I think Sasha can be sloppy (but Charlotte's matches recently haven't been that great from I've seen truth be told), but she's definitely in the same tier as both Becky and Charlotte.
Bayley is the one I'm not impressed with, she has Dean Ambrose tier offense.
Look who Charolette has had to work with of late? The SD roster is certainly a step below the Raw roster. In terms of technical ability and being able to carry a match I think Charolette and Becky stand on their own. Sasha, Alexa, Nattie and to an extent Bayley are capable in the ring but neither one has stood out to me as being able to wholly carry a match. Sasha maybe once or twice, but not consistently.
As I said, if the current crop of woman's signings (and Asuka) show up anytime soon in the main event they're going to make the current main roster look bad.
Edit: gif for the new page