No Kebabs were needed to seduce her. Not A, B or C, but someone new that was introduced by a friend.
Congrats man. Keep us up to date!
No Kebabs were needed to seduce her. Not A, B or C, but someone new that was introduced by a friend.
LUV - A Pink (에이핑크Live @ Press Showcase of ' PINK LUV' (ripped from stream)
LUV - A Pink (에이핑크Live @ Press Showcase of ' PINK LUV' (fancam)
I approve the evolution of their image. Positioning themselves to replace SNSD quite well.I still think their music is boring.
Brunette Taeyeon
Yeap, idd...Wow, that GD x Taeyang collaboration is a huge letdown.
Wow, that GD x Taeyang collaboration is a huge letdown.
Definitely liking it more than I did Mr. Ambiguous on first listen. But yeah Don't Be Happy and Peppermint Chocolate are still the ones to beat.
Yeah it grew on me a lot. I think once again I'm preferring the live version to their studio version though.Screw GDYB, this is what you should be watching/listening to:
MAMAMOO - Piano Man M/V
Praise the sun!
Yeah, Piano Man is actually really great. It sounds like an average track from the get-go but once you actually start paying attention to it... holy shit these girls are killing it. Their vocals are seriously on point, there's 4-part harmonies in this song... 4 part harmonies in a fncking K-Pop song! Last time we probably had that was when SES still roamed the lands.
I'm a little worried about their future though, they already have a signature sound and while that's technically great, I'm a little concerned that they might pigeonhole themselves into a niche and won't be able to grow from it like A-Pinkeu.
Edit: Just listened to GDYB...
This shit is hype!
Perfect for the clubs or when you're about fnck shit up.
Otherwise, still a lackluster effort by the two.
RAINBOW(레인보우生Show! - 레인보우의 제주도여행(Rainbow Jeju-do travel)
Featuring Woori looking too damn fine, (seemingly) Jisook's Leica T and five girls with a death wish.
and five girls with a death wish.
The digital single was released today (21st).Mamamoo is pretty good, any dates of the single/album release ?
SM, that background though...
EXID is now #11 on Melon with Up and Down, months later.
That fast rapping brutal as expected, but still... daaaaamn.
Also, last song is by T-ara, not Kara.
EXID is now #11 on Melon with Up and Down, months later.
so good.gif
It gets worse on repeated listensThe Apink song lacks a real hook to pull you in...and Bomi's inability to pronounce V really irks me for some reason. "Vwe" need more Chorong in the song too
Life with a Korean partner, blog post #1
The Korean coffee shop culture is blooming and it doesn't seem it will stop anytime soon. More than a place to relax, catch up with friends or enjoy your favorite drinks, coffee shops became one of the most favorite options to students who wants to find a good place to study. A lot of them seek coffee shops because they cannot properly study at home: their moms, siblings or something else will get in the way. Also, being at home is an easy way to get distracted or falling asleep (like reported by my own friends).
Usually, when couples need to get things done, it's not unusual to see them sitting together at coffee shops and working in their specific assignments. It seems a funny and healthy way to do what you gotta do - You cannot meet for a date, however you can study together. This keeps the stress off, you can take nice little breaks to chat, get shit done and enjoy each others company. Win win.
Yesterday I sat there for roughly 7 hours while she was doing some boring ass Chinese papers that the teacher gave to her class.
So that's your gf then? Hope things goes well, how did you meet her anyway?