
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release date: March 16 2018
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Platformer
Price: 59,99$ / 59,99€

Welcome back to Dreamworld, where the forces of darkness are running amok again. Join Kirby on his quest to restore peace to the world!
You are not alone this time, though. With a power of friendship, you can throw Friend Hearts at enemies you meet to make them your allies in your quest.
You can befriend many different creatures on your quest, and even better, you can give a Joy-Con to a friend in your living room.

First traditional Kirby-platformed in HD
Local co-op for up to four players
Each stage has hidden Illustration Pieces. Collect them to fill up a puzzle piece with original artwork
You can also use amiibo to earn additional Illustration Pieces
Unsure if you'll like the game? Try the demo available from eShop

Free Dream Friends are added to the game after launch. These packs include ability to befriend characters from legacy titles.
Dream Friend Pack 1
Available March 28th
Includes Rick & Kine & Coo, Marx and Gooey

Metacritic: 74
I don't think HAL is very interested in drastically altering the Kirby formula at this point, and that's perfectly fine.
Whether you’re adventuring through Dream Land with up to three friends or playing with competent AI teammates, Kirby’s ever-rotating group of uniquely powered pals are the real stars of the show here. The creative ways you can combine abilities never gets old, which means there’s great potential for replayability especially with friends. I just wish the final boss battle hadn’t come just as the puzzles were starting to give me a challenge.
Nintendo Life
Kirby Star Allies is a fun, relaxing game that does a good job of showing off what makes the main Kirby series so great. The slow pace, diverse powers, beautiful environments, adorable enemy designs, and light difficulty ensure that this is an enjoyable ride from start to finish. But with that being said, there’s a lingering sense that the developer was a little too keen to play this one safe, and the lack of new ideas may come as a disappointment to series veterans. This is not the Super Mario Odyssey or The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild of the Kirby series, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad game.
HAL Laboratory delivers a brilliant chemistry set of a 2D platformer.

E3 2017 Trailer:
Demo Trailer:
Launch Trailer: