It's also nice for the simple fact that many characters have had a hard time using meter off fast punishes, but this makes it far easier and universal, even if it's not optimal.
Eh, Naaa. I don't have Revelator yet, but I played a good amount of Xrd, and watched most of the Revelator top 8 at Evo. I find myself missing the characterization of much of the game (and some of my time with Ramlethal), but they systems really don't call back to me that much (especially since I know little about the nuances of the latest release).
I really wanna give Dizzy a try (finally, an old character I kinda like to play!), but Revelator's gameplay didn't look like anything so special at EVO. Which is weird, because normally, GG impresses me with such obvious overly-technical stuff that I can see and instantly identify as awesome.
I do wish I got to see something other than basically Johnny, Raven, Milla, and... was there a bit of Zato? Raven seemed like he never did anything specifically impressive, Johnny had wonderful BS that almost made him feel like he belonged in another game, Milla was a more dynamic, well rounded Raven, and Zato... he normally really impressed me on old GG, but I felt meh with what I saw here.
The most impressive player skill part to me was definitely the proper burst baiting, and how into each other's heads some of the players got. That's pretty great to see in every fighter, though. Johnny's MIst-o FINAH unblockables basically got patched right out the game after Evo, right? LoL. Man is it depressing watching a Super used to seal a long combo, and then watch it do the damage of a jab due to scaling and proration...
Dizzy came with a big balance patch, that nerfed Sin to oblivion, as well as made elphelt and Johnny bearable.
The gameplay has a lot of tweaks coming off from Sign. The biggest being chargeable blitz only using 25% meter. I think Xrd shines with the number of options that it gives you, the EVO matches had a clear problem, since it featured most of the same characters that on top of that have "optimal routes" with very little variation, except for a brave Ky player that did his best. But those characters have been patched.
Plus, you KNOW you want that Dizzy. Look at it. Love it. Embrace it.

I'm not giving up on KOF just yet, but can't say i'm enjoying myself with it.
Does shareplay work on the demo ? (to simulate a slightly laggy online ?)