I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Welp, guess that solves that whole argument. Fuck you, Microsoft.
I have a legitimately purchased game. It says there is no recourse on the main page.
Should I still try calling them tomorrow? I can obviously provide pictures of my game; no mod/downloaded bullshit, here:
How does it make any sense to ban someone for playing a game a retailer sold early?
EDIT: Honestly, don't even really give a fuck if I have to buy another console. I'll deal. But can I at least get my Gamertag back?
Also, I don't have a receipt. Bought it from a local game shop; they said they'd "ring it out" on launch day. Obviously a bit shady- but far from fucking stealing.
EDIT 2: I think some people coming into the thread late aren't realizing I've been offered a helping hand by a kind member of the community on the first page of this thread. So figured another edit might help. I've been (thankfully) informed I should be unbanned soon, and will update this thread when that happens.
EDIT 3: 11/15/2012 Well, it's been more than a couple weeks since my ban, and more than a week since the game came out, and unfortunately, I'm still banned.
I've been in contact with Stinkles via PM, and last I heard he was still certain I'd be unbanned and that he had passed my info along to the right people.
I know he's extremely busy; but I PM'd him a couple days ago to see if there's any update, and I haven't heard back. I'm sure it's crazy for 343 right now, so I understand; and I'm appreciative of his help. But nevertheless, I was hoping I'd be unbanned within a week or so. I said I'd update this thread, and now seems like an okay time to do so.
Hopefully I'll hear back here soon and I can get an idea of a timetable of when I should see my ban lifted. I'll update the thread if/when I do
Right now I don't know if I should plan on buying any Xbox 360 games on Black Friday...
November 27th update: Well, unfortunately, I don't think this is going to be solved. On the release day, I provided Stinkles with the information he requested, and a couple days later, I was informed my issue had been passed on to the appropriate people. After not hearing back from Stinkles on 11/13, I waited four more days and sent another private message on 11/17. Though, at this point, we were approaching Thanksgiving. I understand many vacations run around this time, and so I didn't want to be a nuissance and push for answers over the holidays. However, at this point, we're nearly three days into the return to the working week, and I still haven't heard back on my PMs from Stinkles. Considering the first PM went out on the 13th, I imagine he's moved on and I'm left hanging. I hate to think that; and Stinkles, if I'm incorrect and there is something working in the background, please let me know and I'd be thrilled to update this thread. I'd much prefer a happy ending
I can certainly understand you're busy, it's just been quite a while since I've heard anything.
Furthermore, at this point, I can't imagine standard customer support being any help at all. We're so far past the launch date, and even further past my inital banning, that I highly doubt any tier 1 or tier 2 rep will give me the time or even fully comprehend the (what I like to think) uniqueness of my case. A shame, really.
I had a good deal of GS credit, and purchased a new Xbox over Black Friday - yeah, yeah, I know... I'm weak and shouldn't have bought it. But I want to play your game, Stinkles! I want to play your game! ... That said, I'll definitely be buying used titles from now on; and you can sure as heck bet I won't be buying any digital games ;p With that said, my end point is that I'd really just like to get my GamerTag name back. If I lose my Gamerscore or friends list or whatever... I can deal. If I can just get my name back, I'd at least have a smile; for what it's worth.
... And for what it's worth, to think that MS thinks I stole my copy... I've been with the series since it released
December 9th Update:
First off - thank you for taking the time to update me. I appreciate it. You're the first person that has actually come back to me with an actual "reason" for my banning. I have yet to receive ANY PMs from anybody since my last update a couple weeks(?) ago.
With that said - and I'm not directing at you, the messenger, but that's a 100% positively bullshit claim by MS, if they're implying "illegitimate" means anything more than "pre-release." The copy I got early and took pictures of on here (and got me banned) is a 100%, authentic, straight-from MS to retail to consumer copy, like any other copy. In no way, shape, or form was it from an illegal download, and ISO, and/or required a modified console or account. I actually take more frustration away from the wording than almost anything else, and that's because, if this is true, every consumer needs to realize...
... MS can, and will deem your copy "illegitimate" for any reason they decide; which in this case, happened to be because I was playing it early.
I could take that same exact copy now, and play it on anyone else's Xbox and there's no way MS would still consider it "illegitimate."
I've traveled three out of the last four weeks for work - I haven't had the time to take further action or even get super pissed about this - I am, it's frustrating as hell; but I said since the beginning I really only cared about my name (which I didn't get), which happens to also mean I'm like the easiest customer to make right with, ever.
Because, remember that the inability to play all your other games on Live, such a console ban blocks you from full (online) access to Arcade titles, patches for buggy releases both past and present, wastes all remaining XBL Gold Time and MS Points, makes all your Avatar Clothes pointless, and makes all your on-line passes wasted.
