Kane is the only link that can keep this chain together.And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain.
Chain, keep us together.
Kane is the only link that can keep this chain together.And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain.
Chain, keep us together.
Kane is the only link that can keep this chain together.
Suffering is knowing that to get the pay off from the Angle story you're going to have to wait till the end of the third hour to find out.
that's why you just watch youtube highlights the next day
or you just read about it here when people complain about it
thats how i watch wwe
or you just read about it here when people complain about it
thats how i watch wwe
or you just read about it here when people complain about it
thats how i watch wwe
or you just read about it here when people complain about it
thats how i watch wwe
I mean, it already happened, assuming you're comfortable with Sami wearing a mask and hitting people with a brainbuster on the top turnbuckle.Sami vs Kota could've been a real thing. A special thing.
That would get 5 minutes on Smackdown
hey seph, can i get a best bout machine shirt on my GWF dude
I feel like I'm rather plain
or do only champions get merch
hey seph, can i get a best bout machine shirt on my GWF dude
I feel like I'm rather plain
or do only champions get merch
Watching WCW Beach Blast 93 for the first time. Already loving it.
You could always rep the new "Big Sexy" Browny t-shirt - available now from!hey seph, can i get a best bout machine shirt on my GWF dude
I feel like I'm rather plain
or do only champions get merch
your wish will be granted
In Dec all I wanted out of 2017 was the Dark Tower movie to be cool and good
2 weeks and no hype away, it's confirmed to not even be 96 minutes long with credits
Dragon Ball references remind me that I've finally concluded, after 7 months worth of episodes shown on Adult Swim, that Dragon Ball Super is absolute fucking self-referential ironic hipster bullshit trash and the animation is ugly too.
Dragon Ball references remind me that I've finally concluded, after 7 months worth of episodes shown on Adult Swim, that Dragon Ball Super is absolute fucking self-referential ironic hipster bullshit trash and the animation is ugly too.
Dragon Ball references remind me that I've finally concluded, after 7 months worth of episodes shown on Adult Swim, that Dragon Ball Super is absolute fucking self-referential ironic hipster bullshit trash and the animation is ugly too.
The movie is two weeks away?
I didnt even know it was being released this year.
You aren't a true Dragon Ball fan unless you own at least one silk goku shirt.
The royal rumble arc of super airing now is pretty good.
What are your thoughts on GT?
Here's the thing
Dragon Ball Z was always bad
Here's the thing
Dragon Ball Z was always bad
Nappa was a better booked monster heel than anything WWE has done in years
GT is probably more cash-in fanwank than Super is. The show pretty much opens with "hey, remember kid Goku from DragonBall? Guess what, HE'S BACK" not to mention it pulls they "bring back a previous villain" shit even more than Super
I watched roughly half of GT and certainly won't defend the series on the whole.
It's the fourth-wall breaking with the litany of self-references that I dislike. You want to bring back some silly little thing from some long distant episode? That's cool. You want to do that and have the entire purpose be the equivalent of some shitty Twitter user's comment/joke/meme/etc. but said by the characters in the course of the show? Nah, not for me.
Super and the Buu saga episodes both air on Saturday nights, so sometime during the week I'll watch during lunch back-to-back. The difference in presentation is night-and-day: DBZ wants to present itself at face value (jokes are in the course of story) whereas Super wants you to know the makers are totes in on the jokes and are total fanboys k? "Ya let's go hang out with Yamcha" ooooh shit they know people think Yamcha's a joke.
Pls stop with the meta nonsense and just give me an entertainment product. Pls/
No one's going to go see Valerian