths and their weaknesses.
In the indys they get to have alot more input on matches and even character.
Now that beings said, WWE brings in a bunch of garbage too just based on looks and some shit you just can't polish.
The trainers, they know the WWE style, and they know the style they were good at but the WWE has to have the last word and it is rare that they allow input at the early level.
In fact, everything I have seen and read tells me that they try and break that out of you (unless you are one of the chosen).
I miss the days of the territories.
The indys are still alot like that, and which is why it is great to see Marty or the Bucks or Ospreay show up at ROH, or a Brit show, or some show over in California, and then at a New Japan show.
Talent gets to do their thing and it is about 30 minute-50 minute matches of laying it all out there instead of 7 minutes with two commercial breaks where the commentators spend half of the time talking about other people and other things and not putting talent over.
The problem is , how long can they do it?
Sooner or later as has already been introduced you ask why is he not going for Brock and why is Brock not going for him?
Then what?
Which monster moves on?
Which monster is exposed?
What story? Unless it contains some kind of spoilers, then I don't want to know
stolen from the fire pro thread
That shit is weird. It's hitting some notes of uneasiness for me.Decker is all real baby
.According to Sports Illustrated, the deal in place for the Hardys to buy the rights to the Broken gimmick was for between $10-15,000, a non-disparagement clause with Reby Hardy (where she would fined for tweeting negatively about GFW), and a press release announcing the settlement came on good terms. The Hardys balked at the deal when Anthem asked for 50-percent of all revenue, including even on Jeff's music and art.