Take either side you want on the issue - that's fair. Believe it or not, when telling my friends and family about this story and this thread, I always say I can respect the opinions of those that think this is all my fault or that by protecting the store I'm forfeiting my right to recourse. Fair enough. I disagree, but it's an okay stance to take. With all that said, I would like to line out the following, just one last time. 1) The copy is a legit copy, 2) The store got their money, I'm certain 3) The store considered it a sale on launch and MS got their money. It did not "fall off the back of a truck" was it swiped while unpacking or something or come from a shady guy on CL. And, if it's not clear, I did not have a modified console to play it. Like I said, my Word is more important than an Xbox, and so I'm not going to tell on the employee. I do just have to ask, though - if my copy is "illegitimate" - like MS says - what would a receipt have done to make it any less illegitimate? Early is early, right?
I do wish I would have received more communication. I still, like I said earlier in this post, have not received any further communication about my ban. This is my first time getting a "reason" for why I'm banned. If that's the case, fine, so be it. But I should have been updated or this thread should have been updated, so I (and everyone else) could know the reason. I'm irritated that this was quickly cast off as an easy fix prior to launch, which certainly did a fair bit of damage control if you look at the first several pages of this topic. But then once copies were released and the game available, it was no longer solvable. Again, I appreciate the help - I do. But the cynic in me can't help but think "Mmhmm."
Fun fact: For just about anyone, it's not too terribly hard to get early release games. I've done it a few times; but usually just for the copies that I'm extremely excited for. Again, never stolen (heck, a lot of times the stores WILL let you ring out early copies for 3DS games, PS3 games, etc). I know in the next 90 days, Target will screw up at least once or twice (that's how I got OoT 3D early, Walmart will put out a Vita game early (Walmart doesn't register block a lot of Vita games), other big box stores have employees that don't care, and local mom-and-pop shops do this for their favorite customers ALL.THE.TIME. If you happen to live in NY - which I don't - you can find a small handful of stores selling games a few days early for just about any release. And I find it funny, because if you look at my early impressions here on GAF and elsewhere, they were pretty much universally praise for the title. Again - I have like 10+ copies of various Halos on my shelf dating all the way back for more than a decade. I wasn't causing MS any more damage than good PR. But now, it may be very childish.... but I just really want to get their next game early, rip it to shreds, and post spoiler pics everywhere, haha. I know, I know... childish. Probably won't do it. But, I just think it's funny that MS was so hard on me if in the end, all I did originally was help their cause. too bad, really.
Again, thank you for those that supported me. I'll keep an eye on this thread. But for now, I think our story is done. I'll update this thread again if that's not the case.
December 10th Update:
First off, thank you for looking into this, and at the very least giving me a REASON for what the issue is. That said, if this is really their stance; they're a bunch of lying assholes.
I have not ONCE been contacted. I have in no way been "uncooperative" because I haven't even had a chance to be!
Stinkles - prior to launch day - asked for a receipt; he said that a receipt dated on launch day WOULD be sufficient, and I was ASSURED that no retribution would be taken against the store on the receipt. I questioned the ability for such a thing to prove anything; but was told not to worry about it and that is all that was needed. Basically, it seemed, they just needed a "yes, $60 was dropped on this title" kind of proof. I provided a CRISP, CLEAR, LARGE, and LEGIBLE receipt on launch day, mid-afternoon. Nothing on the receipt is blurred. Nothing on the receipt is blocked out. And the receipt is in front of the open copy of the game. To say I Photoshopped it is laughable - what a bunch of shit.
So if they're claiming a picture of an "unaltered receipt is all that is needed for an unban", and that is all, they are LYING. Period.
Since I haven't received a PM, can you please contact me and let me know what, specifically, in this case prevented me from being subsequently unbanned? I feel like there's a larger issue at play here that I am not being informed of.
Also - for the upteenth time - believe what you want, but the game is not stolen. Period. Believe if you want - but it's BS to claim otherwise. Sorry I won't play MS's snitch. And yeah, I bought a new console - not cause I'm guilty and not cause I'm a "moron." I got ~$150 for my banned console and a few games I won't ever play again. It cost me a relatively small amount of cash to get a new console to enjoy my 60+ 360 titles; and I already had Gold cards laying around from last year's BF sales.
I have a legitimately purchased game. It says there is no recourse on the main page.
Should I still try calling them tomorrow? I can obviously provide pictures of my game; no mod/downloaded bullshit, here:

How does it make any sense to ban someone for playing a game a retailer sold early?
EDIT: Honestly, don't even really give a fuck if I have to buy another console. I'll deal. But can I at least get my Gamertag back?
