Personally, the whole idea of buying a console full price, then selling it later at a loss - at a time when the software library is getting mature and exciting - will always strike me as a bit silly. You did it with Wii U, now you are toying with the idea once again with PS4.
But fine, I'll cut you some slack since you insist you don't have the time and money to keep up. But if that's truly the case, and you have to make a gamer's decision, then I'd have to suggest going with Wii U. It just makes an excellent complimentary platform, simple as that. If you're looking at 2015, just name the number of exciting-looking games on PS4 that you can't get on PC. Then do the same for Wii U. That would be my deciding factor.
If you can avoid selling your PS4, that would ultimately be the better choice. The fact that you're 'frequently' buying/selling consoles suggests that you could make it through your current situation, and save for a Wii U later. As it stands, the exclusive 2015 content for Wii U is impressive alone, and combined with PC... Wow! The only factor becomes time, and it's up to you to find time for your own hobby.