Edit: reading through Wreddit and the amount "yeah but the heet " comments are disturbing

Edit: reading through Wreddit and the amount "yeah but the heet " comments are disturbing
Who's worse Lana or Enzo?
People have this werid love for "Heat"
Have you heard Enzo talk?
Del Rio won the largest Rumble of all-time, curtain jerked Mania and lost.Serious question, does anything mean something in WWE at this point? Royal Rumble winner?
Enzo's been wrestling longer since he started training in 2012. Lana's training began in 2016 I'm pretty sure.I am on about purely in the ring
I love how in Lana's first official Smackdown match they already had someone kick out of her finisher.
People have this werid love for "Heat"
I wonder how HHH and Steph feel about such an embarassing and insulting mess. I really doubt either of them are happy about it.
Enzo's been wrestling longer since he started training in 2012. Lana's training began in 2016 I'm pretty sure.
Lana's selling was very bad too. Like she thought if she just kept screaming, people would believe she's in pain.
As an FF7 fan I call this FILTH
WWE deserves to get shit on for hyping up the women's match as historic, but 3/5 of those women are terrible, so I can't seriously expect this match to have ever been remembered down the line. It wasn't any good before the ending either and I can't expect Becky and Charlotte to do everything
I still expect we'll see a proper ladder match down the line that will be remembered historically for it being a good match.
Yeah there is a lot of obvious imagery of Ellseworth grabbing the case with incredible ease and handing it to Carmella in the first historic women's ladder match, and it wrongly puts the heat on him more so her, and there are a lot of viewers who truly believed this to be a historic match... I just wasn't buying that myself so I wasn't too focused on the consequences of the result.
I can see how lots of young viewers and casuals expected something truly historic, but I couldn't ever buy into this being anything other than a corporate marketing event. So WWE deserves the backlash for that, but it felt like very obvious heel booking to make Carmella an undeserving contender this way.
James should have just held the ladder or just pushed Becky off
Enzo's been wrestling longer since he started training in 2012. Lana's training began in 2016 I'm pretty sure.
Lana's selling was very bad too. Like she thought if she just kept screaming, people would believe she's in pain.
I hope Ellsworth cashes in and wins
Fuck it, shit on all the optimists defending this like it'll end good to justify the decision. Go all the way
Kawato has a tag match with Tana against Naito and Takahashi for Kizuna d1.
That's one hell of a learning tree.
Apparently a WWE 2k18 announcement might happen today. That should wash out all those negative WMITB thoughts.
Is the announcement thatthe game will be good?Apparently a WWE 2k18 announcement might happen today. That should wash out all those negative WMITB thoughts.
Nattie, Becky and Charlotte are all great.
Carmella is decent
Only Tamina is anywhere close to terrible
And again the heat isn't on Elsworth either. It's on the company.
Apparently a WWE 2k18 announcement might happen today. That should wash out all those negative WMITB thoughts.
Seth is gonna be on Sportscenter and he's heavily rumored to be on the cover so he'll probably be announcing that.Apparently a WWE 2k18 announcement might happen today. That should wash out all those negative WMITB thoughts.
Pretty sure Nattie sucks.
Carmella is decent and has potential, or at least the presence down like Jinder.
The fans are desperate for women to be taken seriously but this was never the match for that outside of being a first ever.
Those historic moments should come naturally and through good booking.
We really need to see the right women get the focus. Naomi is a hard worker. Becky and Charlotte are A+
Lana is trash. Tamina sucks. Nattie is way worse than what she should be.
Emma is nowhere, Alicia Fox deserves more credit, Nia is too early, Bayley is a mess, Sasha can go, Dana can improve
The roster is too small for this split and we see limited feuds because of it
The heat's on the company but Ellseworth is the one who will feel it on TV. Which will be bad if they cant at least let Carmella get the attention
Who cares about shit were booking. The G1 blocks get announced tonight.
What outsiders are we expecting?
I think Go shiozaki and marufuji
Nattie feels extremely phoney in everything she does.Nattie doesn't suck like at all. Not in the ring anyway.
And disagree that this wasn't the right match. It was great and only getting better before that farce of an ending.
Who cares about shit were booking. The G1 blocks get announced tonight.
What outsiders are we expecting?
I think Go shiozaki and marufuji
Nattie feels extremely phoney in everything she does.
Who cares about shit were booking. The G1 blocks get announced tonight.
What outsiders are we expecting?
I think Go shiozaki and marufuji
Honestly if fans are really upset over the woman's MITB they should just cancel their subs and not re-sub on free trials. It's the only thing WWE will pay attention to.
Apparently a WWE 2k18 announcement might happen today. That should wash out all those negative WMITB thoughts.
Who cares about shit were booking. The G1 blocks get announced tonight.
What outsiders are we expecting?
I think Go shiozaki and marufuji