Also, I don't have a receipt. Bought it from a local game shop; they said they'd "ring it out" on launch day. Obviously a bit shady- but far from fucking stealing.
EDIT 2: I think some people coming into the thread late aren't realizing I've been offered a helping hand by a kind member of the community on the first page of this thread. So figured another edit might help. I've been (thankfully) informed I should be unbanned soon, and will update this thread when that happens.
EDIT 3: 11/15/2012 Well, it's been more than a couple weeks since my ban, and more than a week since the game came out, and unfortunately, I'm still banned.
I've been in contact with Stinkles via PM, and last I heard he was still certain I'd be unbanned and that he had passed my info along to the right people.
I know he's extremely busy; but I PM'd him a couple days ago to see if there's any update, and I haven't heard back. I'm sure it's crazy for 343 right now, so I understand; and I'm appreciative of his help. But nevertheless, I was hoping I'd be unbanned within a week or so. I said I'd update this thread, and now seems like an okay time to do so.
Hopefully I'll hear back here soon and I can get an idea of a timetable of when I should see my ban lifted. I'll update the thread if/when I do
November 27th update: Well, unfortunately, I don't think this is going to be solved. On the release day, I provided Stinkles with the information he requested, and a couple days later, I was informed my issue had been passed on to the appropriate people. After not hearing back from Stinkles on 11/13, I waited four more days and sent another private message on 11/17. Though, at this point, we were approaching Thanksgiving. I understand many vacations run around this time, and so I didn't want to be a nuissance and push for answers over the holidays. However, at this point, we're nearly three days into the return to the working week, and I still haven't heard back on my PMs from Stinkles. Considering the first PM went out on the 13th, I imagine he's moved on and I'm left hanging. I hate to think that; and Stinkles, if I'm incorrect and there is something working in the background, please let me know and I'd be thrilled to update this thread. I'd much prefer a happy ending
Furthermore, at this point, I can't imagine standard customer support being any help at all. We're so far past the launch date, and even further past my inital banning, that I highly doubt any tier 1 or tier 2 rep will give me the time or even fully comprehend the (what I like to think) uniqueness of my case. A shame, really.
I had a good deal of GS credit, and purchased a new Xbox over Black Friday - yeah, yeah, I know... I'm weak and shouldn't have bought it. But I want to play your game, Stinkles! I want to play your game! ... That said, I'll definitely be buying used titles from now on; and you can sure as heck bet I won't be buying any digital games ;p With that said, my end point is that I'd really just like to get my GamerTag name back. If I lose my Gamerscore or friends list or whatever... I can deal. If I can just get my name back, I'd at least have a smile; for what it's worth.
... And for what it's worth, to think that MS thinks I stole my copy... I've been with the series since it released

December 9th Update:
First off - thank you for taking the time to update me. I appreciate it. You're the first person that has actually come back to me with an actual "reason" for my banning. I have yet to receive ANY PMs from anybody since my last update a couple weeks(?) ago.
With that said - and I'm not directing at you, the messenger, but that's a 100% positively bullshit claim by MS, if they're implying "illegitimate" means anything more than "pre-release." The copy I got early and took pictures of on here (and got me banned) is a 100%, authentic, straight-from MS to retail to consumer copy, like any other copy. In no way, shape, or form was it from an illegal download, and ISO, and/or required a modified console or account. I actually take more frustration away from the wording than almost anything else, and that's because, if this is true, every consumer needs to realize...
... MS can, and will deem your copy "illegitimate" for any reason they decide; which in this case, happened to be because I was playing it early.
I could take that same exact copy now, and play it on anyone else's Xbox and there's no way MS would still consider it "illegitimate."
I've traveled three out of the last four weeks for work - I haven't had the time to take further action or even get super pissed about this - I am, it's frustrating as hell; but I said since the beginning I really only cared about my name (which I didn't get), which happens to also mean I'm like the easiest customer to make right with, ever.
Because, remember that the inability to play all your other games on Live, such a console ban blocks you from full (online) access to Arcade titles, patches for buggy releases both past and present, wastes all remaining XBL Gold Time and MS Points, makes all your Avatar Clothes pointless, and makes all your on-line passes wasted.
Take either side you want on the issue - that's fair. Believe it or not, when telling my friends and family about this story and this thread, I always say I can respect the opinions of those that think this is all my fault or that by protecting the store I'm forfeiting my right to recourse. Fair enough. I disagree, but it's an okay stance to take. With all that said, I would like to line out the following, just one last time. 1) The copy is a legit copy, 2) The store got their money, I'm certain 3) The store considered it a sale on launch and MS got their money. It did not "fall off the back of a truck" was it swiped while unpacking or something or come from a shady guy on CL. And, if it's not clear, I did not have a modified console to play it. Like I said, my Word is more important than an Xbox, and so I'm not going to tell on the employee. I do just have to ask, though - if my copy is "illegitimate" - like MS says - what would a receipt have done to make it any less illegitimate? Early is early, right?
I do wish I would have received more communication. I still, like I said earlier in this post, have not received any further communication about my ban. This is my first time getting a "reason" for why I'm banned. If that's the case, fine, so be it. But I should have been updated or this thread should have been updated, so I (and everyone else) could know the reason. I'm irritated that this was quickly cast off as an easy fix prior to launch, which certainly did a fair bit of damage control if you look at the first several pages of this topic. But then once copies were released and the game available, it was no longer solvable. Again, I appreciate the help - I do. But the cynic in me can't help but think "Mmhmm."
Fun fact: For just about anyone, it's not too terribly hard to get early release games. I've done it a few times; but usually just for the copies that I'm extremely excited for. Again, never stolen (heck, a lot of times the stores WILL let you ring out early copies for 3DS games, PS3 games, etc). I know in the next 90 days, Target will screw up at least once or twice (that's how I got OoT 3D early, Walmart will put out a Vita game early (Walmart doesn't register block a lot of Vita games), other big box stores have employees that don't care, and local mom-and-pop shops do this for their favorite customers ALL.THE.TIME. If you happen to live in NY - which I don't - you can find a small handful of stores selling games a few days early for just about any release. And I find it funny, because if you look at my early impressions here on GAF and elsewhere, they were pretty much universally praise for the title. Again - I have like 10+ copies of various Halos on my shelf dating all the way back for more than a decade. I wasn't causing MS any more damage than good PR. But now, it may be very childish.... but I just really want to get their next game early, rip it to shreds, and post spoiler pics everywhere, haha. I know, I know... childish. Probably won't do it. But, I just think it's funny that MS was so hard on me if in the end, all I did originally was help their cause. too bad, really.
Again, thank you for those that supported me. I'll keep an eye on this thread. But for now, I think our story is done. I'll update this thread again if that's not the case.
December 10th Update:
Excuse the amount of 'apparently' and 'allegedly'
So, Microsoft want a receipt to prove the game is legitimate. The OP apparently hasn't been able to supply enough proof that the game is legitimate... I believe the implication was he Photoshopped a photo of the receipt or something, possibly to blur out the name of the retailer.
Apparently he's been contacted several times about this, and has been described as being allegedly 'uncooperative'. Without a photo of an unaltered receipt, there is no further action that will be taken, the account and console will remained banned.
That's basically the gist of it, I had a good friend of mine take this on to find out the details, and I'd like to not involve them any further, they did this as a huge favor to me. I'm not sure if any of this information has actually been seen / understood by the OP, but essentially, a picture of an unaltered receipt is what is required for this issue to proceed any further.
First off, thank you for looking into this, and at the very least giving me a REASON for what the issue is. That said, if this is really their stance; they're a bunch of lying assholes.
I have not ONCE been contacted. I have in no way been "uncooperative" because I haven't even had a chance to be!
Stinkles - prior to launch day - asked for a receipt; he said that a receipt dated on launch day WOULD be sufficient, and I was ASSURED that no retribution would be taken against the store on the receipt. I questioned the ability for such a thing to prove anything; but was told not to worry about it and that is all that was needed. Basically, it seemed, they just needed a "yes, $60 was dropped on this title" kind of proof. I provided a CRISP, CLEAR, LARGE, and LEGIBLE receipt on launch day, mid-afternoon. Nothing on the receipt is blurred. Nothing on the receipt is blocked out. And the receipt is in front of the open copy of the game. To say I Photoshopped it is laughable - what a bunch of shit.
So if they're claiming a picture of an "unaltered receipt is all that is needed for an unban", and that is all, they are LYING. Period.
Microsoft is fully aware of all the circumstances in this case. It was fully and properly investigated and reinvestigated. I am not going to comment on this specific case again. However for context, several people who bought legitimate copies of the game very early were temporarily banned, investigated and then subsequently unbanned, appropriately.
That's my last word on this particular case, period.
Since I haven't received a PM, can you please contact me and let me know what, specifically, in this case prevented me from being subsequently unbanned? I feel like there's a larger issue at play here that I am not being informed of.
Also - for the upteenth time - believe what you want, but the game is not stolen. Period. Believe if you want - but it's BS to claim otherwise. Sorry I won't play MS's snitch. And yeah, I bought a new console - not cause I'm guilty and not cause I'm a "moron." I got ~$150 for my banned console and a few games I won't ever play again. It cost me a relatively small amount of cash to get a new console to enjoy my 60+ 360 titles; and I already had Gold cards laying around from last year's BF sales.